Trolling My Facebook Wall


It never surprises me when trolling my own Facebook Wall that I will see some things which surprise me. With that being said I found these pictures from Rexi @ the McRex Resort of one of her sweet cats checking out my latest blog post. Rexi always plays when I ask of pictures of my blog on your computer as seen by y’all. And then again, like today, she just does it out of the blue for fun.

So lets go ahead and start another round of my blog from your view. Just email me the picture(s) or post them on Facebook and tag me in the photo(s). I will find them one way or another. Then I will post them here and credit you and your blog. And since I have three blogs to choose from y’all have more selections. Please remember my other two are not suitable, in general, for minors, work, or for people with sticks up their asses. Also keep that in mind if posting to Facebook, don’t need anyone getting in trouble for posting NSFW on Facebook. So, let’s see what y’all got, y’all already know I’ll post it here so give me your best shot(s).


Let’s Show My Blog From Your View


I have always wondered what T.S.O.T.S.B. (this blog) looked like being viewed by someone else besides me, and now I know that others also have a very dirty little secret and view my blog.

This challenge began with a simple idea, yes it is scary when I get ideas on my own, but it happens, even to me. Anyway, the idea is more of a challenge for readers here, but its just for fun, there are no prizes, no fame, and I promise not to make obnoxious comments. Here’s the plan, I want y’all to have my blog pulled up on your PC/laptop/tablet or your device and take a picture of it. Then, email it to me. If you wish to be anonymous or use and alias or just put no reference, just let me know. If you are proud, leave your blog name/URL and I will include it in the post. Remember, I publicize on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Blogcatalog.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s Show My Blog From Your View today. Take the pictures, send them to my email, and see it all right here. Search this blog for the term “My Blog From Your View” to see all the past brave souls.

Posted From Scorpion Sting’s Motorola Droid Maxx!

Another Great Submission From Rexi


As we continue to play “My Blog From Your View” Rexi has been staying in top with volume and content. Meaning she isn’t sending in just the same ol’ thing each time, this time she caught MJ checking out the post with Mr. T. So, to see what y’all are missing just check out the category “My Blog From Your View” at the right side and start sending in your pictures today. It’s Sunday, what else do you have to do today?

Posted From Scorpion Sting’s Motorola Droid Maxx!

Rexi Really Is Smoking Everyone


As we continue to play “My Blog From Your View” Rexi has been staying in top with volume and content. Meaning she isn’t sending in just the sane ol’ thing each time, especially when she photobombs them. So, to see what y’all are missing just check out the category “My Blog From Your View” at the right side and start sending in your pictures today. It’s Saturday, what else do you have to do today?


The Time Has Come To Go To Work

As y’all have been reading, I have been on the hunt for employment, which up until now, has been dismally disappointing. I said up until now, the wait is over, tomorrow I start my new job. I owe a great deal of thanks to someone I’m not going to mention because I thanked him in private. In all reality, he had just mentioned to his friend, and fellow blogger, to take a look at my blog when he got a chance. Anyway, one thing led to another in conversation and I was informed that he just might have a job for a guy like me. Come to find out, he was working only a short distance from where I live. We met in person a few times over the last couple of weeks, I took the preemployment drug test today, and I start first thing in the morning. I’m super excited about the new job and looking forward to a new career. I will get into more on the new job later as time progresses.


What does this mean for this blog. It means nothing to tell you the truth. Why? Some of y’all may have thought I update here via my computer, which is false since I don’t even own a computer, but I do own a 7″ tablet and a Droid Maxx which suites all of my needs perfectly. However, in regards to internet, 97% of the time I’m at home on the WiFi network so there’s no problem. Once I begin working is when I will have to monitor my usage. But, have no fear, I will do updates in the mornings and in the evenings, probably won’t see anything during the day. However, I will still check notifications and emails when time permits. No more sitting around all day doing as I please screwing around on my phone. Y’all will see, it will be all good.


While I’m here, I figured I could do as I ask y’all to do, and share a couple of pictures of how my blog is seen on my two devices, the top being on my phone and the bottom being on my tablet. See, even I am willing to play my silly little games. Don’t worry, I’m not abandoning my blog or y’all, in fact it ought to get better, new times equals new things to post and share.

Perfect Screenshots From Mavadelo

Hi Scorpion

Noticed your dh blogs. This is how it looks on Windows Phone 8.1
One is landscape the other with Phone “normal” (no idea how that is called ;))

Kind regards
Mavadelo @ Mavadelo’s Mindspace

See a special note below the pictures.


Special Note

See, anybody can do it! Send me your screenshot or picture of your computer along with your name and blog and you will see it here, just like this. I’m easy to send to, either email or fb messenger. Hope to see yours soon! See all the rest in the category “My Blog From Your View“.

The Perfect Screenshot

This particular screenshot has been provided by Chess over @ the blog “A Little Whatever” sent me this screenshot late last night. She wanted to know if screenshots were accepted and now we all see the answer. My only requirement has been the picture has to be from you as you see my blog on whichever device it maybe. Its always a bonus when you include yourself, your surroundings, or pets or friends, but I fully understand the reasons for sending it however. In fact, Chess reached me easily last night on fb messenger. So, the collection of pictures that y’all take of my blog as you see it is growing nicely, now what are the rest of y’all waiting for?


Talk About Being Photobombed!

Rexi continues to blow all of y’all away will her regular photos of my blog pulled up on her computer. She has proven it can be dome, repeatedly, she’s not afraid of fame and fortune. Well, not really fame and there’s no fortune, but you get my point. She has formally called all of y’all out, throwing down the gauntlet, and claiming to be champion. Are we going to just let her walk away with it hands down, without a fight, I feel so ashamed for the rest of the nonparticipants. So, thanks again Rexi, for yet another great picture.


Rexi’s Kitty Is Addicted To The Sting!


Each time I see Kitty checking out my blog I joke silently to myself that she must be addicted to the sting. Well, a fan is a fan, I’m perfectly fine with it. Speaking of which, weren’t y’all supposed to send me pictures of your computer with my blog pulled up? What happened? Y’all ain’t skeered are ya?
