The Land Of The (used to be) Free


WARNING: if you are not a passionate American DO NOT read this, as it may cause severe anxiety, but if you are a passionate American who loves and cares for America, you are dared to read everything below. If your eyes have been open then most of this list will be a reminder that we the people have long since been free.

What follows are simple statements of reality, NOT what could be, because in the last few years there has been a paradigm shift in America away from a Republic to a full blown dictatorship with more power being consolidated into the hands of a single individual than any American would have ever believed! So please read, and I invite one and all to challenge yourselves to look around, see the changes, and ask yourself and others, WTF.

What follows is a list of rights and freedoms we can now, by law or by executive order, be denied in the land of the (used to be) free, and circumstances that prevail for the powers that be to enforce this madness. It is not an all-inclusive list, but enough to scare the crap out of any Americans wanting to know what the fuck happened while they were sleeping.

You now have lost your right to assembly through HR 374, giving government the ability to arrest and bring felony charges to anyone engaged in political protests anywhere in the USA! Passed by Congress!

You now have lost your right to free speech through HR 374, giving government the ability to arrest and bring felony charges to anyone engaged in verbal or written political protests anywhere in the USA! Passed by Congress!

The president no longer requires the Senate to approve his Tzars, and can appoint any crony or political ally to any high-ranking government office, with impunity from congressional checks and balances with the passage of S 679. This will allow him to consolidate powers not before even considered due to the relationships he may have with these appointed individuals! Passed By congress!

You no longer have the right to due process in any way, shape, or form if our president or his appointed government officials declare you an enemy of the state through the NDAA rider. There is no longer the requirement for the burden of proof, as you have no due process and can be locked away indefinitely, without the prospects of a trial. Passed by congress!

You can now be targeted for assassination, as an American, by the president or his appointed representatives if for any reason you are deemed an enemy of the state and there again is no burden of proof, and no requirement for due process! Passed by presidential executive order!

The president has made law his power to declare a national emergency, defined by him, and may take over all communications within in the USA, both public and private, for a period of time to be determined by him! Passed by presidential executive order!

The president made law his power to declare Martial law in an emergency, defined by him, with the ability to confiscate all properties, both public and private, including farms and livestock, and force citizens into labor to support this agenda! Passed by presidential executive order!

The government has bought, paid for and staffed over 800 internment centers, built under contract by Halliburton industries, strategically placed around the country, and capable of holding hundreds of thousands of Americans for forced reeducation and relocation purposes, without due process and for an indefinite period of time as detailed in DOD report FM 3-39.40.

Your right to reasonable privacy is gone as, through the patriot act, government agencies may spy on you and collect your personal data with legal impunity, whether it be through social media, phone conversations, internet searches, street lights or high flying drones! You will never be truly alone again in your life!

The government is actively hiring tens of thousands of goons and thugs from the dregs of society to man an internal army called by their soft names, the TSA and Homeland Security. These troops will be armed as well as the best combat troops we send abroad to fight our illegal, imperialistic wars, including battle-proven automatic weapons, hundreds of millions of .40 caliber hollow point rounds (only meant to kill), body armor, armored vehicles and, of course, aerial surveillance! They are currently being stationed across the country at strategic locations such as airports, train and bus stations, shopping malls, checkpoints on major highways and even sports events. So, basically, in any place there is significant gathering or the flow of population!

The Military is in the process of training as many as 40,000 returning soldiers in crowd control and riot termination to be used to augment the internal forces mentioned above, even though this is in direct violation of the constitution, which clearly states the standing army is to be used for foreign conflicts and not against the American people!

Now this list, as short as it is only shows the surface of the preparations being made to enslave and subjugate the American population. Are you fucking angry yet? Are you comfortable with the changes?

The struggle for liberty may cost you a lot, BUT, doing nothing WILL cost you EVERYTHING else you hold near and dear.

Please remember, as bleak as this seems, there is hope, because regardless of their power and preparation, the most powerful force in this country has always been and still remains the 321+ million Americans. Together we constitute an unstoppable force that cannot be silenced. But, you the individual has to want your Country back, until then, everyone remains fucked without lubrication.

Why? Being White Equals Being Racist

I don’t recall a time where I regulated, either people in my actual life or here on this blog, based on race, religion, or political allegiance. It just doesn’t happen. Unfortunately that opens me, personally, as a target. I receive many threats and promises here from people who would like to meet me in person so they could teach me a lesson or two about their personal views on life and what it means to them. For the most part I ride the fence on many issues so I don’t step on people’s toes who have their own agenda to attend to. With that being said, I offer y’all the eloquent wisdom of someone who believes he has the answers and must educate my white ass. Followed by a comment made in reply to his comment. These can be seen in their original beauty at “It’s Your Choice To Unfollow T.S.O.T.S.B.” where I was writing about how people decided to jump ship. Both comments make their point. Unlike many other blogs, unless your bullshit comment is spam, I let it stand for everyone to see and if you happen to spark my interest I will even talk about your comment separately. Anyway, below you will see the original reader comment and another reader’s reply to the comment.


  • Jueseppi B. says:
    October 19, 2014 at 21:01 Edit
    Here’s why your dumbass lost followers, you stupid fuck. YOU are not an American. Your ancestors murdered the true real Americans, who were the Native Americans, and stole this land. YOU, you moronic piece of feces, are an IMMIGRANT. I absofuckinlutely adore when a caucasian muthafuckin idiot, such as yourself, claims America as their own land. Caucasian racist asswipes such as you never worked or earned jack shit in this nation. I am 1/4th Pawnee Indian and MY people own this land, not your Ofay goofy ass. Be very glad all you lost were a few hundred followers. You ain’t fit to carry Barack Hussein Obama’s soiled socks. Now go suck a penis.

And now the reader reply………..

  • Philip Paul says:
    October 19, 2014 at 22:28 Edit
    What percentage of people who called themselves Romans were actually born in Rome smart ass? My Grandfather lived on a reservation as a child, his mother was a full blooded Cherokee. I would dare say that I have Indian blood also so your argument is invalid with me. Being an American is an attitude and a state of mind. So you have one quarter Indian? That would leave 3/4 black if you are as you claim to be in your own words, a Militant Negro, and we all know just how many blacks lived in this hemisphere back in the day, right? Thanks for playing.

End of comment reply.

What’s my opinion? Well let’s begin with what Jueseppi had to say first. Yes, I am white, I cannot claim and/or cling to any of my ancestors being anything but white. I know my identity, it has not been split up and spit back on me as something I can pull out when I feel the urge to explain myself, with me you just get white. Since I wasn’t around back when the western hemisphere and the Americas were being explored I can’t accurately conclude who killed who in order settle the land for future generations of men and women of many races to come. As far as the rest of your rantless bullshit, well, we will just let those be because they speak volumes about you. So, if it makes you sleep better at night calling me a racist because I’m all white, I can live with that, because you have an agenda and I don’t want to fuck that up by disagreeing with you, my gift to you.

Philip Paul asked the ultimate question at the beginning of his reply. I was born in the United States of America, my parents were born here, my grandparents were born here, and my great grandparents were born here. Beyond that, I don’t know what in the fuck my people were up to. Sorry to disappoint you, Jueseppi, but my family was always poor, did all their own work, have always worked for someone else, never owning slaves, never having hired help, never having employees, just doing it all themselves trying to survive. Your blanket assumptions of me are so wrong that it is almost humorous because you, for one, believe all the bullshit you were taught and now preach.

As a nation we are fucked because of people just like you, Jueseppi, who don’t give a fuck about this nation or the where it is headed. I suppose if I were to look at life from the point of view you chose to point out, none of us here in the United States should be proud to be Americans, we should be proud of where our ancestors came from. We should all have hyphenated names like African Americans instead of just being Americans. Its you who wants to have something besides American in your description, maybe you need to hyphenate all of your lineage together to show people your true patronage, we both know that being American is not enough for you, we both know you have no American pride, and your arrogant comment proves you only give a fuck about Jueseppi.

Normally I wouldn’t choose to invite racial bullshit here but Jueseppi had a point to make, he had to prove how white I am and he needed to point out that being white makes me a racist. He does this without proof or knowledge of me or the definitions he hides behind. I support his freedom of speech as he condemned my own. Judge me, prove me wrong, but be sure next time you want to be self righteous in your banter against me that you remember one simple thing, I don’t give a fuck about your opinions.

It’s Your Choice To Unfollow T.S.O.T.S.B.

Let’s talk about numbers in the last 14 hours since I posted “If This Flag Offends You……” last night before I headed to bed. As I laid in bed last night I knew there would be a handful of my regular America haters emailing me. At the time I’m writing this post I would have to gage by the 307 emails specifically cursing me for my words, the 109 people who unfollowed this blog, the 36 people who unfollowed me on Google+, the 56 people who unfollowed me on Facebook, and the 11 people who unfollowed me on Twitter, that my words rubbed some people the wrong way. So be it, I will not apologize for my opinion and if people leave, so be it. I will not apologize for being an American, nor will I apologize for for observing the complete dismantling if America. I have held my tongue for far too long and I see it’s obvious that people are making the choice to continue to look the other way.


Memorial Day 26 May 2014


Our Debt To The

Heroic Men And Valiant

Women In The Service

Of Our Country Can

Never Be Repaid. They

Have Earned Our

Undying Gratitude.

America Will Never

Forget Their Sacrifices.

by: President Harry S. Truman

Onsen (温泉) In The Land Of The Rising Sun


I have been asked numerous times to write about my experiences living in Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun. So, I thought I might start a new series here chronicling how things were while living in Misawa Japan. Yes, it was the United States Air Force that brought me to Japan, but I want to talk about living there and not so much working there. The easiest place for me to start this all off is to tell about certain traditions that I chose to be a part of while living in the local economy. We rented a house deep in the heart of farm country, nothing new for me since I grew up in southeast Texas. The great thing about the location of this house was straight out the back door and across the parking lot there was an onsen (温泉) (public hot bath). This was important because the bath tub in the house was the size of a postage stamp. We were informed of what exactly it was and the traditions around the onsen there locally by our realtor.

My (ex)wife decided that going to the onsen was not something she was going to take part in. My wife was never real keen being naked in front of other people, high school gym and sports classes proved that fact to me years before. Which is strange because she was quite the quiet exhibitionist when it was just her and I out in public places. She was a closet tease to say the very least. However, that is yet another story altogether. We had it explained to us that the onsen setting was not unlike group showers in American high schools or in public and private gyms. Fair enough, seems like the Japanese got the whole keeping clean thing under control because most local neighborhoods had an onsen or three. Not to mention the large resorts that were centered around the very ornate onsens inside them. We were lucky, we lived in billeting (on-base hotel) for close to two weeks because of the snowstorms that had blown through. This time allowed our belonging to meet us in Japan and gave us time to purchase the other furniture we needed. All we shipped were our clothes, a television, a vcr, towels and wash cloths, dishes, pots and pans, a hand-me-down couch, and my king-size water bed.

The day arrived where we took possession of our rental house. It was brand new, one of eight houses built-in this courtyard style block. It was a townhouse, like the rest, we all shared a common “drive” which all of the houses faced with a one car car-port to the side. We were the first people to ever live in the house since it was built. It had a layout we were familiar with which was way different from other houses we looked at. On that same day our belongings arrived and were hastily unpacked by 2 very fast men. Also, the other furniture and furnishings we purchased were also delivered and set up. After some unpacking we needed to go back to billeting to gather our belongings and check out. It never crossed my mind, looking back, to grab a quick shower after such a long day. When we got back to the house she was tired so she laid out on the couch for a nap. I looked in our bathroom for the bath tub, I wanted to soak my cold bones for a while. What did I find? Well, the entire bathroom was a shower basically, if that makes any sense, and in the corner there was a tub created out tile set around three feet into the floor. This “tub” measured 30 inches by 30 inches square. No way to lay out in that tub for sure, it wasn’t happening.

I needed to get cleaned up however, so I told my wife I was going next-door to check the onsen out. It was the 2nd week of January, the temp was about 3 degrees farenheit, the wind was blowing at around 40 mph, and there was close to 4 feet of snow on the ground. I grabbed my wallet, flip-flops, shave kit, my shoes, a towel, walked out back across the parking lot. I had no clue what to do and everything was in Japanese. We lived far enough from the base that they didn’t see too many Americans on purpose. Luckily, the women who was clearing the water and snow from the entrance “showed” me where to remove my shoes, place them in the cubicle, and put on my flip-flops. Then she pointed me in the direction of the lobby. In the lobby there were a multitude of vending machines that sold everything, and when I say everything I mean anything from food, drinks, toiletries, clothes, cars, a date, porn, and tokens to the hot bath of course. I was surprised, the token for the hot bath was the U.S. equivalent to about 65 cents. As soon as my token dropped I heard a grizzly grunt at me who was the man behind me holding his hand out pointing that I should put my token in it. So I did and he then led me the men’s side of the bath house.

It had a typical look to a locker room I guess. Benches to get undressed, sinks and mirrors, and toilet stalls as well. As I was getting undressed I wasn’t sure where to put my belongings so I had to look around like a pervert stalker to see what others were doing. Okay, it’s really simple, place all of it into what looks just like a laundry basket, and then place that into one of the cubicles. I found very fast that I had to get over my trust issues because nothing is secured or locked up. I grabbed my stuff out of my shaving kit and placed it in a small plastic container which I then took with me into the next area, following others as I was unsure of the “process”. Watch and learn right. The next room was the washing area. Reminded me of once when I was in 4H of the washing stations for the livestock. There were three double-sided concrete barriers which had numerous “stations” that included a mirror, a shower head, and the faucet. One sat down on a 6″ tall stool to bath. But watch out, I found out by being smacked in the leg, not to put any body part in the trough that ran at the base of the wall, which served as the drainage that led to a large grate down at the end. Who knew. I had picked a cozy spot right in the middle. I found out later that the desired spots are those at the top of the trough. Lesson learned.

Now, the funny part for you. I’m 6’8″ in the land of the little people, which got me more than one funny or cross look. This place was not built for people my size for sure. Now, it was allot like being at home, I shaved, brushed my teeth, washed my hair, bathed, then rinsed off. I need to mention the water had one temperature, freaking scalding hot. About midway through getting clean a very, very, old man, my guess was he was well over 100 years old, sat next to me. Standing to the rear of him was a young girl, I figured about 16 or 17, completely nude as well, began washing the old man. First thing I noticed is he took out his teeth and handed them to her to clean, which she did with what looked like Lava soap and a brush one would scrub floors with. I’ll admit, she had my attention. I think more so because we were on the all male side of the hot bath so she was quite an unexpected surprise. Perhaps she could see the confusion in my face because she squatted down next to me and began to talk, in great English I might add. She explained she was the great, great grand-daughter of this man, and it was tradition for the youngest to assist the eldest in daily tasks. She also explained that girls up to the age of 19 can assist on the male side and boys up to the age of 13 can assist on the female side. Interesting tidbit of information to say the least.

Nobody, and when I say nobody I mean nobody, paid her any attention whatsoever, except for me it would seem. More out of curiosity than anything really. Here I had only been in Japan for just a few weeks and I already have seen my first live nude Japanese female. I know what you are thinking, and yes she was young, but it was hard not to stare. I got up to go to the first sitting pool which was so hot I sat on the edge with only my legs in it at first, which were turning bright red as I sat there. The girl walked over her grand father to pool I was trying to get the courage to get into and helped him straight in up to his neck. Damn. She then scampered off to do her cleaning. When I forced myself down into the water, which took my breath away, I couldn’t help but to notice she was back. She entered the pool right at my eye level and tended to him. She sat with the old man for a while. I had seen others get out and move to the next pool, so I followed suit.

Now, I only thought the first sitting pool was hot, this one had it topped by at least 500 degrees, but I was able to slither right in because I was already cooking. The men sat in this one for a short period and then moved on. Like a lost puppy I followed them to the next pool. There should have been a sign on this pool, something that reads “Caution. Water Will Melt The Skin From Your Bones. Caution.”, but there was no warning for this Gaijin (外人) (look it up, it was the nickname the Japanese called the servicemen) and I found out the hard way. But, damn, did it feel good after the shock went away. One didn’t sit in this one very long at all. Then, they head to the steam room, a quaint, small room that had a 2 minute egg timer because it was so damn hot. So, in and out it was. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs were on fire, and I wanted to just die right there. Yea, clean up in the sauna please. When I exited the sauna I was basically grabbed by the arm to stop me from walking, I was shown to watch the man in front of me who was in a small “tank” which he was squatted in up over his head in the water. He was out and I was in. One fluid motion until the water covered my head, it took my breath away because it was a temperature just above freezing. Out of there just as fast as I went in. A quick wash off and I was on my way out.

After getting dressed I felt drained of all of my energy and will to live. I don’t think I have ever been that relaxed in my entire life. When I left the dressing room I was guided over to some tables where I was sat down. Soon after I was brought a cup of warm herbal tea and a bowl of some of the blandest noodle soup I have ever tasted. Come to find out, it was ginseng root soup and they weren’t noodles after all. It was to recharge a person, to put a little wang back in your step before you left. It was relaxing and it does bring the energy back. Come to find out it is all included in the price of admission. So far, I’m liking the onsen just behind my house. It was one hell of an experience and became my daily bad habit. I probably went there almost every single day for close to the five years I was there. When I went back home after my first time I really wanted to talk to my wife about it, but she didn’t show an interest or really care because she wasn’t ever going to try it out for herself.

About a year after my daughter was born my parents came to Japan to visit as their big summer trip. This part of the story I have been forbidden to ever tell my mother because, in my dad’s opinion (because he is old-fashioned), he saw things that he should feel guilty for seeing. Anyway, going to the onsen became my everyday, twice a day, habit because everyday that tiny postage stamp size bath tub got smaller and smaller. My dad made the comment that he wished to retire for the evening and was going to get washed up before bed. The look of horror on his face will remain forever priceless when he entered the bathroom and just as fast came out asking where the shower or tub were. So, I explained to him what I knew, well, not everything, but I explained how things were here. You see, he is 6’4″ @ about 265lbs, which makes it hard for him to squeeze into anything. After a brief discussion, we collected our things to head to the hot bath. I gave him one instruction, which was to just follow my lead and follow what I do so he doesn’t embarrass me.

We made the walk across the parking lot, it was fairly warm this time of year so the walk was pretty leisurely to say the least. We went through the “tourist” mode where I had to explain everything in the lobby to him. After 1 1/2 years I have really gotten good at reading Japanese and knew a handful of phrases to always get me on my way. After getting our tokens we entered the area to change out of our street clothes to get ready. Shortly after sitting down to begin the washing of ourselves I get a nudge on my arm from my dad. When I looked over to him he was 12 different shades of red with embarrassment and was holding his wash cloth over his privates. He was showing me that there were young females in the room so I had to go through the ordeal of explaining the traditions and protocols here. He played it off but I could see he was pretty bothered about it all. I remember my first time and after that it became common place, even routine enough where one doesn’t notice it as standing out any longer. We continued with what my routine had become, it really gets shortened to about a 30 minute trip as time moves on because one gets in and gets out. We did sit and have the tea and soup when we were done, sitting there in silence except for one simple command, “never speak of any of this to my mother, not even at her grave”. Unfortunately for my dad, this was his first and last trip to any of the hot bathes in Japan, he decided he could and would make do with the facilities we offered at the house.

Over the years I frequented a large sampling of onsen in my extended local area, my absolute personal favorite was a resort on the edge of town that was very cool. I didn’t go there too much, 3 or 4 times, because it was a fair drive and much more expensive. I was wondering how to explain the one at the resort because it was out of this world. Minecraft players or those familiar with Minecraft will understand better. Imagine taking the elevator down, getting of said elevator, and entering through some very large opaque glass doors. The changing area looked like all the other ones I had seen, pretty basic, but going into the hot bath area was incredible. Imagine opening a door and being in a very dense forest, looking up you see the tops of the trees and the stars in the sky. This place looked like being outdoors the way it was done up, it looked so real it made you touch the fake trees and the walls just to remind yourself you were a few stories underground. It’s just hard to explain I guess, but it throws all your senses for a loop with the big waterfalls and whatnot.

My (ex)wife never went to an onsen the entire time we were living in Japan, however, my daughter went with me on occasion once she started toddling. I learned allot while I was in Japan, beyond the language difference, beyond the cultural differences, and beyond the cuisine differences. Tradition is complex and deep-rooted, everything, and I mean everything when I say everything, had a meaning of some sort. The people I interacted with where I lived locally became to know me all to well. I would get invited to a stranger’s house a few doors down for snacks or people would bring local cuisine or gifts to my house as gestures of our “friendship”. Fortunately for me, I chose to immerse myself in the culture and get to know as much as I could. The hot baths were just the tip of what I would take away from Japan when I left. Ask my (ex)wife and she would only be able to tell you the tourist places we went to go visit. Its sad, but very true, but then again, she never got over being roughly 6600 miles from her mother the entire time we were there.

So, this was interesting and fun for me. It was nice to take a trip back in time to a place I really enjoyed living on the northern tip of Japan. I look forward to writing more of these specific subject related posts about living in Japan. Who knows, maybe I will expand and just write about everywhere I have been. Well, I can’t write about “everywhere” I have been, but I can give some insight about place x and place y without giving away the actual place or why I was there. Everywhere I traveled in the world was a “challenge” in its own special way. Until we meet again, thank y’all for taking the time to read a little bit about my life in Japan.

Onsen, as defined by Wikipedia:

  • Onsen (温泉?) is a term for hot springs in the Japanese language, though the term is often used to describe the bathing facilities and inns around the hot springs. As a volcanically active country, Japan has thousands of onsen scattered along its length and breadth. Onsen were traditionally used as public bathing places and today play a central role in directing Japanese domestic tourism. Onsen come in many types and shapes, including outdoor (露天風呂 or 野天風呂, roten-buro or noten-buro?) and indoor baths. Baths may be either public run by a municipality or private (内湯, uchiyu?) often run as part of a hotel, ryokan or bed and breakfast (民宿, minshuku?). Onsen are a central feature of Japanese tourism often found out in the countryside but there are a number of popular establishments still found within major cities. They are a major tourist attraction drawing Japanese couples, families or company groups who want to get away from the hectic life of the city to relax. Japanese often talk of the virtues of “naked communion” (裸の付き合い, hadaka no tsukiai?)[1] for breaking down barriers and getting to know people in the relaxed homey atmosphere of a ryokan with an attached onsen. Japanese television channels often feature special programs about local onsens. The presence of an onsen is often indicated on signs and maps by the symbol ♨ or the kanji, 湯 (yu, meaning “hot water”). Sometimes the simpler hiragana character ゆ (yu) is used, to be understandable to younger children. Traditionally, onsen were located outdoors, although a large number of inns have now built indoor bathing facilities as well. Onsen by definition use naturally hot water from geothermally heated springs. Onsen should be differentiated from sentō, indoor public bath houses where the baths are filled with heated tap water. The legal definition of an onsen includes that its water must contain at least one of 19 designated chemical elements, including radon and metabolic acid and be 25 °C or warmer before being reheated. Stratifications exist for waters of different temperatures. Major onsen resort hotels often feature a wide variety of themed spa baths and artificial waterfalls in the bathing area utaseyu (打たせ湯?). Onsen water is believed to have healing powers derived from its mineral content. A particular onsen may feature several different baths, each with water with a different mineral composition. The outdoor bath tubs are most often made from Japanese cypress, marble or granite, while indoor tubs may be made with tile, acrylic glass or stainless steel. Different onsen also boast about their different waters or mineral compositions, plus what healing properties these may contain. Other services like massages may be offered. People often travel to onsen with work colleagues, friends, couples or their families.


The Need For Speed Caution Flag


Dale Earnhardt Jr. has a need for speed. The National Guard has a need for the best and brightest that America has to offer. At first glance, a sponsorship with a member of NASCAR royalty and one of the sport’s most popular franchises would be a lucrative opportunity for the National Guard’s recruiting efforts. But five years and over $136 million later, the Guard might consider putting this partnership in reverse. Out of the 24,800 individuals who contacted the military branch directly because of the sponsorship, only 20 were qualified for military service and none of them joined. Earnhardt may be able to go from zero to sixty in a few seconds, but when it comes to recruiting efforts his sponsorship is still in the pits.

Not a single person has joined the Army National Guard as a result of the $136 million spent sponsoring race legend Dale Earnhardt Jr. over the past five years to recruit new members. But the National Guard just keeps doubling down on its bet. They’ve signed on to be a sponsor for Earnhardt’s 2014 season. With a shrinking defense budget, this is one case of spending that might be ready for the caution flag.

Information found for this “Your Tax Dollars @ Work” post was done by using a Google search. Information compiled from multiple public websites & media outlets.

A Dynasty Without A Patriarch


I have spent most of the morning reading what others have been writing about the indefinite suspension of Phil Robertson from the popular A&E reality show Duck Dynasty. If you don’t know who I am talking about or what I’m talking about you just might live under a rock. I admit it, I have been watching Duck Dynasty since it all started out and I will continue to watch it until it gets the axe, but then we have re-runs of course. I was a Duck Dynasty fan before it was “cool” to be a Duck Dynasty fan. The show is right up my alley. That does not mean I align my beliefs, values, or morals alongside the Robertson family, it just means I enjoy the television show for it’s entertainment value. So, back to what I was reading, which fell all the way from the extreme left to the extreme right as far as opinions go. Here is my opinion. As I may not agree with what was being said does not mean I condemn anyone for what was said. When someone does a personal interview one is liable to get some personal opinions, especially from such a colorful family like the Robertson family. Some of could read before there was controversy, some of knew a little bit about the people before the was a show called Duck Dynasty.

Anyway, I was reading an article @ FoxNews which was written in a real entertaining way, which is what sells right, entertainment value. I provided the link without permission and I will not be quoting anything from the article, instead I will be talking about some points from it and from the article which started it all in GQ Magazine. I have read many articles, opinions, and commentaries about this GQ interview. Which, if I really need to mention this fact, is bringing a generous amount of revenue to GQ because everyone who didn’t care a week ago all of a sudden gives a shit and wants to gossip with their opinions. Why? Ratings, revenue, and readership. So why am I writing something about it all? Simply because I have a few words to say. I gain nothing if someone reads this post or if nobody reads this post. I do it just for the sake that I want to say it out loud.

I’m a huge fan of freedom of speech. However, I don’t speak of the kind of freedom of speech that holds no repercussions. We are all responsible for our words and actions no matter who we are. Everyone should be held to the same standard. Are we all held to the same standards? Hell no we are not. If I need to explain that to you then you are really at the wrong blog. A&E has ties with different groups with deep pockets to keep happy. It has zero with keeping the American people happy. What does it matter, in my opinion A&E shot themselves in the foot with this one. The Robertson family will survive with or without A&E and they would probably be better off in life if they just went ahead and ended the relationship. The had their run, both parties literally made an assload of money, and neither one of them needs the other to survive in this presumptuous world. Just remember, just because you are offended does not make you right, it just makes you offended.


The pictures in this post were located using a Google image search. I did not have permission to use either picture which were found publically. As well, the two links provided were placed for reference only, it does not mean I agree or disagree with what was written in them. I also did not have permission to share the links which is why I only talked about them as “articles” and not their content. If you visit them it is your choice, I found them as well using a Google search for the GQ article with Phil Robertson.