Thank You For Being One Of Them!

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Less than three months ago I made the move from to with almost a seamless transition and combination of six complete blogs. Amazingly enough it was the right thing to do at the right time because I really like it here because it is so much easier to use. As well, the WordPress app for Android is super cool and very easy to use, which is good for me because 50% of what I do is done on the go. Anyway, everyone found me once again and all has been going real well, I have no complaints. Well, one complaint, which is I have a hard time keeping up sometimes. There has been grand readership and participation which has been the greatest thing to witness. I watch people joining up to follow The Sting Of The Scorpion everyday and hope that doesn’t stop anytime soon. With an average of over 1000 visitors a month I have to keep up the aggressive pace that I have set. No worries, I have great things planned which I will announce in another post. I’m very happy y’all have been up to the challenge of visiting here so often. Y’all are the absolute best!