I Love It When People Make It Personal


Yesterday morning I was checking out my email when a the subject line of “YOU ARE THE DEVIL SCORPION STING”, written in all caps just like you see, so I had to check this one out. Afterwards, I realized that I should have just deleted it. Normally, when people spew their fucktarded opinions at me I just file it in the ‘ol bullshit bucket, but this one was different, this one had a tone I don’t usually get here. Probably to this cunt’s surprise (yes I called you a CUNT) I will not give out her name or her email ( I have mentioned I have the technology to track back you anonymous hit and run email fuckers right?) because her cuntness doesn’t deserve any free publicity. Here’s what gets me, she follows my blog, follows me on Facebook, follows me in Twitter, follows me on Google+, and follows me on Blogcatalog (under her alias), she has for some time now, and all of a sudden I’m the devil himself because I eat beef and other meat. Did she just start reading the posts or something?

Anyway, the just if her message was explaining how fucking evil and sstanlike I am because I eat the flesh of dead animals. I thought I have discussed all of this shit before, haven’t I? I’ve mentioned that there might be things here that might fucking offend some people, I’ve mentioned that this blog isn’t for everyone who sees it, and I’ve mentioned that I don’t give a flying fuck because I do this damn blog for my entertainment because I get tired of just talking to myself. I van make it simple, if you don’t want to eat meat then don’t eat meat. Personally, I eat meat, the end. I do appreciate the fact that this bitch took the time to include a cool picture with her message and I respect non-meat eaters. Its just not the lifestyle for me or my family.

What Happens To The Emails?


Some of my loyal emailers have recently asked what do I do with all of my emails that aren’t spam. Well, allot actually, let me explain. First I get rid of any more spam that snuck through, to include emails using a disposable email address trying to be clever. Secondly, I review the remaining subject lines looking for specifics such as submissions for The Magic Weekend, picture submissions, and other things I would immediately recognize, that is generally 100+ alone. Then, I review the notifications from wordpress, google+, facebook, and twitter. The remaining 50 or so emails are usually complaints or someone bitching me out for some reason or another, these are generally where I get my morning laugh from. Once I have sorted them all then I begin reading everything that has made the cuts. I reply to the one that require replies and either archive or delete the others. And then, sometimes, like today, I share an email which I felt was worth sharing.

We all know I have a few blog-stalkers and haters, but I truly have actual fans as well. There are times a post I have done prompts someone to go the extra step and email me about there thoughts. I generally only get emails I’m English or broken English so life is simple for me, but today I had one in Portuguese which I knew about every tenth word, so I had google translate it for me. The most of the email was questioning why I have never wrote her back, ever, about 15 emails in the last year, and was I mad at her for a particular reason. Apparently I have been deleting her emails assuming they were spam, as 95% of them ate in a foreign language to begin with. She went on to explain that she has repeatedly sent in her Magic Weekend story, including pictures, from her holiday in Florida. Baffled, I replied and asked her to put The Magic Weekend in the subject line and for sure I would get it the next time. About an hour later it arrived, the entire email in English, and an additional short note apologizing for the oversight and any misunderstanding. So, since she waited so long, hers will be the next in line for me to do today. Be looking for it.

In the end all I can do is ask people to use the subject line and it really helps when its in English. No telling how many emails I have dismissed as spam because of this happening. From now on I will look closer before deleting it as spam.

WTF Are You Fuckers Smoking?


For one short moment last night I was close to just shutting this fucking blog down, throwing in the towel, and let the sheeple fucktards move in to take over. It was a momentary lapse in my own fucking common sense to say the very least. If y’all really must know why I created, maintain, and update this blog, its real simple, because Fuck You, that’s why. I hate the fucking question, “what is the focus or purpose of The Sting Of The Scorpion?” Why? Because its impossible to post one motherfucking thing on any topic and not have 100 crawling up my ass bitching and complaining. Go cry to your fucking momma because I don’t give a flying fuck. I do this blog for “entertainment” mostly, it has never been here to please one group of people or another, ever. Even though I attempt to entertain people here with my sophomoric sarcasm there is also a great deal posted about things going on in my own fucking life, some good & some bad, some humorous & some on the more serious side, some that is relevant to many & some that only will matter to me, but all of it is done because I make time to pull my phone out and make time to keep my blog active with new posts. But nooooooo, I get bashed because I’m a sick twisted fucker who belongs in a straight jacket locked up in a tiny padded room. Well, fuck you, I’m not, I’m here posting whatever in the fuck I choose because that is what I fucking want to do when and how I fucking want to do it. You have choices and one if them is to not to click the link which leads you here. Once you are here you have the choice to leave as well if The Sting Of The Scorpion isn’t your fucking cup of tea. Either way, if you stay or if you leave, The Sting Of The Scorpion will still be here.

So, let’s explore what has your panties all wadded up in your cunt this time. If that just offended you then its because you know I am talking directly to you so you can stop guessing in your head who I am pointing out. Its fucking you! First I would like to address the fucknuggets who, so colorfully, addressed a post I did yesterday about my real life backyard hog invaders. Just because I own guns (yes multiple guns) doesn’t mean I wish to hunt and kill everything that walks this planet. Just because I hunt doesn’t mean I wish to hunt and kill everything on this planet. It does mean, however, that I have options, not that I’m an indiscriminate killer of all the cutesy wutsey creatures which roam in the wild. But then again, some of us call some of those humble creatures fucking dinner, sorry to be the one to inform you, but some if us hunt for our food. However, in that particular post I never mentioned hunting the sow hog pictured, I just want to help move it on along, but I will win one way or another because I have options. Don’t hunt? I really don’t care. Don’t eat meat? I really don’t care. Don’t like guns? I really don’t care. I will protect my family and property against man and beast because that is the kind of person I am. Do I speak for everyfuckingbody? Nope, just for myself. Hogs are dirty destructive beasts who cost property owners allot of freaking money every year. I am happy for those of y’all who live places where there aren’t any invasive vermon threatening who you love and what you own.

Yes, in real life, fuck and variables of the word fuck are my favorite words. Yes, my blog tends to reflect directly on how I speak. Yes, I am a grumpy fucking bastard who is tired of people’s bullshit in real life too, this isn’t some fucked up twisted freak show you are watching here, some of it is my life as well. Yes, I know I have my autocorrecting spell checker off since I am the one who knows what I want to say and how I want to say it. Moving on now I would like to address something, that I was told is holy and sacred, my use of church signs over the last couple of days. Boothefuckhoo if you thought they were in “bad taste” because I thought it was a hilarious idea. Did they get your attention? Mission accomplished. Did you find them personally unique to The Sting Of The Scorpion? Mission accomplished. Did the fact that a person who despises organized religion used a church sign to promote his blog throw you a curve ball? Mission accomplished. Were you fucking offended? Well, that’s all on you, maybe you are too sensitive to be here in the first place. By the way, for those of y’all wondering, sometimes I do think that there needs to be a “complete guide” to The Sting Of The Scorpion because many if y’all just do not have the mental capacity to have an open mind about the life we live or the planet we live on or the societies we are a part of because some people choose to have their eyes and ears shut but have their big fucking mouths open. This blog does not focus on organized religion or politics because there is absolutely no desire to vommit up the vile that everyone seems to already be so in tune with. Yes, I stab at the obviously ignorant shit one sees in the news on occasion, but it isn’t a staple here. No, we probably do not share the opinions I might have about our fellow human beings and that’s okay with me because I think you need to have your own opinions and conclusions on people and life. We are individuals for fucks sake.

Now let’s talk about you slimy fucking spammer bitches. Do you know that I delete 200+ bogus spam bullshit comments every fucking morning? No? You thought you were the only one spamming The Sting Of The Scorpion? Wrong. You idiots don’t get it. This is not a porn site. This is not an international dating site. This is not an anti-gun site. This is not an anti-gay site. This is not a skinhead site. We are not interested in the “legal drugs” you have to offer. We do not have any friends or family members whose benefits we wish to seek laundered out of a third world country and all you need is our banking information to make us millionaires. No, I don’t need hints in vaginal freshness. No, I don’t need the next best thing to Viagra or the no name generic drug which I can buy from Mexico or Canada. No, I do not need help finding Jesus Christ. No, I am not going to vote for you. No, I am not seeking help cleaning up the looks of my website. These are just examples of the regular bullshit that the spammers consider relevant to any given post done here. My favorite tho is the multiple ads I get on the prevention and care for the wounds caused by, wait for it………………..scorpion stings! We don’t advertise here, we don’t do this for fame or money, we are here providing all of this at no cost to the reader, its free.

In the end, read/view/skim The Sting Of The Scorpion for whatever your reasons might be at that given moment. Yes, I know this blog is an acquired taste and not everyone will always be happy about it. Oh well, I don’t really fucking care. Y’all come back for some reason and that is enough for me. Oh, as far as the recommendation that I perform a complete overhaul to reformat this blog, y’all can go to hell because The Sting Of The Scorpion will remain as it is and always has been.


Thank You Everyone!


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Reviewing The Lack Of Common Sense

hate-mail-1Before we begin with today’s collection of complaints, suggestion, and requests for me to fall off the face of the planet, I would like to remind readers that if you are “sensitive” to the world around you then The Sting Of The Scorpion is not the blog for you to be reading. One should review the “Disclaimer & General Information” for The Sting Of The Scorpion and when y’all do the first paragraph reads as follows. “The Sting Of The Scorpion and my other pages are personally operated and maintained by me, Scorpion Sting, based on my opinions, beliefs, and observations. While you are at any of The Sting Of The Scorpion blogs I am not in any way responsible for your feelings or if you get offended in any way, since it is your choice to be here. I will discuss a wide variety and scope of many things, both popular and unpopular. Content using adult language, situations, and subjects, implied or outright, can and will be seen here“. Yet, many people believe I need to cater to them specifically. Some examples will be discussed in the paragraphs below.

So, let us begin, let us explore what I find as a complete lack of common sense and a complete lack, by some readers, to be able to adapt and overcome themselves. First of all, I mention this all of the time here, I’m not here to please you. If you get pleased while you are here then that is  bonus for all of us. I write, post, re-post, share, and commentate on a variety of subjects and that is just the way it is around here. Unless you pay the bills or sleep in the bed next to me at night your negative opinions of me and The Sting Of The Scorpion really carry very little weight. But, as always, complaints concern me a bit and “deserve” to be addressed. In the past, I would lay people’s e-mails, home address, phone numbers, names, blogs, websites, and so forth out so others might be able to share something with y’all. But, this isn’t the hall of fame for fucktard pussies. Y’all know who you are, I know who you are, and you should know I really enjoy fucking with y’all. More on that a little later.

Let’s begin with the language I use here. First, what is considered the bad words I use regularly. My absolute favorite word is fuck, it has so many colorful uses. In fact, I felt inclined to write a post on different ways to use the word fuck so people could study up at “How To Use The Word “Fuck” Properly“. Why? Because Fuck – The Only Word That Can Be Used As A Noun, Verb, And Adjective! In the fucking end,  the fucking thing I really fucking like about the English language is that you can fucking put the fucking words “fuck, fucked, and fucking” every fucking place you fucking want. Fuck is a word I use allot because I want to. Deal with it because it probably only gets worse as I get older. For all of y’all newbies I just want to tell y’all to buckle up and hold on, that is the one piece of free advice I offer. Yes, I know I don’t have a Rated G mouth or vocabulary. Yes I know that I’m not Christian ears friendly either. But, the offended fucktards keep coming back which really bewilders me in the end. Why return? Why subject yourselves to the “abuse” that y’all think I spew? Anyways.

Yes, I speak about adoption, my family, my journey, and the history of “ME” in a candid way here. Why? Because it is who I am. I don’t represent anyone in particular, just me and how it has been happening for me. Yes, I know not everyone has a “success story” and many will never know their roots. What do you want me to do, apologize because I was lucky? That’s never going to fucking happen because I have nothing to apologize for. Speaking of which, speaking of apologies, I think the fact that I can speak about my son being a bipolar autistic child openly would be appreciated, but no, this is supposed to be some kind of a dirty little fucking family secret. Well, it’s not, he is our son.

Yes, it’s true, I do talk about religion, God, Christianity, heaven, hell, and sheeple. Are these not all things that surround everyone every single moment of every day? Whether you have these things in your life or not they are still there, everyfuckingday. Yes, I find the fact that there are those who cling to ideas and fairytales that make no sense to me personally a point which I feel I need to write about it. I really don’t give a fuck what your beliefs are or why you have them. However, I do find it humorous when readers tell me I’m going to hell for blasphemous comments I make. Hell? Really? Again we can ask what this “hell” that is spoken of, but no matter what there will never be an answer to what hell is now will there? Who knows, maybe I’m already there if there is a there that is called hell.

Yes, it is correct, I do not have a political orientation. I do, however, know what I do NOT like. Y’all are correct, I don’t like our president, in my opinion he is the pure definition of fraud. Yes, I post different things here reflecting different political opinions. Does this make me a white supremest and a racist? apparently it does because that is the two most popular words I get called. How convenient the president is a black man and now those who disagree with his “politics” are labeled racist. I’m happy he gets your rocks off but that doesn’t mean I need to like watching it happen. I also write and post quite a bit about the government and it’s continuing quest to spent everyone’s money in a fashion which only seems to suit themselves. Yes, I know, it has been going on since the beginning of government, but I’ve only been around for what it has become now. Our government is full of fraud and frauds and I’m not okay with that. For those of y’all convinced that I only see our president as a failure because of his color then you just might need to pull y’all’s head out of the oven before it’s too damn late.

Yes, lately I have been writing about the cunt who is my ex. And? Have some compassion for her and her mistakes? Fuck her, she made her bed and got caught fucking someone else in it. I don’t ask you to walk in my shoes, I just ask that you pull your head out of your ass so you can see that some people are just cunts. Now, don’t get me wrong, I find the soap opera she calls a life very entertaining to say the least. She proves everyday that her status of cunt is well deserved. I have no compassion for her or how her life has turned out, zero.

Over the last couple of months I have welcomed many new followers. Why do they come? No matter, they have decided to follow, I won’t judge them for their lack of taste. Maybe everyone here is just looking for a little “strange” on the side. Speaking of which, I have found that when I re-tell the stories from when I bartended at a full nude strip bar that some people think that some of it is “too much information”. I can’t help it, life is graphic, life is colorful, life has nudity in it, life has sex in it, and life has people in it. I can’t sugar coat life for anybody that’s just the fucking facts. No, I’m not very politically correct, it’s not in my DNA. One more piece of fucking advice, just be who you are, just live your life, get over yourself if needed, pull your head out of your ass if needed, get outside to live life, and remember that somewhere somebody loves you. Other than that, y’all’s e-mails and comments are always welcome here. They may not ever get posted, but they are always welcome nonetheless.

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Not Even Traditions Are Safe From Hate

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Shortly, and I do mean shorty, like within 40 minutes shortly, after publishing Our Family Thanksgiving Tradition the meat eating hunter haters started their barrage of literal crap. I was a prepared because I know their are many people who A) don’t hunt, B) don’t eat meat, and C) think they are better than people who do eat meat and/or hunt or both. I have tried to understand the freakish nature of not hunting, I have explored that subject allot here and in real life as well. I have tried to understand why people who live a meat free life believe that everyone else is doing it wrong. I have tried to consider that when I write about hunting or meat in general that it will not appeal to everyone. I have come to a conclusion bitches, I don’t care what you do in your life, as pathetic as I might think your life is, it is still your life to live, not mine. I have been told by a few friends that by having a blog I open myself up to negative feedback, negative comments, and exposure to negative people. Well, they were right, eventhough I didn’t want to accept that some people are assholes just for the sole purpose of being an asshole. Now, I know my own personal intentions are not to offend people, but I do know that people will go out of their way to be offended because my lifestyle is not theirs. This fact used to concern me and I felt I needed to approach it all with soft gloves all around so everyone would be on an equal playing field. Well, fuck that, fuck it until it bleeds out because the gloves have come off, no more love taps, no more pulling back on my jabs, from this point forward I’m going straight for the juggler. If you don’t like what I say, what I do, how I write, or anything else, be prepared to be splattered all over my blog. Used to be, a big FUCK YOU would suffice. But you bitches are greedy and selfish, you want more, you need more, your over-indulgence has become overly-obvious, and now I plan on turning up the heat hoping you get burnt to a crisp.

One of the latest e-mailers (spammer tracks back to a virus infected website) stated that I needed to blog responsibly. The fucktard went on to explain the I have not been writing responsibly since I invite controversy with every word that is written here. I suppose the fucktard is correct, there are people who, in general, look to be offended. I often remind such fucktards that just because you are offended doesn’t make you right. It doesn’t mean you are wrong either, it just means that you let something I wrote offend you because you look for things to be offend by so you can justify your views. Well, here is my view. Since you made the choice to click the link, no matter where you saw it, and visit here. You might have seen it on WordPress, Blogcatalog, Pinterest, Facebook, or Google+. Those are the 5 places I place a link to updates on my blog. So, since I have to “belong” to each one of those websites and have an account I know I have “members”, “followers”, and “fans”. If you are getting my links then you too are a part of one or more of those five communities. If today, right now, all of my numbers dropped to dead zero I would not close my doors and blow away like dust in the wind. I would continue on, I would continue to do everything the exact same way. Why? Because I have no plans to cater to whiney sniveling crybaby bitches who have nothing better to do with their lives except be on the internet bitching about “content” on somebody’s blog. But, without you, without the grand ol’ fucktard, I would have just a little less to write about because I enjoy exploring the content of e-mails from ill-informed fucktards.


As I stated above, I had one meat-hater in particular try to explain to me that I was a terrible father for teaching my children barbaric traditions and skills. The fucktard goes on to explain that if we choose to eat meat why can’t we buy it at the store like normal people. So much to cover in those two small sentences. Readers here and people in my personal life know that we are hunters in my family. It has been these skills passed down generation after generation that keeps it alive in our family. My children have the choice, if they don’t want to hunt they do not have to. If they wish not to eat the meat provided by hunting, then they don’t have to. But, I doubt you will ever hear those words from my 3 children or my wife. We buy very little from the grocery store and annually we only buy about 5%-10% of our meat from the store. Why? 1) We don’t need to, 2) we have the means not to, 3) hunting to provide food for the year is the preferred way. One doesn’t get more “free-range” or “fresh” then putting an arrow in it yourself. I know the fucktards think all hunters are barbarians, and in a way, you are half right. We, as a family, are not special in any way, but we don’t trophy hunt, we don’t hunt just to kill something, we eat everything we kill. In my family we are bow hunters traditionally, a skill very few people still posses these days. But lets get back to the e-mail and how us killing our food is wrong. It’s wrong because this fucktards doesn’t agree with hunting or eating meat. I have never really understood, not that I’ve tried real hard, how a person doesn’t eat meat. I can see not hunting by people because most people are too big of a pussy to end the life of an animal. In fact, most people are too fucking lazy to hunt because their little life has consumed them in such a way that all other means besides the grocery stores seems to be a little out there in their opinion. Is that breeding? Is that the way they were raised? Is it because of where they live? Is it because they are comfortable in how ass backwards they live their life. Yes, I consider those who don’t hunt but bitch about hunting ass backwards. you wouldn’t be here if your ancestors were pussies and didn’t hunt to provide meat for their family, if they didn’t grow other food in the gardens, if they weren’t able to use an ax to chop wood, or if they didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger to defend the people and things they love and cherish. If they were all fucktards like we have today none of us would be here right now,

So what if we hunt. So what if we eat meat. So what that my children are well equipped to provide for themselves and others. So what that you are too fucking stupid to wipe the bullshit from your eyes so you can see that none of my life has diddlely dick to do with your life. The only way our paths cross is that you are too fucking stupid not to click the link to my blog. I challenge all the fucktards not to click my links, to un-friend me, to un-follow me, and to un-like me, and just move the fuck on. We will miss you, don’t get me wrong, but I want to help you onto the road to recovery. the first step is to admit you have a problem. Say it out-loud right now. I (state your full name) am a fucktard. I am addicted to being a fucktard. I can’t stop being a fucktard because (fill in the blank) and I am willing to take the first baby step right now to recovery so that one day when I reproduce I do not have fucktard offspring. Repeat that 100 times, look at yourself in the mirror while you repeat it over and over. After you have admitted you are a fucktard and you do have problems, then, and only then, can we move forward to help you shed the wool of being a contained sheeple. One day, one day you will want to hear the popping sound of your head coming out of your own ass. You will smell like shit but you will be happy once you stop looking thru your bullshit-o-vision glasses. Join us now, my brothers and sisters, let us take one another’s hand to have a moment in silent prayer. Whoops, that’s taking it a bit fucking far, their will be no fucking hand holding here. Now, do you feel better? No? Well, I can explain that to your simple simon little peanut fucked brain. That pain you feel in the back of your neck is your fucktard stupidity trying to get out, just let it out. When you see that little fucktard hit the floor then stomp on that fucker, smash it, grind it into the carpet, the wipe your shoes on your lilly white curtains and move the fuck on. Farewell fucktards, we are taking it all back. So, buckle up fucktards, hold on, shut, and get ready to be rode like the little bitches you  are!


So, while all of you freaks are enjoying a nice Tofurkey Just known my family will be feasting on a smoked turkey provided my son’s dead accurate shot. I don’t knock the vegans and the vegetarians, they are doing their own thing, which is what we do because that is how we live. Be assured, y’all have your own traditions and we have ours. Yes, they might be different, and yes our opinions may differ about the differences, but in the end, we are all here sharing the bounties of this great planet we live on.

Why So Serious All The Time?


Recently I received an e-mail which asked “How can you continuously besmirch our Lord the savior Jesus Christ?” and that wasn’t all she asked. She asked allot of questions about why I hate everyone and everything. I don’t think I have been asked such specific questions so I wanted to share so I could explore out-loud what I am thinking. Usually I get asked “why?” allot or I get told, in simple terms, “to go to hell” for the most part. People are so judgemental of what others have to say. Granted, I do write about a few sensitive subjects on occasion, like race, adoption, smoking and cooking, sheeple, fucktards, religion, atheists, Christians and Christianity, Jesus and God, the Devil, strippers, alcohol and drinking, disabilities, and so forth, so pick something from “A” to “Z” and I have probably written about it.. I don’t expect everyone or anyone to share in on my personal opinion, if you do then you do and if you don’t then so be it, no hard feelings either way on my part. The only qualifications I have to have my opinions is the simple fact that I’m a human being sharing this planet with many others so I get to see allot from my point of view. So, back to why I’m writing this post.

“How can you continuously besmirch our Lord the savior Jesus Christ?” That’s an accusation and a question all rolled up in one. To be honest, besmirch was a new word to me, not one previously in my limited redneck vocabulary, so I had to look it up to see what it means. Here’s what I found. the definition of besmirch (biˈsmərCH): to damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others or to make dirty; to soil. Now the term continuously: uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent. Now, I’ve looked back in review, over the general contents included in my blog. Guess what I found. Nothing, in my opinion, that would suggest a continuous or even a partial besmirching of anything, in fact there isn’t one single thing that has space on my blog that gets continuous commitment. Now, if you want to talk about what I have had to say about the freaks in The Westboro Baptist Church that’s a different story, I mean, come on, is it normal for a group of people claiming to be Christians doing God’s work to have their website address as “godhatesfags”. Perhaps I’m the only person on the planet that doesn’t think that’s normal. Now, if that is Christian bashing then some of y’all need to check to make sure you are praying to the right idol. So, I’m at a loss with the concerns that I’m besmirching Jesus Christ anywhere ever here on my blog or in person. Just because I don’t believe in God or Jesus doesn’t mean I hate them or that I wish to damage their reputation. When I talk about Christianity in general it is because the “news” is on the radio, the papers, on the internet somewhere, and occasionally the information comes home from church with my wife. Still doesn’t make me a Christian hater. A better description would be a person who chose not to be sucked into Christian conformity.

So, what am I trying to get at here? Not sure, but I hope to have that figured out before we are done here. All I know is that I am a human being just trying to live my life the best way I know how. That’s all I have to offer, no more, no less. I return now with fresh thoughts after an extended lunch hour. I suppose I understand the judgemental nature of the human animal, we tend to judge and assume what we don’t know simply because we have never learned to do it any other way. Meaning? People tend to pick one point and focus on it with such fury that they become blinded by everything else, like the truth for example. I’m comfortable with myself within my own skin, with my thoughts, my actions, my life, and what I write about right here. I don’t hate anyone that I know of, with the exception of my ex-wife who is the queen of evil cunts. Other than my personal thoughts about her, I have no problems with people. I do, however, reserve the right to have an opinion or three about daily observations that I witness on a day-to-day basis. It’s just that damn simple. If, for whatever reason, you or someone you know, falls into the subject, topic, or category I happen to be discussing and you feel it’s like I’m pouring salt into your open wound then that is all on you because all I am doing is talking, I didn’t make what I’m talking a part of your life, you did. So, there you have it. Did it answer all of your questions? I hope not because I wasn’t trying to answer anyone’s questions. Look, I’m just here doing my thing, just living my life, and trying not to be so serious all the time. You should try it sometimes, it’s nice.

Have Better Things To Do In Life


There’s nothing I like better than to be reported to the places that I have accounts or that I’m hosted with on-line. It absolutely amazes me that people don’t remember that they made a conscious choice to visit any number of places I offer like The Sting Of The Scorpion, my Facebook page, my Facebook Fanpage, my Pinterest page, and at Blogcatalog. I have not made it a habit of hiding the fact that if you visit me you might get offended because my pages are for me personally. You might ask why I share then. Why indeed. It’s simple really, I will try to  bring it down to a kindergarten level so the fucktards don’t feel left out. I share because I have found that sometimes people like looking at what I have to offer. I offer and say what most pussies won’t offer or say. Why have an opinion if you don’t express it? I know my opinion really only counts to me and just like assholes, everyone has one. I’m no stranger to getting hate mail from all the people with their panties all wadded up in their asses, nor am I a stranger to complaints because of my content. Sometimes I feel like the fucktard whisperer because I constantly need to remind the general public that if you wish to be here than you wish to accept life on my terms. What are my terms? I say what I want, show what I want, and have the content what I want. So what if I talked allot about the United States Government shutdown. Big deal I talked about the elite politicians, to include President Obama, Congress, and the growing number of people who chose to opt out of Obamacare because they believe the law doesn’t apply to them personally. Fuck them all because they really have lost all relations with what we call the real world. If the truth hurts you that bad then it will really hurt when you actually pull your head out of your own ass. What else?

Well, obviously I have a life I live everyday. It’s not a simple life, but it’s mine and I welcome it everyday with open arms. I’m married, I have children, I have a granddaughter, I have a job, I have private healthcare through my employer, and I am a tax paying American. All of which people want to bitch about. I got a fantastic question a few days ago asking “why is your blog not gay friendly?” What? How does a person answer a stupid question like that? I’m definitely not anti-gay nor do I speak of gay topics here. Why? Simple, it is a subject that is way out of my realm, it’s something I don’t understand, and it’s a subject I don’t try to comprehend. Why? Probably because it’s not an actual part of my life therefore I don’t have much, if anything, to say about it. I know what I do only because I read and watch the news, which are probably the two worst sources of information possible. I was surprised to see all the haters that popped up when I spoke my mind about the band Bearknuckle. Apparently I’m not any kind of authority on rock and roll which makes me stupid. Also, someone mentioned that being from Texas should make me more inclined to knowing country music, not rock music. Tell you what, I listen to whatever music tickles the short and curlies around my butthole. I enjoy music, period. Many times, as I write about you ignorant fucktards, I almost just delete the entire thing because as I read back I realize this has been a waste of my time. I suppose I just like to have a record of the bullshit that makes it through the filters.

What else don’t the fucktard community like about me, let’s see, let me look at the e-mails real quick. Oh, yea, shit, I almost forgot the best things, and by things I mean boobs. How in the hell can people have a problem with me providing information about October being Breast Cancer Awareness month? What in the fuck is wrong with you people? If I feel the desire to do a Public Service Announcement (PSA for the dumbasses) then I will do it. Or was it the style it was done in? Was it the fact that you looked and you liked it? They are just BOOBS! I appreciate boobs, I love boobs, the world would absolutely suck if there were not boobs in it. We need to do everything possible to preserve the precious boobs of the entire planet. I would think the women out there could understand that boobs are important and some of us in the real world understand that. I can speak candidly about breast cancer from personal experiences with family members. Which, if more people donated money to fund the study and research for breast cancer the care wouldn’t be so freaking expensive. It’s a fucking shame that Obamacare has breast cancer, research, and treatment, so low on the totem pole. So, since we can’t always expect the government to wipe our asses, we need private organizations to pick up the slack. In reality, if it weren’t for the private organizations handling it then it wouldn’t be handled. I’m sorry that all y’all saw were girls with nice boobs and didn’t see the message which is your own fucking fault. I applaud Slap The Penguin (STP) for his efforts and messages he put out on the topic of BOOBS as well. It’s nice to know I’m not the only boob lover on the planet. Oh, don’t get me started with how the shit is stacking up about me writing my Bartender Stories because the reasons y’all have for stopping are little more than humorous. I told everyone in the beginning, if the story hits close to home then I have done a good job of telling my story. Strippers aren’t in everyone’s life, I know this, but, some (if not many) of the life situations are very relatable to many people. What else can I say.

I was made aware that some people (term used lightly) have reported me to WordPress, Facebook, and Pinterest for the use of vulgar content. The e-mails I got from each of them only stated that the content was being investigated for being vulgar. In the mean time my accounts may be suspended or even deleted with no notice at any time. Tell you what fucktards, you may get me deleted, but I will re-spawn again and again. I used to try to figure out why pussies feel the need to be disruptive and I came to one single conclusion, the fucktard pussies of the world don’t have a life, it’s that fucking simple. Piss on all the haters. Keep sending me your shit because it is entertaining to read and reminds me why I blog in the first place. Why? To talk about my life and the people in it, not all of those people are fucktards, but that population is growing daily. So, in the end, I invite all you regular fucktards and new incoming fucktards to join in and keep sending me stupid shit about why you personally think I should fall off the face of the planet. Let me offer one simple piece of life advice to those of y’all still confused about what to do every day. Just live YOUR life, go outdoors, meet some real people, and shut off the fucking internet every once in a while. Most importantly, JUST FUCKING BREATHE! Try it with me, 1, 2, 3 ……..in hale ………1, 2, 3 …….. exhale, repeat, repeat, repeat. Feel better? One can’t say I didn’t try to help y’all.

Now A Small Group Of Teachers Hate Me

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Over this past weekend I’m checking my e-mail, one subject line stood out above the rest because the line is usually empty so I get surprises, but this one read “Great Pictures Of Us Enclosed”. After weeding through 56 others which were mostly spam, there were some others that were to go to The Magic Weekend postings, so I had to read those first. So, when I opened the e-mail I started by opening the attachment. Above is the beautiful picture that opened up. This e-mail was sent from, what I will assume to be, personal e-mail address. The e-mailer claims to be a 3rd grade teacher and is writing her e-mail with other teachers from the same local Houston elementary school. She explains that she accidentally stumbled across my shitty blog because she checked out my “About” section on Pinterest. She states that I re-pinned 3 of her pictures and pinned them into my “Texas” board. She likes to look at who is pinning her pins to see if they may have anything of interest to her. I generally do the same thing, I think that is how we all do it, but I won’t assume to know that as fact, just personal experience. She explained that out of my close to 9,000 pins that she found only 7 she would consider re-pinning and 3 of them came from her board originally. She chose not to re-pin any because she didn’t want me to back track to her boards any longer. She considered everything else to be pure garbage. The second way they made it here was because I liked a blog post on a blog her good friend writes. She wasn’t specific on which blog it was but did ask why I would only “Like” an essay post about the declining role of strippers in lives of most adult males living in Houston Texas. She asked why I didn’t have a comment since I write about strippers as if I was an expert. She also stated she believes it was to mock the post, not taking the statistical information seriously. She went on to say that if I had any balls that I would have left a comment. Really, balls? I need balls to leave a comment? Very interesting. Anyway, she tracked back and landed on my blog as well. Apparently they had a small consult and realized, with a small group of teacher friends that they didn’t like me, my blog, anything I post, or anything I supposedly stand for.

They would like to know why I try to use current events to promote my silly little blog since all of the information I post is slanted and disinformation which misleads readers into thinking I actually have a clue about what I’m writing. At every turn I seem to take the opportunity to be dishonest, disgusting, and deceitful to everyone who makes the stupid choice to visit my blog. They think that I give Houston, Texas, and the United States a black eye because I claim to be from them and that I’m proud of them. Wait, a black eye? I wonder if they don’t realize that I have a very small percentage of regular or even part-time readers. If I wasn’t on WordPress, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, and Blogcatalog there wouldn’t be any promoting and nobody would even know I exist as far as having a blog. I try to get my posts out to be read, that much is true. I don’t try very hard though and that is probably why my numbers are low, unless we count the spammers, then I am very popular. She wants to know the “purpose” of my blog because she can’t figure any of it out. Exactly, I have a disorganized blog for a reason and that reason is because I arrange things how I see fit because it suits me perfectly. Purpose? There isn’t one other than using my blog as a platform to talk about this and that, a place for me to place what I find interesting. I do one thing on purpose here, call it my shits and giggles purpose if nothing else. I write in a fashion that gives the grammar Nazi wannabe school teachers something to grade besides schoolwork. I do not spell check or grammar check my posts since I write as if I were talking to someone. Plus, this way is fun because there are so many people out there who can’t wait to point out the mistakes. Does it make me a bad person because I enjoy screwing with someone’s OCD? Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t, y’all decide for me.

I would like to talk a bit about this handwritten note. Who in the hell writes a note out by hand and then takes a picture to attach to an e-mail? Let’s explore my first impressions and what it says to me. First, it means that she doesn’t know how to do that on a computer. Second, she was too lazy to do it on the computer. But, probably she was looking for the impact a handwritten note delivers. A handwritten note says “I took the time to write this note”. Looking at the actual message I would like to remind y’all that the word “hate” is a real strong word with some real definite meaning attached. When someone hates someone/something it usually means it is really personal. Is it personal? Do I offend them that much? Hate, really? Should I just assume that the entire world hates me? Impossible, but a nice thought. I never knew I was known so widely. Almost sounds like a compliment instead of the way she intended it to be insulting. If she would have read around a bit she could have easily figured out that I really don’t care if people love or hate me since that isn’t why I’m here. I’m not here to feed my own ego, I’m here to talk, sometimes seriously and sometimes just for the hell of it. I think finally that the last line is my favorite part of the entire message and I will leave it alone from this point forward. At close to the end of her e-mail she instructs me to not write about any of this on my blog or I can expect more e-mails from her and others. Really? Don’t write about what I want to write about on my own blog? You can’t be serious! How can I make that choice not to write about any of this bullshit? This has been one of the more funny e-mails I have got in a long, long time. The best one to date since moving here to WordPress, hands down, she has no competition. Hell, she didn’t just verbally attack my blog but she verbally attacks me as well. Well, you daffy girls, as you can see, I dedicated a few paragraphs to your silliness and bullshit. I don’t find it a waste of time because I have a feeling at least a few other people in the world will be laughing their asses off as well. It’s because of people just like you who give the grand definition of what a Fucktard really means that I get up every morning motivated to talk about the stupid people I encounter almost every day. Don’t be mad at me because I disobeyed the teacher, be mad at me because I tell the truth. Please do write me again, I enjoy people like you writing me, it puts a smile on my face for the entire day. I can’t thank y’all enough for taking the time to consult one another and send me such a great e-mail and handwritten message. Until next time bitches. For everyone else, remember to eat it everyday!