Taking Time To Make The Time


More often then not I will spend most mornings doing three things, reading emails, reading comments, and visiting an assload of blogs to see what others have been writing while I struggled staying asleep all night. I, like everyone, have the same 24 hours in a day to make the time to do that which I enjoy. Sadly, a downfall of mine, is more often than not, I don’t leave a comment or reply, thinking I will remember to “come back” to finish, and then forgetting. Who else does that? There are times, more often then not, I “walk” away from posts I disagree with because I don’t like trying to sway the opinions of a convinced writer, it’s not my job. Unless, of course, the truth is actually false due to misguidance or misinformation, even then I often let sleeping dogs lie. What good does it do for the tail to wag the dog.

I guess my point is that I need to commit more time to commenting at the time when I am reading and start re-blogging the posts I really like, which I have found exposes us to a wider circle of readers. I just need to figure out how to easily re-blog posts from the Blogger/Blogspot format to mine here at WordPress. Any suggestions? Which reminds me, reading a post this morning I noticed that another blogger feels that blogs are generally not “policed” for content, with that I must personally disagree because I feel under attack quite a bit of the time. But, that’s another post another time. So, get ready for more comments from me on the blogs I follow, I hope we are all ready because it could get ugly fast. I consider it unfortunate that I am brutally honest because many take it as me being over the top rude in more ways than one. I can live with that assumption. I was born with a sarcastic seed within and I have no problem letting it grow bigger day by day. By the way y’all, I enjoy all of the comments that happen here, sometimes it shows me I really am not alone here on the world wide web of life.

Please Re-Blog On Your Blog!


Please, everyone out there, re-blog the following statement onto your blog.

We need to spread awareness before it is too late.

The reason I’ve asked everyone to share this post is because we have all dated, known, worked with, worked for, related to, married to, divorced from, someone who suffers from being a fucking idiot. We all need to understand, being a fucking idiot is real and must be taken real serious. You could be sitting next to a fucking idiot right now. There is still no known cure for being a fucking idiot and unfortunately our sympathies do not help. Sometimes a chunk of 4×4 or other large dense object to the back of the head helps, but not as much as we might think. We can raise awareness right here, right now. Unfortunately, less then 53% of y’all won’t re-post this because you can’t figure out how. I urge y’all to learn and reconsider because we must become aware of all of the fucking idiots on this planet. They need our help. Won’t you please help?
