I Love It When People Make It Personal


Yesterday morning I was checking out my email when a the subject line of “YOU ARE THE DEVIL SCORPION STING”, written in all caps just like you see, so I had to check this one out. Afterwards, I realized that I should have just deleted it. Normally, when people spew their fucktarded opinions at me I just file it in the ‘ol bullshit bucket, but this one was different, this one had a tone I don’t usually get here. Probably to this cunt’s surprise (yes I called you a CUNT) I will not give out her name or her email ( I have mentioned I have the technology to track back you anonymous hit and run email fuckers right?) because her cuntness doesn’t deserve any free publicity. Here’s what gets me, she follows my blog, follows me on Facebook, follows me in Twitter, follows me on Google+, and follows me on Blogcatalog (under her alias), she has for some time now, and all of a sudden I’m the devil himself because I eat beef and other meat. Did she just start reading the posts or something?

Anyway, the just if her message was explaining how fucking evil and sstanlike I am because I eat the flesh of dead animals. I thought I have discussed all of this shit before, haven’t I? I’ve mentioned that there might be things here that might fucking offend some people, I’ve mentioned that this blog isn’t for everyone who sees it, and I’ve mentioned that I don’t give a flying fuck because I do this damn blog for my entertainment because I get tired of just talking to myself. I van make it simple, if you don’t want to eat meat then don’t eat meat. Personally, I eat meat, the end. I do appreciate the fact that this bitch took the time to include a cool picture with her message and I respect non-meat eaters. Its just not the lifestyle for me or my family.

Do “You” Think Animals Have A Face?


I use the word “you” as a practical way of asking the question because “we” really doesn’t apply in this particular case. Before we begin, eventhough many of you will become offended, it isn’t my actual intent when opening this subject up for a real discussion. I’m not looking to sway any opinions as everyone has their own opinions for their own reasons. I write about this topic today because it has become somewhat of a sore spot with me because of some emails and comments I have received over the last week. Seems people have dug and found newer reasons to give me grief for the way I live my life personally. Through out this post I want y’all to keep referring to the picture at the top of the post. Yes, I understand that only about 2%-3% of the visitors to this blog actually read what has been written, I have learned to accept that fact. Even fewer comment which is why I often refer to my blog as monologuing instead of interactive. With that being said I should probably begin to say what I want to say.

Do “you” think animals have a face was the title to this post because I am curious as to what makes a person say that animals have a face. As you might be able to tell, I don’t think that way. Many times I have looked for the written word of any animal who thinks it has a face or an account where an animal was documented stating it had a face. You know I will always come up very empty handed, no matter what. Having a face is a human thing, we humans tell ourselves and other humans we have a face and maybe even what it looks like here and there. I personally know people who associate animals with having faces and I have asked them why as well. Some people have conditioned themselves into this association for one reason or many reasons. No, I do not try to understand the reasons why and one could say I am real closed minded on the subject. I find it a very bizarre behavior when people refer to animals as having a face.

So, where am I going with this post? Well, I have been getting a borage of comments/emails about how wrong I am for hunting and how wrong I am for being a gun owner. Two opinions I respect and appreciate but also disagree with as well. My reasons are neither your business nor your concern. I don’t need to justify nor defend hunting or owning guns and I will not. I do with my life what I do with my life. I’m not here to have an argument with anyone. I will pass on free advice which can be applied to almost anything in life. If you don’t like it then don’t do it, don’t be around it, and don’t have it in your personal life. But, back to thinking animals have faces and how I am an evil bastard for killing them, cooking them, and consuming then. Since that is what has been said. I won’t be sorry that I am a meat eater, I won’t be sorry I own guns, and I won’t be sorry for hunting. Most of all I will not be sorry if you are offended because of any of it. When I hunt it is to put food on the table and not for a trophy. People who know me in person know this fact and some people who visit here insert their assumptions based on their feelings but not what has been written.

People have faces. Plants and animals do not have faces. I am an omnivore, I enjoy eating bother plants and animals. I refer y’all to the picture at the top now, is it a picture of a human, an animal, or a plant. Since I am the only one who 100% knows then you have to 100% rely on what I know. If you choose not to rely on my words then you will guess and assume you know the answer. My point is simple, y’all want to associate known human elements into to what should be rational thoughts, but pieces of the puzzle are missing. What to do? Indeed. Just remember something for me, guilt doesn’t work because I have nothing to feel guilty about, except for the raspberry filled pastry I had for breakfast, since it is in the forbidden list and off limits to a diabetic like me. I guess my goal is to die happy and not pissed at the world because everyone has a different opinion.

When ten people nicely ask about the picture I will reveal to y’all the truth and the answer.

U.S. Government Shut Down


I know everyone out there has been hearing about the shutdown and here is a look at how a shutdown will work, which parts of the government will close, and which parts of the economy might be affected. So, lets look at what services are going to be affected by the government shutdown as of 01 October 2013. This is only a partial list with short descriptions of each area affected. If you would like more information then I highly recommend doing an internet search or contact your Congressman because asking me won’t yield any more information beyond what you read here. I just thought I would share the information I have read and found with all of you. This is, of course, only about 10% of the information one can find and there is much more “commentary” to be sought out and read. Now that I have went out and read a multitude of information I can tell y’all that I’m real disappointed in our Government and the games they play. Everything the Government does affects you and I at some level or another. Based on that alone it makes me wonder why the American people are treated like dirt when the Government can’t play well together. I hold no political party near and dear to my heart and don’t write this post with a slant towards or away from any particular side. I write this post as an American citizen, a taxpayer, and a father. My concerns go beyond either side wanting to take their toys and go home, my concerns are here because stupid shit like this make us as a country vulnerable and really makes us look stupid in the world’s eye. I know what the world thinks of the United States of America means very little to most people, but I still care.

Federal Employees

  • About 800,000 federal employees are not furloughed and will not be paid. Already hit hard by several unpaid furlough days caused by sequestration this year some workers have begun lobbying to receive back pay in the event of a shutdown. While Congress agreed to retroactively pay them during previous shutdowns, the fractured nature of this Congress makes such a step unlikely.

U.S. Military

  • The military’s 1.4 million active-duty personnel will stay on duty, but their paychecks initially faced a threat of delay. Amid the division, the House passed – and Obama signed – a bill to ensure their checks would still be delivered on time. “You and your families deserve better than the dysfunction we’re seeing in Congress,” Obama said.
  • About half of the Defense Department’s civilian employees are furloughed.

Public Health

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are facing a reduced ability to detect and investigate disease outbreaks. The annual influenza program – the one that tracks the flu and helps people get flu shots – has been shut down. The CDC has also stopped offering its usual assistance to state and local authorities, who rely on the agency for help in tracking unusual outbreaks.
  • The National Institutes of Health will continue to treat patients at its hospital center, but no new clinical trials will begin.


  • None of our live animal cams will broadcast during the shutdown. The cams require federal resources, primarily staff, to run and broadcast. — National Zoo (October 1, 2013)
  • The animals at the National Zoo are being cared for, but the zoo, like all Smithsonian museums, is closed to the public. The live animal cams have been shut down. That’s right, Congress’ inability to reach a deal means no more panda cam, America.


  • NASA will furlough almost all of its employees, though it will continue to keep workers at Mission Control in Houston and elsewhere to support the International Space Station, where two Americans and four others are deployed. The National Weather Service will keep forecasting weather and issuing warnings, and the National Hurricane Center will continue to track storms.


  • Federal air traffic controllers will remain on the job and airport screeners will keep funneling passengers through security checkpoints, though some airports have warned of delays at security. Federal inspectors will continue enforcing safety rules.
  • The State Department will continue processing foreign applications for visas and US applications for passports, since fees are collected to finance those services. Embassies and consulates overseas will continue to provide services to American citizens.


  • Federal courts will continue operating normally for about 10 business days after the start of a shutdown, roughly until the middle of October. If the shutdown continues, the judiciary would have to begin furloughs of employees whose work is not considered essential. But cases will continue to be heard.
  • The US supreme court is scheduled to begin its new term on October 7. In previous government shutdowns, it continued to operate as normal.


  • Deliveries will continue as usual because the US Postal Service receives no tax dollars for day-to-day operations. It relies on income from stamps and other postal fees to keep running.

District of Columbia

  • The city, which does not have autonomy over its own budget, briefly flirted with the idea of using the potential shutdown to make a stand when mayor Vince Gray moved to designate all city employees “essential,” thereby avoiding the cuts in services like libraries that were expected. Some District politicians were willing to go so far as to get arrested over the show of defiance, but on Friday the city’s lawyers approved using a $144m contingency fund to make up the difference when the federal government funds dry up.
  • Weddings, however, are on hold in the city.

Homeland Security

  • The majority of the Department of Homeland Security’s employees will stay on the job, including uniformed agents and officers at the country’s borders and ports of entry, members of the Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration officers, Secret Service personnel and other law enforcement agents and officers. US Citizenship and Immigration Services employees will continue to process green card applications.

Veteran’s Services

  • Most services offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs will continue because lawmakers approve money one year in advance for the VA’s health programs. Veterans will still be able to visit hospitals for inpatient care, get mental health counseling at vet centers or get prescriptions filled at VA health clinics. Operators will still staff the crisis hotline and claims workers will still process payments to cover disability and pension benefits.
  • But those veterans appealing the denial of disability benefits to the Board of Veterans Appeals will have to wait longer for a decision because the board will not issue any decisions during a shutdown.
  • Some key benefits will continue and the VA hospitals will remained open. But many services will be disrupted. The Veterans Benefits Administration will be unable to process education and rehabilitation benefits. The Board of Veterans’ Appeals will be unable to hold hearings.
  • What’s more, if the shutdown lasts for more than two or three weeks, the Department of Veterans Affairs has said that it may not have enough money to pay disability claims and pension payments. That could affect some 3.6 million veterans.


  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development will not be able to provide local housing authorities with additional money for housing vouchers. The nation’s 3,300 public housing authorities will also stop receiving payments, although most of these agencies have enough cash on hand to provide rental assistance through the end of October.


  • The Department of Homeland Security will no longer operate its E-Verify program, which means that businesses will not be able to check on the legal immigration status of prospective employees during the shutdown.

Law Enforcement

  • Although agencies like the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency will continue their operations, the Justice Department will suspend many civil cases for as long as the government is shut down.

Parks & Museums

  • The National Park Service will close more than 400 national parks and museums, including Yosemite National Park in California, Alcatraz in San Francisco, and the Statue of Liberty in New York. The last time this happened during the 1995-96 shutdown, some 7 million visitors were turned away. (One big exception was the south rim of the Grand Canyon, which stayed open only because Arizona agreed to pick up the tab.)

Regulatory Agencies

  • The Environmental Protection Agency will close down almost entirely during a shutdown, save for operations around Superfund sites. Many of the Labor Department’s regulatory offices will close, including the Wage and Hour Division and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (The Mine Safety and Health Administration will, however, stay open.)

Financial Regulators

  • The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which oversees the vast U.S. derivatives market, will largely shut down. A few financial regulators, however, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, will remain open.

Social Security

  • The Social Security Administration will retain enough staff to make sure the checks keep going out. But the agency won’t have enough employees to do things like help recipients replace their benefit cards or schedule new hearings for disability cases.

Visas & Passports

  • The State Department says it will keep most passport agencies and consular operations open so long as it has the funds to do so, although some activities might be interrupted. (For instance, “if a passport agency is located in a government building affected by a lapse in appropriations, the facility may become unsupported.”)


Parts of the information gathered and re-used here today came from The Guardian and was used without their permission. Other parts of information were gathered and re-used today here from the Washington Post and was used without their permission. The pictures were borrowed from the internet using a Google search. As far as everything else, well, I guess that all belongs to yours truly.

Pet Relief @ The Airport? WTF?

See the original image here @ The Huffington Post where I borrowed it from.
“San Diego International Airport doesn’t discriminate against any of its travelers — including the small, furry kind. In addition to the typical men’s and ladies’ restrooms located throughout the airport, San Diego offers bathrooms just for dogs. Located in terminal two, the pet pit stop is decked out with turf, a fire hydrant and a hand-washing station for owners. The airport also has a pre-security pet relief area that’s outdoors and is located between terminals one and two.” (This information borrowed from the story posted by The Huffington Post)
A patron to my blog actually came across this article, thanks TK, since she knows I can’t stand reading The Huffington Post. This article only pushes forward to prove my point of what they consider to be news worthy. But enough about their dumb asses, I just wanted everyone to know I wasn’t making this shit up and to give the original source of the quoted text and the image above.

Now before anyone jumps in and back out of my ass for posting this and offering questions let me first say that I know and understand that these pet relief areas have been created for the thousands of travelers who use service animals. I know this. I also know that in 2009 DOT (Department of Transportation) required that airlines and airports alike provide pet relief areas and the escorts to get to them. As a result, airports everywhere either expanded current facilities or created new areas, most of which are outside, with only a handful being inside. Now, I didn’t know anything about how or why these areas until just a few days ago when I had to do some research so I could stop scratching my head in disbelief. However, I’m still in a bit of disbelief that some airports have put full restrooms for service animals inside terminals. Maybe it is because I believe animals should be doing their business outdoors.

Not to take this totally off track here but aren’t there some other, better, improvements to be made to airports than to install animal restrooms? Yes, maybe you are right, if I needed to travel with my service animal I really could appreciate an animal restroom in the airport I was traveling in. But, on the flip side of all of this it isn’t the case. Not only do I not have a furry pet but I don’t want one either. I guess this makes me a little one sided in my thinking because I don’t see the point in any of it. But, then again, it shouldn’t really matter to me because I don’t fly, haven’t in 14 years. In the end it really doesn’t matter what I think anyway. I was just very surprised when I started reading all the information out there about pet relief areas at airports. My intent here was not to offend anyone with a service animal and also travels thru the airport system, I was merely trying to find out why it is absolutely so important to spend money on interior facilities for dogs at airports. I think I will just leave well enough alone.

Before all you haters start licking your chops at the ways you can e-mail me and jump my ass, just save it because I don’t want to hear it from you. Have your opinion but understand I have my own as well. If you think it is a great idea to have interior pet restrooms than I am extremely happy for you, if you don’t then I am extremely happy for you as well. This post was to describe my utter surprise about a topic I knew nothing about. Our world is full of strange and bizarre shit, in my opinion interior pet restrooms in our nation’s airports hits right there in my own personal top ten. If this is your first time ever hearing about airports providing these indoor facilities then welcome to my club. Want to learn more? Go get your ass on the internet and search for the information before this is all you are getting from me because I am done here.

As a reminder, the picture and the quoted text in italics was borrowed from The Huffington Post from an article they wrote on 17 June 2013 by writer Lisa Miller. I did not have permission to use the picture or the text just in case you were wondering.