Wanted: Dead or Alive

Originlly Posted 27 January 2013


This past Saturday evening I was out to my parents visiting after dinner and a long day of work on the house. This has been really common over the last few years, but that night was just a little different, on this particular night my wife called,  not to see how my day went or to tell me good night, but she wanted to tell me my face was plastered all over the television show she was watching. She spends her evenings watching stuff like Nancy Grace, unsolved crimes, and America’s most wanted. She explained she was flipping thru the channels trying to pick a show when she saw my face plastered on the F.B.I. Top Ten Most Wanted. My immediate reaction was that she had been mistaken and must be really tired. Now, she is really frantic and crying trying to tell me what she was watching and so forth. So, I found the show she was watching and about shit myself, it was my face, it was like looking in the mirror. Holy shit Batman! What in the absolute freakin hell is going on here, there is definitely some kind of mistake. However, the spooky park was that as they described his background history, it sounded allot like my background. Needless to say, I got sucked in and started watching, I couldn’t help myself.


I have always heard that each person has a “twin” and if you were lucky you would never cross paths with that person. Why that is I have no idea, its just something my late grandmother used to pass on as her pearls of wisdom. Anyway, I got hooked into this show. When it was offer on got on the internet and started searching and was very alarmed at what I found. There were many similarities and/or coincidences, enough to really make my head hurt. So, I found we are the same age, he is actually 3 whole days younger than me. We were both adopted under really scarily close circumstances. Both of our fathers died when we were teenagers in “freak accidents”, his was not disclosed and I have always thought my own dad’s death was a bit strange. We both married our high school sweetheart, except he liked to beat his wife into submission when he found she was cheating on him, I just divorced mine. We both spent time in the Air Force except he was dishonorably discharged because he tried to kill, thru beating, a superior officer. After that he had a hard time finding a job for obvious reasons. This is supposedly what led him into a life of crime. He started robbing banks and so forth. The last one he robbed was a few months ago in an undisclosed town in Idaho where he killed 3 people in a brutal fashion. After he took all the money he didn’t want any witnesses, so he kidnapped the 3 women, then he raped them repeatedly with things like a tire iron, a baseball bat, and an arm from a maniquin he had laying around. After all 3 of them died of their wounds, dehydration, and starvation, he dismembered each one a disposed of the pieces in various spots. Then, continued his life on the run. That’s where the information stops.


Needless to say, he isn’t a real nice person. I wouldn’t call him my polar opposite, but we are really that different. I spent the night very worried, I wondered what if someone I know confuses me with him and turns me in. What in the hell would I do. I mean, I know I am not the person for sure. Sunday morning, my wife tries to break the tension by making a joke: she asked how long I had been leading this double life. I didn’t see the humor and snapped off something pissy and stupid because she, for the first time ever, hurt my feelings. I can’t explain why because I don’t know why. I know she was joking and just trying to cheer me up. I called her back later and apologized and explained how my night went. I explained that I was wrong and shouldn’t have snapped at her. And, yes, I meant it. I find myself, even as I write this post, having many more questions than I have answers. Luckily I haven’t got no bizarre calls. My parents think it is “funny” and tell me I shouldn’t be too concerned since he doesn’t look exactly like me. Truth be told, he looks enough like me and that is too close for comfort. I wonder where all this goes from here. I will tell you like I told my wife, I will continue to live my life as I have been living my life. I have no reason to change a damn thing in my life. This is one of those weird coincidences in life, just this time it hit pretty close to home. And no, before any of you jokers get the bright idea, I am not going to just fess up and turn my self in.