Is Jesus In The Hearts Of Strippers?


The following paragraphs were sent to me via email by a young lady I know who wishes her identity remain concealed for the time being. Fair enough. It was not stated where she acquired the story from so I am a little leery posting it, but it is an interesting story which I wanted to share because people have predetermined conclusions about strippers and their lifestyles. In the past I have written about Jesus and God and the role they sometimes play in a strippers mind which were based solely on conversations I had with a young lady from a small church group who wanted to bring strippers into their place of worship. I think this article might have something to do with that group because it all sounds very familiar. This post is generally not something I would touch but since I have some personal experiences I think it will all work out just fine. Let it be known that the opinions held below are not if my own and I neither affirm or decline them since I will remain neutral. However, at the end of the post I will make my remarks and my opinions, neither which will be entirely based in the words written by this person. Its definitely an interesting point of view, so please enjoy.

“Those words, “Jesus Loves Strippers”, written in big, pink, girly letters, graced the front of a little black book small enough to fit in a purse. Inside were the Gospel of John and several testimonies of people formerly in the sex industry who had been radically saved by Jesus. The book lay there conspicuously among the lipsticks, nail polishes, eye shadows, and other goodies we had arranged on the counter for the women to sift through and choose from. The woman who finally chose the book was actually the last person in the dressing room of that strip club I had expected would interact with our outreach team.

“Am I Less Than?” She was rocking some seriously toned arms, had an extremely tough countenance, and was putting off a definite “don’t-mess-with-me” vibe. So when she picked up the book and started asking us questions, I was shocked. She tapped her finger on the word “loves” and boldly and sincerely asked our team, “Does He really? Am I less than to Him because of what I do?” A member of our team swooped in and immediately began telling her about how much God loves her and that He had sent us here to give her that very message. She didn’t know about the Savior because all the Christians she had encountered had joined right along with the world in demeaning her. She was expecting God to do the same.

Up until that point, she had only been met with condemnation from Christians who had chosen to degrade her character right alongside the men in the clubs who exploited her. She didn’t yet know about the Savior who sets us free; the Savior who convicts but never condemns; the Savior who loves her so immensely. She didn’t yet know the Father who created her and saw her as lovely; the Father who longs to be in relationship with her; the Father who longs to bless her; the Father who gave up and sacrificed His own Son so that He could have her as His own daughter. She didn’t know because no one had ever told her or shown her. She didn’t know because all the Christians she had encountered had joined right along with the world in demeaning her. She was expecting God to do the same.

A Better Answer. In rejecting sexual immorality, we have a tendency to also reject people who are enslaved by the spirit of lust and perversion, especially women and girls! Women and girls who are simply trying to survive in a pornified culture. Girls who don’t know the freedom found in Christ because we’ve not offered it to them. Women who look at the Church and see the same degradation found in the strip club. They feel demeaned and vilified for conforming to culture no matter where they turn. It’s completely understandable that they would choose, therefore, to stay within the context of culture rather than seek refuge in the Church. Popular culture is familiar and the Church doesn’t feel at all like a refuge. Christ is stirring His Bride to go after the lost daughters and shower them with His love and honor.

We have to have a better answer than that, and I believe we do! I’m on the front lines of this fight and I must tell you that I am beginning to see a huge shift in the way the Body of Christ is responding to women, and I’m so encouraged by it! Christ is stirring His Bride to go after the lost daughters and shower them with His love and honor. And from what I’ve seen, it works. The same woman who asked us if Jesus really did love her is now no longer working in the sex industry. But more important than that, she found out that, YES! He really does love her.

An Inventory of Our Hearts. I want to invite and urge each of us to take a sincere inventory of our own hearts. Ask yourself these questions:How do I really feel about the so-called “soiled” woman? Do I have God’s attitude toward her? What’s my first thought when I see a girl’s selfie in my Twitter feed that is not quite so G-rated? Do I judge her, or do I have compassion for her?How do I really feel about that promiscuous girl in my class? Do I keep my distance or am I open to God using me to show her His love?These are questions you must answer, because she’s asking you another question. She’s asking you, “Does He really love me?” Here’s a hint: God loves her as much as He loves you. Why not go show and tell her?”

So, what did we think? I like the line that she claims to be on the front lines of the battle. Really, what “battle”? As we all know I do not claim a particular faith and the way the person wrote this based on her beliefs is 75% percent why. To me, in my opinion, it is because of her judgment that she feels the stripper needs saving. Saved from what? Saved from a lifestyle Christians don’t approve of? I think if Christianity, god, and Jesus were all cracked up to be to match all the hype then the minions wouldn’t have to be out recruiting. But, I am probably wrong, I can only see the approach from the outside looking in. There is just so much that pisses me off about this article so I will probably leave it right here and call it the end before anybody gets their feelings hurt. I’m not Christian bashing, its just not the lifestyle for me personally.

Posted From Scorpion Sting’s Motorola Droid Maxx!