Welcome To Scorpion Sting’s World!


I was asked once, long ago, long before the existence of blogs, long before the was an internet, long before cell phones and social media, but face to face, what it was like living in my world. I took pause for a minute as I reviewed the contents of the question because I had never before been asked about life in my world so I wanted the description to be true and accurate the first time. To begin with, I am really no different from anyone else, unless you are a useless tool, a fucktards, or one of the sheeple who follow the flock chasing your own tails, then we ate not alike, then we are very different. I have a very simple belief which has served me well my entire life, do the right thing whether someone is watching or not. My world is a place where pride, honor, and dignity are cornerstones that build the foundation which my world stands. My world relies on the brutal honesty which the political correctness police fear and condemn. One thing that has never changed and never corrupted is my very, very low tolerance for bullshit. Bullshit belomgs in my garden not in the mouth that speaks to me.

So what is my world? Its a strange place worth exploring, I recommend getting in, closing the door, buckling in, and enjoy the ride. I take no responsibility if you get hurt while in my world because you knew the risks when you were given a ticket. My world huh? My world, my life, and my rules. Love it or leave it. Remember to eat it every day and definitely remember that everything else just bites. Now, are there any other intelligent questions?