There’s A Monster Behind The Monster


I’m not going to badmouth Monster. Com during this short post, but my resume seems to get found by allot of trolls claiming to have seen it on Monster. Coincidence? Maybe. But, in the defense if the other search engines I have my resume posted to, nobody claims seeing it because they aren’t calling me. Still a coincidence? Makes me wonder.

After dinner tonight I get a call, she saw my resume on Monster, seeing if I’m interested in a consultant position. Me? I couldn’t consult my way out of a torn wet paper bag. She claims my military background is what caught her eye. She thinks I would be the perfect candidate to go into high schools to work with counselers to promote the military as a valuable route. She claims independence from the military, but consults schools on the importance of it as a career. OK, where does my resume say I can do that or has experience doing that? Right, it doesn’t, anywhere. I ended the call with a no thank you.

So why do these dumb fucks keep calling and referencing Monster? Good question. I don’t actually care, I just find it funny that all the bullshiters use Monster as a point if reference. Come on, give me a break will ya. My resume was yanked off Monster tonite, fifteen or so of these bogus calls is enough for me. Just stop calling unless you have a job offer, save the bullshit for my email. Now I’m tired, off to bed.