Becoming Part Of The Scorpion Army


First of all, I bet y’all are wondering quietly to yourselves, what exactly is the Scorpion Army. That in itself is a super valid question to ask and hopefully I can clear it all up for you. It all starts by you taking the first step and that is to start following The Sting Of The Scorpion Blog. After becoming a follower you join all of the others in The Scorpion Army. Okay, so what is The Scorpion Army? The Scorpion Army consists of a global network of bloggers who, at their leisure, forward me information which is believed will be good material to post here and also information that is believed to be helpful to me. Some in The Scorpion Army are very active forwarding me stuff on a daily basis via emails. Everyone else just sits back and reaps the rewards. What do you get in return? If I use the information I will share you and your blog in the post to give you the deserved recognition. Sounds interesting doesn’t it? Well, what are you waiting for, start following this blog now. Already a follower? Thank you and keep up the fantastic work! I really appreciate your patronage!