I Love The Smell Of Wednesday Morning


I find myself appreciating my odd day off more and more. The whole two jobs covering six days is for the damn birds. The one and only one benefit is the extra income that this entire escapade has continued to produce. No, I’m still not telling y’all where I work, but I will tell you that @ one place I’m a mechanic and @ the other place I work in a family business. Both jobs provide over 40 hours in 3 days each, yes that is well over 80 hours in a 6 day work week. So, enough about work.

I haven’t been up to much else and for a long time I have been trying to get back in the groove here on my blog. As I looked at it again this morning I see things that I might want to make changes to. First of all, unless someone can figure out how to update my Facebook account without divulging my true identity I would really appreciate it more than words can express, I like my on line status to remain as anonymous as possible. Yes, I know, a handful of y’all know me in real life, and I’m good with that, but I want to keep the list as short as humanly possible. So, if you have cracked the code or now how to do it and want to share, just email me or post a comment to this post. Sadly, I kinda miss Facebook a bit, mostly because I could silently stalk my favourite blogs and people. Unfortunately, people don’t just people anymore, it has to be some sort of social media or one cannot communicate with others. I always knew that wasn’t who I am, but one gets lost or lonely every once in a while.

Time is a commodity with me. Why? Because I have very little to claim as my own. Makes me sound needy doesn’t it? This is the first day in many months that I woke up and didn’t have a “to do list” waiting for me. So I treating today like a vacation day and I plan on fucking off all day long. Yes, greed has taken over and the damn clock and alarms and schedules can go to hell until tomorrow. It gives me a perfect opportunity to read emails, look at my lonely dusty blog, and try to reconnect with you. So, one might get some more blog posts with some stuff I have found laying around. Who knows what kind of trouble I can get into with a free day. Also, for those of y’all that have shown concern for my well-being, I’m still kicking!

I would like to address a sensitive subject for many people. I’ve had more than one debate about the February 14th shooting massacre in Florida. I’m going to give y’all my personal opinion based on upbringing, the way I raised my children, and how society has tried to ruin it all. Save the hate mail, the whining, and the rest of the crazy crap. I’m not going to try to change anyone’s opinion, I’m merely going to be the one to say what I could only hope others think as well, and if not then maybe a little thought should be given to it. First of all, I blame the parents, I do this because I believe there was poor involvement in his entire life. Yes, I have read and listened to his family history and his troubled youth. That exact thing is what everyone blames, he fell through the cracks of society. Every adult or guardian or parent that was supposed to raise him failed. Now there are 17 lives taken and many, many more changed forever simply because he could do it because nobody was paying attention. I don’t blame the school, I don’t blame his friends, and I don’t blame guns. And personally I find this a real shitty opportunity to debate gun control and those people really disgust me as well as disappoint me because they are fucking blood sucking vultures. Now, as the aftermath fades away into history, I can only ask, where were his parents, his guardians, his caretakers, and his family. By tossing his life away they tossed the life away of many others. Why wait until a day murders to protest, how is protesting either side really honouring the lives lost, and why is it now that people choose to use this for a political platform. Fuck you people, bunch of fucking money grabbing shitheads using this and other occasions to push your damn agenda. How do you sleep well at night knowing that you will profit on this, quite simply, you make me fucking sick to my stomach. Want someone to blame, look in the fucking mirror.

I suppose, in the end, I feel frustrated simply because I’m a father of three who spent countless hours in their lives, talking with them, and being a part of their lives in general. We didn’t/ don’t just provide for their basic needs but we also are here emotionally for our children. We are not the model family, but we care about our children and their well-being, we are involved parents because we want to be in our children’s lives, not to control them, but nurture them and love them. It will forever aggravate me watching parents not be parents. Again, we are not the perfect family unit, but we’re family first and foremost. So, be pissed, be mad, and be involved, but try to direct your energy towards positive outcomes instead of trying to change the past. We don’t live in the past, we only have our present to make a difference.  In conclusion, I would like to wish my condolences to the victim’s families, just know there is at least one family out here who sheds tears for your losses.

The older I get the more I tend to not people much because so many people are centered in their own world. My message to parents is to become more than just provider and provide a positive presence in your children’s lives, they deserve it. Yes, I know,  my words will mostly fall on deaf ears, blind eyes, and angry minds. I feel as though I have the lone voice screaming a message nobody wants to hear. So, carry on, get those guns, get people at the school fired, and let the world know that those things are what are important to you.

If you have children, hug them tight and assure them you will always be there for them. I don’t know what to say to people without children other than if someone makes a choice to do something destructive that the person will find a way. Anyway, I’m sure you all have better things to do, so get back to doing it. Until next time……. have a great Hump Day!