Haters Are Lining Up To Hate Me


It has come to my immediate attention, through a variety of “sources”, i.e. email, Facebook comments, Google+ comments, and published post comments, that there is a select handful of people who remain butthurt over almost everything that is posted here or anywhere I post something. I’ve even been shunned from a few places that I called “homes” because I have become unpopular with their own readers. Other bloggers who have requested that I stop providing a link to their blog on my blog because they don’t want the connection any longer. So be it, it has been done. Here is the catch, the deal if y’all will, 97% of it is because of my LACK of involvement in politics, my LACK in voicing my opinion regularly about religion, my LACK of respect for life in general in the animal kingdom, humans included, and the fact that I’m a racist white fucker because I won’t ever pick a side. What can I say, people need racism, racism makes all parties involved money. Furthermore, because I’m a United States Air Force disabled veteran somehow makes me a leech on the American people. I won’t say I don’t care about others problems simply because we live in a society where everyone else’s problems become our own because people fail to take responsibility for themselves or their problems, so we all get to share. I don’t feel I need to pick a side, I choose to be my own person in my life, and fuck y’all if y’all can’t understand that.

So, because I choose, that’s me making a personal choice here, not to get involved in debates happening in the media or on social media sites, that individuals are feeling slighted by me. Because I choose not to jump on board with what I consider to be not relevant in my own life, people want to become butthurt as if I’m doing or saying something by indirectly not doing or saying anything that people have decided to not visit my blog, respond to social media posts I’ve made, and so forth. Do y’all know how low my numbers are? I’m not saying they were high in any regard to begin with since they have always remained on the low side, which is why it humors me that they can go lower. I don’t have thousands of readers on this blog, I don’t have thousands of follower on the social media hot spots, and I’m not blogging for stats, its just for fucking fun. But then again, that was never my goal, it still isn’t my goal. Hell, if I didn’t need someplace special to post my thoughts and opinions I would be done on the internet altogether. I don’t want to talk about politics, we all know everything about politics is fucked up to one side or the other or the other, we all know that this fact will never change in any way no matter who the president will be or is, we all know that the government is in every single aspect of everyone’s life, and we all know if I bitch about what I don’t like that it will still remain unchanged. As well, we all know that I’m not a religious person, this however, does not make me anti-religion. But, in the eyes of many this means I hate religion and/or people who have religion in their lives. Very untrue, I may disagree with you but I don’t hate you. And, apparently the vegans and vegetarians still have a problem with me personally because I like to eat meat and I post regularly about eating meat. If meat isn’t your thing personally then that is fine with me, but I won’t stop talking about so I don’t offend you.

My messages to the world are done here, people come here and find them, I’m not on the street corner holding up traffic to preach to them, they make a choice to come here, then get pissed or bent out of shape because I post something about an alcohol with a scorpion in it, amongst other reasons, but that one was recent so it stands out. Again, I live my own life, perhaps others would be better off if they made that same choice. I will tell y’all a little secret, even if I had zero followers here or anywhere, quit the social network sites, guess what, even if I was the only one reading my posts or viewing my posts ever again, I would be okay with that. That is how I started out and that is how I’m sure I’m going to finish. Let’s talk a little bit about racism and how because I’m white makes me a racist because I don’t get involved in the “discussion”. Sounds stupid when you read it real slow doesn’t it? Because that’s all y’all got, you have me admitting to be white. Suppose that makes me the devil as well. Moving on, why are there so many anti military people in the United States? Why are there so many anti gun people in the United States? Why are their so many anti law enforcement people in the United States? The answer to those questions aren’t even relevant because people in the United States don’t take responsibility for their own actions, they blame someone/something else and expect to be rescued by the very people they openly hate. I have asked it many times before, as a Nation where would we be if we could not defend ourselves or protect our people? Would that make y’all America haters happy? Don’t call me for help for any reason, not even if you bump your toe in the night. One might need to look in the mirror to re-evaluate who the problem really is.

Do I agree with everything that happens in the world, of course not. Do I turn a blind eye to everything happening in the world, of course not. I do, however, pick and choose my battles carefully because bad choices lead to bad decisions. I really could care less about people in general, everyone has their own reasons to define their own existence, to which I’m no different, I just do business differently. I was taught differently growing up. I learned from the hard lessons in life. I learned to take responsibility. How many of y’all can raise your hands and honestly say you take full responsibility for who you are?

I leave you with something that happened over the weekend. At the rear of my Nissan Pathfinder there is a trailer hitch. It’s visible to the naked eye. It’s there because I regularly haul a trailer. I made a trip to Walmart over the weekend to purchase a few things I needed around the house. I was in Walmart approximately 15 minutes, including check out time. As I approached my vehicle I see there is a woman with a small child standing at the rear of it. I opened my door to put my bag inside and this woman begins screaming, not yelling (I’m married so I know the difference) at me wanting to know what I’m going to do about her now bruised shin because she walked into my trailer hitch. I asked her if she was paying attention to her walking path and she became very irate. This is my fault somehow? Well, since it appeared we were engaged in a “domestic dispute” a kind Walmart patron called the police department to report it. Lucky for us there was an officer already at the store because “tis the season for shoplifting gifts for loved ones”. I was told to leave because she made a choice to put her hands on this female officer while explaining I needed to be arrested for her injury. I know, seems pretty far fetched, but the officer walked her to the patrol car, was placed in the back seat, and she returned to inform me I was free to go since we didn’t even know each other. So, what’s my point in sharing this story? It’s simple. Since she wasn’t paying attention where she was walking she walked into my trailer hitch, which I know from personal experience, hurts like a motherfucker, and then she decided to wait for me to come out of the store to verbally whip my ass. Did I mention little miss potty mouth had a small child with her, oh yea, I did. But, she does not blame herself, she blames me. Why? Because some people just aren’t capable of taking responsibility for their own actions, so she had to blame me for having a trailer hitch exposed. Now I’m sure all Y’all trailer hitch hating fuckers are going to rally against me as well. Perhaps the hitch needs a sticker on it so people would pay attention while walking so close to my vehicle. Maybe she was peeking in the back? Anyway, no hard feelings, not even with you being a raging bitch to me, karma works in mysterious ways, so we’re good.
