Tattoos Sometimes Generate Attention


Why do females with tattoos get a bad rap these days? They are associated with “don’t mess with me” bad ass chicks, trashy/skanky girls, and hippie-love-child wannabes. But what if you just want a damn tattoo? Personally, I thought long and hard about permanently tagging myself before I committed to it. There was so much to consider, tattoos being permanent and all, and the last thing I wanted was to regret it after the fact. A tattoo is something permanent when you’ve made a self-discovery, or something you’ve come to a conclusion about…and a strong reminder to live fully in the moment.

Let’s face the reality though, a tattoo on a female is judged differently than a tattoo on a male. But why? Have you ever thought why?  So, let’s break down the pros and cons of the commitment we call a tattoo.

It Will Be On You Forever

The bad: Obviously, a trademark of a tattoo is that it’s permanent, which is part of both its charm and its demise. I know a girl who got an enormous tattoo on her ribcage and half of her stomach. Let’s be real here, people are living pretty damn long these days, which means stupid adages to “live fast, die fun” will be stuck on their torsos for just as long.

The good: Some tattoos are chosen simply for their permanence, such as getting your significant other permanently scrolled across your arm to proclaim your everlasting love, or for someone you lost, a part of your heritage, or something that means a lot to you. If placed in a strategic location, who cares if something important to you is on you forever? That’s the point!


It Will Generate Attention

The bad: Let’s face it, a lot of girls with tattoos are the same people who want people to look at them. Getting butterflies, flowers or dolphins inked in a visible location (i.e. lower back) is just begging guys to stare. Males and females alike will be judging her based on their own preference.

The good: Nothing screams “I am spontaneous and interesting” like a well-positioned, unique and understated tattoo. We humans are curious, we want to see and know everything.

It Is A Work Of Art

The bad: Apparently not all tattoo artists are on the same level. I know a few people who have received bad tattoos and deeply regret them. But even the best tattoos can bleed or fade, leaving your beautiful tattoo looking  like more of an eyesore than eye candy.

The good: We have to admire and love the freedom of expression. What many people forget is that tattooing is one of the oldest and most widely practiced forms of artwork. Also, tattooing an original design onto your body is an unparalleled mode of expression and can be liberating. The uniqueness and value you and others assign to tattoos is the only part that matters.

What Kind Of Reader Visits This Blog?


My favorite question that I get is what kind of readers or visitors am I looking for with the materials that get posted all over The Sting Of The Scorpion. I could joke and say I only want those who are mature enough to handle it to visit, but that wouldn’t be very true. Mature readers are nice, I will give y’all that, but people who best enjoy themselves around here are the ones who have an open mind towards life and don’t take every fucking thing I say so personal. Now, is that too much to ask? I don’t need people to think like me but rather understand that we both are capable of thinking. Just think about it for a little while.

KISS “Monster” Album Review


I have never made it a secret to anyone, on-line or in real life, that I am a diehard KISS fan. Hell, I even spent a fair amount of cash a few years ago just so I could “be” Gene Simmons. I know, I sound like such a wet little girl. I can accept that. I have seen KISS live over the years at least a dozen times, I never passed it up if I could afford it. I have many things signed by all the band members. I have had the opportunity to actually meet Gene Simmons twice in my life, both times in Las Vegas Nevada at different times. Anyway, I enjoy their music and I will always be a support of the band known as KISS. But, we are not here to discuss my secret love affair with the band, I wanted to share my personal thoughts on their latest album, Monster. Everyone will probably not agree with everything I say and all I will tell you is we are all entitled to our own opinion, and this will be mine. I remind everyone I have zero musical background and zero credentials to review or judge a band’s music. Unless you take into consideration that I am a metal fan until I die, always have been and always will be. No, I do not consider KISS to be a metal band, that’s not what I’m saying, I’m just saying I have some kind of hard rock or metal in my ears most of my awake hours so I know what I like and what I think sucks the dingle berries out of a dead rhino’s ass. KISS Monster is not one of the one’s that suck, quite the opposite in my opinion. It may not be their greatest work they have ever performed, but in the top 3 KISS albums in my book. By the way, the artwork above was found on the good ‘ol world wide web and the photo below was taken by me for the specific purpose of this post and one other. The picture below is of my copy of the KISS Monster cd, yes I said cd.

In my opinion there are two kinds of music fans as far as the band KISS goes. People either love KISS or they hate KISS, there aren’t many in-between-ers out there. Sooner or later KISS will be calling it quits leaving us with waste cases like Cyrus and Biebler to carry the torch in the next generation of music. At which point, if those two are the only thing going I might take my own life because there will be nothing to look forward to each day any longer. Everybody in the music industry does one of 4 things to end the careers of band members. First, they were a “one hit wonder” and faded away as fast as they came on the scene. Second, the band breaks up and heads their separate ways. Third, everyone needs to retire at one point or another. And fourth, this one seems to be a biggy in the rock industry, which is an untimely death. My hope for KISS is that one day they just retire. Not all bands can go on forever and that’s great, they had a fantastic run. In my opinion, KISS is one of the most recognizable bands on the planet, known across the genders, known across generations, and known across the races. Not too damn many bands can say they are that “known” world-wide now can they. I can name a few, but the list is short. Anyway, if you already own this cd or downloaded the album somewhere you already know how good it is. For the rest of y’all, you now know what to do. I know, this wasn’t much of a review but it gave me a chance to write about KISS and that is always worth it to me.

00 KISS Monster CD