500 Useless Facts And Trivia!


Warning! This is a long tedious post that is full of useless facts and trivia. The contents below, including the graphics used were provided by Stephanie G. of Houston Texas. She is a long time provider to The Sting Of The Scorpion Blog and a fantastic member of The Scorpion Army. Unfortunately, the source of her information is not been provided at the time this post was created. Just enjoy the damn thing and praise the origins of the contents. That is all, now just get reading.

1) A dog has elbows.

2) At top speed, a dolphin can travel thirty-five miles in one hour.

3) 98% of Japanese are cremated.

4) Concrete is not as strong as a a human thigh bone. Human tooth enamel is stronger than both.

5) A recent medical development will include a small amount of nitroglycerin in the tip of a new Durex condom to stimulate erection during intercourse. The CSD500 condom contains a chemical in its teat, called glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), which is absorbed by the skin and causes blood vessels to dilate.

6) A 6 pound sea-hare can lay 40,000 eggs in a single minute.

7) A colony of moles is known as a labor, in spite of the fact that they’re practically blind.

8) Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down – hence the expression To get fired.

9) Butte Montana has more days each year where the temperature drops below freezing (223 days) than any other city in the lower 48 states in the USA.

10) A Strawberry is not a Fruit.

11) All babies are color blind when they are born.

12) Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

13) 1 in every 4 Americans has been on TV.

14) Ants gather on sidewalks because of the heat and bounty of dropped food.

15) A zebra is naturally white with black stripes.

16) According to an old English system of time units, a moment is one and a half minutes.

17) About 500 movies are made in the US and 800 in India annually.

18) Approximately one-third of the population can’t snap their fingers.

19) A jellyfish is 95 percent water.

20) 300 people report to emergency rooms across the country every day due to rollerblading accidents.

21) Coca-Cola would be green if coloring weren’t added to it.

22) A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.

23) Charles Dickens kept the head of his bed aligned with the North Pole, believing the earth’s magnetic field would pass longitudinal through his body and ensure him a good night sleep.

24) Canadian researchers have found that Einstein’s brain was 15% wider than normal.

25) 1 in 5 of the world’s doctors is a Russian.

26) A woodchuck breathes only 10 times during hibernation.

27) A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.

28) A Snail takes 33 hours to crawl 1 mile.

29) At one time, Australia had a population of 17,800,000 people compared to 162,774,000 sheep [9.25 : 1 ], and New Zealand had 3,400,000 people compared to 57,000,000 sheep [16.75 : 1].

30) Ants will almost never walk through baby powder.

31) About 40% of the world’s varieties of freshwater fish and more than half of the 8,600 species of birds in the world are in the Amazon River basin area.

32) 13% of Americans actually believe that some parts of the moon are made of cheese.

33) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

34) Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

35) Chinese Bird’s Nest soup has one active ingredient: saliva.

36) A crocodiles tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth.

37) Arnold Schwarzenegger began his transition from Austrian bodybuilder into an American film star when he made his screen debut in 1970 under the name Arnold Strong” in Hercules Goes Bananas.”

38) After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear to be pink in color.

39) As anyone who’s seen Fight Club knows, the original method of making soap was by boiling fat and mixing it with lye.

40) 98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.

41) About 70% of all living organisms in the world are bacteria.

42) Based on a new study, the loch ness monster couldn’t be any larger than a 6th grade student if it exists. Using sonar, scientists have guestimated that there’s only enough fish in the lake to sustain a 67 pound creature. Nessie, a cold-blooded creature (if the beast existed), would have to consume 3 times the weight of its body per year to live.

43) A Flemish artist is responsible for one of the smallest paintings in history. It is a picture of a miller and his mill, and it was painted on to a grain of corn.

44) A giraffe’s neck contains the same number of vertebrae as a human.

45) A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein.

46) Americans eat something like 24 million hotdogs every day.

47) A person suffering from polythelia has 3 nipples.

48) Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.

49) Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day.

50) According to a market research survey done some time ago, 68% of consumers receiving junk mail actually open the envelopes.

51) A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

52) Captain Cook was the first man to set foot on all continents except Antarctica.

53) Chances are, if a cat is squeezing its eyes shut, it is either happy or experiencing pleasure.

54) Artificial Christmas trees have outsold real ones every year since 1991.

55) According to the bible, the egg came after the chicken. (Genesis 1:20-22).

56) A human cough has been known to explode from the mouth at sixty miles per hour due to the reflex mechanism.

57) Bruce Springstein’s Born in the USA album was the first compact disc to be pressed in the United States.

58) As a ration in their weekly diet, kids in English hospitals during the 17th century were allowed 2 gallons of beer.

59) Betsy Ross, Jackie Onassis, JFK, and Daniel Boone have all appeared on Pez dispensers.

60) Cancer claims forty victims an hour in America.

61) Camels are born without humps.

62) Captain Kangaroo won five Emmy awards.

63) At the deepest point, an iron ball would take more than an hour to sink to the ocean floor.

64) Bananas contain a natural chemical which can make a person happy. This same chemical is also found in Prozac.

65) A polar bears skin is black. Its fur is actually clear, but like snow it appears white.

66) A hedgehog’s heart beats 300 times a minute on average.

67) Arabic numerals are not really Arabic; they were created in India.

68) A fingerprint is also known as a dactylogram.

69) Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.

70) California consumes more bottled water than any other product.

71) A pound of houseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef.

72) A recent innovation in bandage material has been made that has significantly improved clotting ability compared to gauze bandages. These new bandages contain a mixture of ground shrimp shells and vinegar, a mixture that has been found to clot blood almost instantly. The chitosan in the shrimp shells has a positive charge, while the cells present in blood have negative charges. The negative charge of the cell is attracted to the positive charge of the chitosan. As soon as they touch, the cells fuse to the chitosan and form a clot. Bandages of this type are already in use by the US Military in Afghanistan and Iraq.

73) A flush toilet exists that dates back to 2000 BC.

74) Bulgarians are known to be the biggest yogurt eaters in the world.

75) 35 out of 100 people who take out dating personal ads are either a husband or wife already.

76) Alcohol is added to soap to make it clear.

77) A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.

78) Caligula, the Roman emperor, officially elected his horse to a senatorial position.

79) Canada ( 9 970 610 sq km) is larger than China ( 9 596 961 sq km) which is larger than the USA (9 363 130 sq km).

80) An elephant’s tooth can weigh as much as 12 pounds.

81) A quidnunc is a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip.

82) Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country.

83) Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers were all invented by women.

84) $203,000,000 is spent on barbed wire each year in the U.S.

85) 80% of 10 year old girls in the U.S. go on a diet.

86) A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.

87) Apples are more efficient than caffeine in waking you up in the morning.

88) About twenty-five percent of the population sneezes when they are exposed to light.

89) Cher’s last name was Sarkissian. She changed it because no one could pronounce it.

90) Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds; dogs only have about ten.

91) Bananas grow pointing upwards.

92) Barnacles on ships are not plants, but animals.

93) A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years.

94) A snail can sleep for 3 years.

95) A woman’s orgasm releases strong endorphins, making it a powerful pain reliever (no more using a bad headache as an excuse not to have sex).

96) A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn’t give her coffee.

97) Broccoli and cauliflower were derived from cabbage.

98) By the time you’re 70 you will have lost half your taste buds.

99) An Elephant has the world’s largest penis, weighing about 27 kg.

100) At the Great Exhibition in 1851, the ‘Crystal Palace’ contained 57.7 square miles of glass.

101) A Czech flight attendant once fell 33,316 feet and survived.

102) Blue whales can produce sounds of more than 185 decibels, which is nearly twice as loud as a jumbo jet at takeoff.

103) Certain species of dinosaurs swallowed rocks to assist in digestion.

104) Ammonia is the active ingredient in smelling salts.

105) Almonds are a member of the peach family.

106) 85% of the guys who die while having sex are cheating on their wives.

107) Before Wilma met Fred Flintstone, her last name was Slaghoople. Before Betty met Barney Rubble, her last name was McBicker.

108) All polar bears are left-handed.

109) An adult giraffe’s tongue is 17 inches long.

110) All coffee is grown within 1,000 miles of the equator.

111) At the foothills of Mt. Fiji in Japan–an area known as the Aokigahara Jukai (The Sea of Trees)–a tourist can visit the number one suicide place in Japan. At last count, 78 bodies had been found there (their ghosts are said to haunt the area, forever cursed). Officials have actually placed signs there warning of the illegality of committing suicide in the forest.

112) An electric eel produces an average of 400 volts.

113) 75% of the chemical energy contained in petrol is wasted by a combustion engine.

114) Americans spend over $272 million every day ordering products through mail order.

115) After publishing his famous dictionary, Noah Webster rewrote the bible, replacing all the words he considered were naughty”.

116) A group of frogs is called an army.

117) Average wait in the waiting room of a doctor’s office: 20 minutes.

118) Chameleons can move their eyes in two directions at the same time.

119) A day on Jupiter is about 9 hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator.

120) After snails mate, they both lay eggs.

121) About 55% of all movies are rated R.

122) Blondes have more hair than dark-haired people do.

123) An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

124) A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.

125) By subtracting any side of a die from seven, you get the number on the exact opposite side.

126) A headless cockroach can survive 9 days before starving to death.

127) Between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney collected thirty-five Oscars.

128) Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.

129) A decoction of dandelion roots and leaves is an old remedy for dissolving urinary stones and gravel.

130) Buckingham Palace in England has over six hundred rooms.

131) Coconuts kill about 150 people each year. That’s more than sharks.

132) Abraham Lincoln’s ghost is said to haunt the White House.

133) A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.

134) Buckingham Palace has 602 rooms.

135) A moth has no stomach.

136) 0.3% of all road accidents in Canada involve a Moose.

137) Dalmatians are born without spots.

138) Between the time of death and the onset of rigor mortis in a human body, the contraction of the muscles can cause the body to turn over on its side.

139) A housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F.

140) A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h.

141) An average human drinks about 16,000 gallons of water in a lifetime.

142) About 14% of injecting drug users are HIV positive.

143) By the numbers, twenty-three million cats will reside in United States this year.

144) A chameleon’s tongue is twice the length of its body.

145) Americans use over 16,000 tons of aspirin a year.

146) A Czech man, Jan Honza Zampa, holds the record for drinking one liter of beer in 4.11 seconds.

147) 96% of a cucumber is water.

148) Children grow faster in the springtime.

149) A coat hanger is 3ft. 4 inches long when unraveled.

150) An ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.

151) A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

152) A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

153) A clock that loses a half an hour per day will show the correct time again in 24 days.

154) Coca-Cola contained Coca (whose active ingredient is cocaine) from 1885 to 1903.

155) 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

156) Americans favorite smell is the scent of banana.

157) All of the significant major pyramids were built over a time period of about 200 years. A new one was well underway before the previous one was completed. It amounted to keeping a more or less constant work force busy the year around for the 200 years.

158) A python is capable of devouring a pig whole.

159) A pound of sugar weighs more at the bottom of a water tower than at the top. A year at the bottom of the tower is also longer than a year at the top. Thank you Einstein.

160) At the age of 12, Martin Luther King became so depressed he tried committing suicide twice, by jumping out of his bedroom window.

161) 130 million cups of coffee are consumed every day in the United States alone.

162) About 10% of Jewish households have Christmas Trees.

163) Americans are responsible for about 1/5 of the world’s garbage annually.

164) A total of 382 kg of rock samples were returned to the Earth by the Apollo and Luna programs.

165) Atilla the Hun is thought to have been a dwarf.

166) Columbia University is the second largest landowner in New York City, after the Catholic Church.

167) Blonde facial hair grows faster than darker hair.

168) C-4 is a very stable product, well known for its durability and reliability. It will not explode even if hit by a bullet, punched, cut, or thrown into a fire (in Vietnam, soldiers actually burned C-4 as an improvised cooking fire). The only reliable method for detonation is via a detonator or blasting cap.

169) Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, also set a world water-speed record of over seventy miles an hour at the age of seventy two.

170) At the age of 33, Richard II (king of England from 1377-1399) died from harsh imprisonment and was placed in a tomb with a hole in the left side so that people could touch his head. In 1776, 376 years after his death, his jawbone was stolen.

171) A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate.

172) Actress Sarah Bernhardt played the part of Juliet (13 years old) when she was 70 years old.

173) A large meteorite fell in Leicestershire on 24 December 1965. Weighing over 100 pounds it is probably the largest to have fallen in Britain in modern times.

174) Conception occurs more in December than any other month.

175) Celery actually contains less calories than those expended eating and digesting it.

176) Coffee is second only to petrol in largest trade volumes on the planet.

177) Burt Reynolds is a Cherokee Indian.

178) A house in the United States catches on fire every 45 seconds.

179) About 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30.

180) A man will ejaculate approximately 18 quarts of semen in his lifetime.

181) Coffins which are due for cremation are usually made with plastic handles.

182) Anyone in England who reaches the age of 105 will receive a telegram from the Queen or King on every birthday.

183) Beijing boasts the world’s largest Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant.

184) A pound of potato chips costs 200 times more than a pound of potatoes.

185) An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged.

186) Bulls can run faster uphill than they can (or want to) downhill, because of the bone structure of their legs.

187) 3.9% of women don’t wear underwear.

188) About 96% of all American children can recognize Ronald McDonald. Far less can point out the president in a photo.

189) All the kings in a deck of cards have moustaches except for the king of hearts.

190) Cats see so well in the dark because their eyes actually REFLECT light. Light goes in their eyes, and is reflected back out; their eyes actually work as built-in flashlights.

191) A hippopotamus can open its mouth large enough to accommodate a four foot tall child.

192) 4% of what you spend on any given product goes to pay for the packaging.

193) A shark must keep moving forward to stay alive.

194) By age 60, most people have lost half of their taste buds.

195) A human sheds a complete layer of skin every 4 weeks.

196) Cast iron skillets used to be the leading source of iron in the American diet.

197) California has issued 6 drivers licenses to people named Jesus Christ.

198) Cats cannot taste sweet things.

199) Bob Dylan’s real name is Robert Zimmerman.

200) A typical person uses the bathroom six times per day.

201) An average person laughs about 15 times a day.

202) Acne is not uncommon among Chinese Crested canines.

203) Cherrapunji, India is the wettest place on the planet.

204) According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the largest alcoholism rate in the United States is in Reno, Nevada. The lowest is in Provo, Utah. Utah has the lowest rate by state, while North Dakota has the highest. France leads the world in highest by country, Luxemburg for beer alone.

205) China is as far away as a person can get from any ocean.

206) A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 70 km/h in 2 seconds.

207) As per a 1845 British statute, trying to kill oneself was a supreme offense, punishable by hanging.

208) 59 tons of the Berlin wall have been shipped to the U.S. since November 1989 by a company from St. Louis.

209) 15 million blood cells are produced and destroyed in the human body every second.

210) Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

211) An animal epidemic is called a epizootic.

212) Chocolate chip cookies represent one-fourth of all cookies made in the U.S.

213) 315 entries in Webster’s 1996 dictionary were misspelled.

214) Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth I’s mother, had six fingers on one hand.

215) A roman numeral’s value is increased a thousand times by placing a line above it.

216) C3PO is the first character to speak in Star Wars.

217) An active mole can dig a tunnel spanning 300 feet in only one evening.

218) America’s first nudist organization was founded in 1929, by 3 men.

219) A honeybee can fly at fifteen miles per hour.

220) A polar bear’s skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually clear.

221) A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.

222) Barbara Millicent Roberts? A.K.A. Barbie (as in Ken and Barbie).

223) Betsy Ross was born with a fully formed set of teeth.

224) A mayfly has a life span of 24 hours.

225) An elephant can be pregnant for two years.

226) By the numbers, 437 questions are asked by a 4-year-old per day.

227) Barbie’s full name is Babara Millicent Roberts.

228) Although George Washington selected the site for the White house, he was the only president who never lived there. It was first occupied in 1800 by John Adams.

229) A standard deck of cards contains 87 diamonds and 42 eyes.

230) 99% of the solar systems mass is concentrated in the sun.

231) Cats’ urine glows under a black light.

232) 33 percent of the news stories that you read quote an unnamed source.

233) Americans eat over 250,000 pounds of lobster each and every day.

234) Cats were a sacred animal in Ancient Egypt, and when they died, people shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of respect.

235) An eighteenth century woman used only lard to wash her face and hands and lived to the age of 116 .

236) A mosquito has 47 teeth.

237) Cats have no facility for tasting sugar.

238) 25% of a human’s bones are in its feet.

239) Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the western Pacific.

240) Canada is the only country not to win a gold medal in the summer Olympic games while hosting.

241) Adolf Hitler was Time’s man of the year in 1938.

242) Camels chew in a figure 8 pattern.

243) All the sturgeon (the fish from which we get caviar) caught in British waters are property of the Queen.

244) Chimneys used to be cleaned by dropping live chickens down them.

245) 1,200 college students streaked at the same time in Boulder, CO in 1974.

246) A person would have been hard-pressed to find a single pony in the old Pony Express; they were all horses.

247) 90% of the Vitamin C present in Brussels sprouts is lost in cooking.

248) Although it’s only 2% of our body weight, the brain uses 20% of all oxygen we breathe, 20% of the calories we take in, and 15% of the body’s blood supply.

249) Between plane crashes and donkeys, the latter claim more lives annually.

250) 80% of burglaries are committed by people aged 13-21.

(You’re halfway there if you’re needing a restroom break or cigarette.)

251) 17th president Andrew Johnson was the only president to sew his own clothes.

252) A duck’s quack doesn’t echo, and no one knows why.

253) A large whale needs more than 2 tons of food a day.

254) A blue whales heart only beats nine times per minute.

255) Alektorophobia, the fear of chickens, would be strange, if not for the fact that they are the closest living descendants of tyrannasaurus rex.

256) Butterflies taste with their feet.

257) A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, while a dime has 118.

258) Beneath the dome on Monticello (Thomas Jefferson’s mountaintop Virginia home) lurks a billiards room, which was illegal in Virginia in Jefferson’s day.

259) A new McDonald’s restaurant opens ever six hours in the world.

260) A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brothers first flight.

261) Cuba is the only island in the Caribbean to have a railroad.

262) Charlie Brown’s father was a barber.

263) Actor Val Kilmer grew up on Roy Rogers’ ranch.

264) A dog’s sense of smell is one of the keenest in nature. If a pot of stew was cooking on a stove, a human would smell the stew, while the dog could smell the beef, carrots, peas, potatoes, spices, and all the other individual ingredients in the stew. In fact, if you unfolded and laid out the delicate membranes from inside a dog’s nose, the membranes would be larger than the dog itself.

265) Christopher Columbus was a blond.

266) 28% of Africa is classified as wilderness. In North America, its 38%.

267) A healthy (non-colorblind) human eye can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.

268) Approximately 1 out of 25 people suffers from asthma.

269) A convenience store is robbed every fifteen minutes in the United States.

270) A word or sentence that is the same front and back (racecar, kayak) is called a palindrome”.

271) Ants do not sleep.

272) 13,000 Coca-Cola beverages are consumed per second worldwide.

273) Australian soldiers used the song We’re Off to See the Wizard” as a marching song in WWII.

274) American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.

275) Chocolate can kill dogs; it directly affects their heart and nervous system.

276) Among the many firsts by the Chinese, was the use of toilet paper.

277) Czechs are the biggest consumers of beer per male in the world.

278) China is the second largest fast food market. United States is, of course, first.

279) Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.

280) A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A quarter has 119.

281) 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year.

282) According to Harper’s Index – the average adult has one nightmare a year.

283) Albert Einstein was thought to be suffering from dyslexia, as he couldn’t speak properly until he was 9 years old.

284) A car travelling at 80 km/h uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance.

285) Crocodiles and dogs are color blind.

286) A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

287) After the sun, Proxima Centauri is the closest star to Earth that we know of. By close, this means 4.2 light years.

288) Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and wood.

289) Acorns on oak trees don’t come out until the tree is 50 years old.

290) After cats eat, they always immediately bathe themselves. This is because their instinct tells them to get the food scent off them so that predators will not smell the food and come after them.

291) Archimedes was killed because of pi.

292) A caterpillar has more muscles in its body than a human.

293) 26 (easily visible, there may be more) states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the old US $5 bill.

294) Andorra, a tiny country between France & Spain, has the longest average lifespan: 83.49 years.

295) Bicycle tires will always go flat if gone unused long enough.

296) Because the earth is slowing down, each day is 0.00000002 seconds longer than the one before.

297) Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

298) A 2 by 4 is really 1 1/2 by 3 1/2.

299) Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were roommates in Harvard.

300) A group of kangaroos is called a mob.

301) All the pet hamsters in the world are descended from a single wild golden Hamster found in Syria in 1930.

302) Before the arrival of Columbus, none of the following existed outside of America: potatos, chocolate, vanilla, pumpkin, tomatoes, peanuts, peppers, corn, sunflowers, tobacco, zucchini, and squash.

303) 1,800 cigarettes are smoked per person each year in China.

304) A firm in Britain sold fall-out shelters for pets.

305) Between 50 billion and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis(a genetically determined process of cell self-destruction) in the average human adult. In a year, this amounts to the proliferation and subsequent destruction of a mass of cells equal to an individual’s body weight.

306) A building in Belgium was taxed if there was a street light on it…unless a statue of the Virgin Mary was placed above it. Hence, there are no buildings in the city without a statue of the Virgin Mary.

307) Ancient drinkers warded off the devil by clinking their cups.

308) Because he chose not to wear pants, comics starring Donald Duck were outlawed in Finland.

309) A cubic mile of ordinary fog contains less than a gallon of water.

310) An old law in Bellingham, Wash., made it illegal for a woman to take more than 3 steps backwards while dancing.

311) About 50 ant farms are sold an hour.

312) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.

313) Attics were invented in Attica.

314) 33 million Hershey Kisses are made each day.

315) Bees have 5 eyes.

316) African elephants cannot be domesticated.

317) A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.

318) By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.

319) Chocolate kills dogs. Chocolate affects a dog’s heart and nervous system. A few ounces is enough to kill a small sized dog.

320) Broccoli and cauliflower are the only vegetables that are flowers.

321) A coffee tree yields about one pound of coffee in a year.

322) About 70% of Americans who go to college do it just to make more money.

323) A hardboiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.

324) Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only ONE testicle.

325) Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup wasn’t always one of Campbell’s most popular soups, and it didn’t start out as Chicken Noodle soup either. Introduced in 1934, it was originally called Chicken with Noodles and enjoyed only moderate success. Later that same year an innocent misstatement on the Amos ‘n’ Andy radio program caused sales to sky-rocket. Amos misread his copy and accidentally called the product Chicken Noodle soup. Suddenly the soup company started receiving large orders for their new product. The soup was formally renamed Chicken Noodle after the erroneous turn of phrase caused high demand for the soup. Today, Campbell’s uses nearly a million miles of noodles in the production of their Chicken Noodle soup every year. That is enough noodles to circle the equator over 40 times.

326) A perfect game in baseball is one in which the same player pitches the entire game without allowing any player of the opposite team to reach first base by any means.

327) A fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.

328) Baby Ruth candy bar was named after Grover Cleveland’s daughter, Ruth, not the baseball player.

329) Both of a cat’s ears combined contain 64 muscles (32 each).

330) Baboons were once used as waiters in old Egypt.

331) According to U.S. laws, a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking beer.

332) A lightning strike in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed all 11 members of one soccer team while leaving the opposing team in the match untouched, leading to accusations of witchcraft by the survivors.

333) Beethoven dipped his head in cold water before he composed.

334) Cesar Ducornet, an 1800s artist, was known for drawing with his feet; he didn’t have arms.

335) An early Islam historian asserts that chess was first developed and used in Persia and India for entertainment and war strategies, as a primitive math calculator, as a gambling venue and in the study of the stars.

336) A newborn human is born with 300 bones, but only has 206 in adulthood.

337) Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.

338) Bees have to gather nectar from more than two million flowers to create just a half kilogram of honey.

339) According to National Geographic, scientists have settled the old dispute over which came first — the chicken or the egg. They say that reptiles were laying eggs thousands of years before chickens appeared, and the first chicken came from an egg laid by a bird that was not quite a chicken.

340) A snail can have about 25,000 teeth.

341) Almost 18 million pounds of medical trash is generated each day in the U.S.

342) Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow the film down so you could see his moves.

343) A kangaroo cannot jump if its tail is off the ground.

344) A guy by the name of Ernest Vincent Wright once wrote a 50,000-word book without using the letter e.

345) A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off.

346) According to old historical opinion, Valentine’s Day is a good day to prepare eels for the purposes of magic. It was once believed that eating an eel’s heart would give sight of the future.

347) A shrimp’s heart is in its head.

348) All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.

349) A lion’s roar can be heard from five miles away.

350) At one time, turquoise went by the name of turkey stone.

351) As if dentists didn’t already have a bad reputation, they can be blamed for the electric chair too; it was invented by one of them.

352) A skunk’s smell can be detected by a human a mile away.

353) Congo is the world leader in cobalt mining, producing two-thirds of the world’s cobalt.

354) 60% of all US potato products originate in Idaho.

355) A cat’s jaw cannot move sideways.

356) A U.S. House subcommittee determined that the chances your doctor is a phony are 1 in 50.

357) An American aircraft in Vietnam shot itself down with one of its own missiles.

358) By the law of averages you are more likely to be killed by a flying champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.

359) A common bra choice for Max Klinger from television’s M.A.S.H show was a 36B Miss Highrise.

360) A common housefly only lives for two weeks. They also prefer to breed in the center of a room.

361) An Elephant’s trunk can hold over 5 liters of water.

362) About 200,000,000 M&Ms are sold each day in the United States.

363) Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.

364) Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never phoned his wife or his mother, they were both deaf.

365) Antarctica is the only continent that does not have land areas below sea level.

366) 82% of the workers on the Panama Canal suffered from malaria.

367) Curad bandages glow in the dark from the static electricity caused during opening.

368) A lion in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year.

369) China has more English speakers than the United States.

370) A sloth can move twice as fast in water as it can on land.

371) An American urologist bought Napoleon’s penis for $40,000.

372) At one feeding, a mosquito can absorb one and a half times its own weight in blood.

373) Chinese Crested dogs can get acne.

374) A ten-gallon hat holds three-quarters of a gallon.

375) 99% of all life forms to exist on Earth are now extinct.

376) According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week.

377) 47 elephants and dancing bears survived the sinking of the Titanic and got jobs in New York thereafter.

378) An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.

379) A normal housecat has 32 muscles per ear.

380) A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.

381) A Boeing 707 uses four thousand gallons of petrol in its take-off climb.

382) A normal human will blink their eyes over 10 million times per year.

383) A hamburger at McDonalds cost 15 cents in 1963,

384) Approximately one set of quadruplets appear out of 490,000 childbirths.

385) Chewing gum can live up to 9,000 years; that’s how old the oldest piece on record is.

386) Camel’s milk does not curdle.

387) America once issued a 5-cent bill.

388) Cats have over 100 vocal sounds; dogs only have 10.

389) $283,200 is the absolute highest amount of money you can win on Jeopardy.

390) Australian termites have been known to build mounds twenty feet high and at least 100 feet wide.

391) Black was the only colour that Ford produced the Model T. It was the only paint available which would dry fast enough to keep up with the fast pace of the assembly line.

392) Because they had no proper rubbish disposal system, the streets of ancient Mesopotamia became literally knee-deep in rubbish.

393) An average human scalp has 100,000 hairs.

394) Butte County, South Dakota is the geographical center of the U.S.

395) Cars were first started with ignition keys in 1949.

396) A prima donna is the leader female singer in an opera.

397) A silicon chip a quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.

398) 40% of all people who come to a party in your home snoop in your medicine cabinet.

399) 72 degrees is the temperature at which most humans are comfortable.

400) Chances are, if a person has high cholesterol, they’ve had a sphygmomanometer used on them: the simple device that tabulates blood pressure.

401) Daniel Boone hated coonskin caps.

402) Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats.

403) An Anencephalous organism thinks, but has no brain.

404) Dairy products make up 29% of all food consumed in the United States.

405) Chop-suey is not a native Chinese dish, it was created in California by Chinese immigrants.

406) Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.

407) Benjamin Franklin was the fifth in a series of the youngest son of the youngest son.

408) An Olympic gold medal must contain 92.5 percent silver.

409) A South African monkey was once awarded a medal and promoted to the rank of corporal during World War I.

410) By the numbers, a human breathes approximately 23,000 times per day.

411) A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana.

412) Before Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat was the most popular cartoon character.

413) 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321.

414) A fetus or little person gets fingerprints at about 3 months old.

415) A crocodile might be able to regrow its teeth, but it can’t stick out its tongue.

416) 1 kg of lemons contains more sugar than 1 kg of strawberries.

417) Charles Dickens was an insomniac, who believed his best chance of sleeping was in the centre of a bed facing directly north.

418) A speed limit takes effect exactly where the sign is planted.

419) Based on an average life span of 11 years, the cost of owning a dog is $13,350.

420) A woodpeckers tongue is long enough to wrap it around his head 2 times.

421) Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

422) After man, the dolphin is the most intelligent creature on Earth.

423) Comfrey (herb) baths were popular before the wedding night to attempt to repair the hymen and thereby apparently restore virginity.

424) Ancient Egyptian priests would pluck every hair from their bodies.

425) 100 years before either moon of Mars (Deimos and Phobos) was discovered, Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels accurately described them, citing their precise rotating speeds and sizes.

426) Bell bottoms are worn by sailors because they fit easily over boots, can be easily rolled up, can be used as floatation devices, and can be taken off easier than regular pants.

427) Aby whales grow at an average rate of 10lbs per hour.

428) About 39,000 gallons of water are used to produce the average car.

429) As early as 700 AD, Chinese people utilized fingerprints to identify people.

430) Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday.

431) Catgut comes from sheep not cats.

432) Camptown Races is the favorite song of Foghorn Leghorn.

433) Budweiser beer is named after a town in Czechoslovakia.

434) A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through.

435) 200 million years ago Earth contained 1 land mass called Pangaea.

436) An elephant can sniff water up to 3 miles away, while a dog can sniff out the difference between a barrel of water and a barrel of water with a tablespoon of salt in it.

437) A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.

438) 55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.

439) Crocodiles don’t carry their offspring in pouches like the kangaroo; they use their mouths.

440) At the height of its power in 400 BC, the Greek city of Sparta had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves.

441) Animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.

442) 11% of the world is left-handed.

443) Approximately every 15 seconds in the United States, a head injury occurs. (5,760 per day, 2,102,400 per year).

444) A man’s beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.

445) 14% of Americans have skinny-dipped with a member of the opposite sex at least once.

446) Approximately $25 million is spent each year on lap dances in Las Vegas.

447) An Armageddon meteor came within 280,000 miles of the Earth on May 21, 1996.

448) According to Genesis 7:2, God told Noah to take 14 of each kind of ‘clean’ animal into the ark.

449) Coca-Cola’s brand name comes from the leaves of the coca plant and the nuts of the kola employed for distinctive flavoring. The beverage’s maker, John Pemberton, switched the ‘K’ of kola to ‘C’ for marketing purposes.

450) A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet (91 m) long in just one night.

451) A census in 1920 revealed that fewer than one Eskimo in 46 has ever seen an igloo.

452) A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

453) A dog first went to space, while a sheep, a rooster and a duck caught their ride in a hot air balloon.

454) Composer Ludwig van Beethoven was once arrested for vagrancy.

455) 14% of all facts and statistics are made up and 27% of people know that fact.

456) A rat can last longer without water than a camel.

457) Cephalacaudal recapitulation is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us.

458) At their closest point, Russia and North America are less than two and a half miles (4km) away.

459) Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered 32 comets and approximately 800 asteroids.

460) Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins.

461) Apples are actually part of the rose family.

462) A suicide is committed every thirty seconds. Of those, most are always men in the United States.

463) A frog tossed into boiling water will leap right out. A frog placed into cold water that is heated gradually, however, will slowly boil the frog to death.

464) Bilbo and Frodo Baggins were both born September 22.

465) An air bag in a car that goes off will hit the driver in the face at 200 miles an hour. That’s not counting the forward thrust of the driver.

466) A jiffy is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.

467) 40% of dog and cat owners carry pictures of the pets in their wallets.

468) A salt enema used to be given to children to rid them of threadworms.

469) Bulls and cows are not just names for cattle, but dolphins too.

470) Admiral means lord of the sea in Arabic. It comes from the phrase amir al bahr.

471) Alexander the Great was an epileptic.

472) A drop of liquor spilled on a scorpion will send it into a frenzy of trying to sting itself. Gasoline on a snake will produce the same result, making it squiggle uncontrollably, even after death.

473) A pig’s snout is called a gruntle.

474) Arizona was the last of the 48 adjoining continental states to enter the Union.

475) Between the two world wars, the French were controlled by forty separate governments.

476) Astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot.

477) Boston Common has been around longer than any other public park in the U.S.

478) A shadow of a four-dimensional object would have three dimensions.

479) Clarence Darrow, the inventor of the Monopoly game, tried to sell it to Parker Bros but was shot down because of 52 supposed ‘fundamental playing errors’. After going out on his own and becoming an instant hit, Parker Bros quickly came around.

480) Chocolate bunnies at Easter were invented for the sole purpose of boosting chocolate sales between St. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.

481) Absolutely nothing happens to the used razor blades that are thrown down the used razor blade slots in hotels. They accumulate between the studs of the walls to collect dust forever.

482) Bambi, the story of the deer, was first printed in German in 1929. It had a sequel named Bambi’s Children.

483) A kiss stimulates 29 muscles and chemicals causing relaxation.

484) Ahh, the albatross bird. . .(1) glides for 90% of its existence; (2) can glide for hours and hours without a single flap of its wings; (3) drinks seawater and eats mostly squid; (4) comes on land only to breed, and only in colonies on secluded ocean islands; (5) has wing spans up to eleven feet across; (6) lives longer than almost all birds; (7) revered by seamen as mystical creatures capable of cursing those who kill them.

485) Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command go hang yourself.”

486) Chairman Mao also loved to chain-smoke English cigarettes, when his doctor asked him to cut down, he explained that smoking is also a form of deep-breathing exercise, don’t you think?”

487) By traveling to sixty degrees latitude, a person can sail completely around the earth without bumping into anything.

488) Canada is an Indian word meaning Big Village.

489) Actor Mark Wahlberg has a third nipple.

490) Aspirin was created by an English chemist named Wright. Eleven days later, he created heroin. Bayer actively sold both, even advertised them both in the same ad, encouraging buyers to order their supply from their jobber).

491) Adolf Hitler’s mother seriously considered having an abortion but was talked out of it by her doctor.

492) Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.

493) A single cup of gasoline, when ignited, has the same explosive power as five sticks of dynamite.

494) An office chair with wheels travels 8 miles a year.

495) By the time you turn 70, your heart will have beat some two and a half billion times.

496) A quarter of Russia is covered by forest.

497) Based on various cosmological techniques the universe is estimated at 10 – 18 gigayears old (1 gigayear = 1 000 000 000 000 years).

498) Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.

499) A nepheligenous is someone filling a room with tobacco smoke.

500) A raisin placed in champagne will sink and float from bottom to top over and over.

Unfortunately this post of 500 useless facts and trivia is now at it’s end. However, the fun doesn’t need to stop here, you too can email me with anything you want. Just put “The Scorpion Army” in the subject line and I will eventually find it. Hopefully you have more useless shit on your mind now then you ever new was possible.