There Seems To Be Some Confusion


I’ve been getting many emails as of lately asking me what the fuck is going on with my blogs. It seems people still find me through a portal I created just over a year ago with a blogspot blog that points everyone here to my wordpress blog. Why the portal? I was compelled to create something that was connected to my Google account because I follow many blogspot (blogger) (Google) blogs to show people I relocated to a better neighborhood so people would know I wasn’t just some random “bot” following their blogs. Many, and I mean many, of my friends still are loyal to blogspot and the Google ways. So, anyway, about a year and a half after Google killed off my blogs I created the portal so people knew I actually had a blog, just not on blogspot.

Apparently it is now causing confusion as I have been overrun with emails with people wanting to know why there was two blogs. Of course, I ask them if they had read the statement at the top of the page which states it is a placeholder, a static page which will NOT be updated, and serves purpose only to find my new blog on wordpress. See for yourselves @ Portal To T.S.O.S.B. and y’all will see what I mean. I also point them to my opening post on wordpress called “I’m Back” which was written on 15 March 2013 and my second post called “R.I.P. 13 March 2013” written on 18 March 2013 to explain, somewhat, what happened. If y’all are new here or you never saw the posts, feel free to click the titles to look at them.

For future reference, the portal will remain active so people can find me. Sadly, the IYAAYAS Moderator is “dead” and no I don’t think I make any more references to the name after those posts since my blog became reborn here on wordpress. Which, this blog for some reason, has evolved and taken on a life of it’s own, and very easily stands on it’s own. People take on the assumptions that I’m new to blogging when in reality I’ve been doing this shit in one way or another since 2001. And yes, I’ve had a “few” blogs over the years, but one thing always remains the same, I’m consistent in my views and in my ways.

I don’t ask that people follow my blog, y’all follow it if y’all feel like it. Think of my blog(s) as the little shithole bar on the corner of your street, y’all stop in for a drink or three one day and maybe never return or you stop in and find yourselves hooked. It pleases me people visit here every day, roughly 2500 per day to be clearer, and I hope y’all enjoy your visit. Remember, I’m just an asshole from Houston Texas trying to write and post things I see every day, telling stories of my own, sharing the stories of others, and giving my general opinion. I’m not seeking fame and fortune through blogging because I’m just here to be here. My email is always open for questions or concerns or for sharing and I always welcome your comments, except for you fucking spamming bitches, y’all can suck a dirty asshole as far as I’m concerned.

With that mental image I leave y’all to your day. Hopefully y’all aren’t confused any longer. When in doubt, search my blog, categories, and tags, or just ask me. Remember boys and girls to eat it every day!

An Open Letter To Whomever


It has come to my attention within the last 24 hours that I made remarks which certain people on our planet have taken to be historically in bad taste. These people mistake my sarcasm as me just being a cold hearted bastard. I make light of many things in current times as well as in history but for some reason, that I am obviously to damn ignorant to comprehend, people find cause in pointing out WHY what was said was so wrong and offensive. I have the answer to why this happens and that answer is simple. I am who I am and you ate not me, you are not capable of knowing what I know, seeing what I see, or even grasping why I speak the way I do. I don’t offend people on purpose, people make the choice to get offended by what I say. Here’s the damn deal, I don’t give a shit. It goes well beyond this blog, it goes deeper than social media, and the big picture is something these people choose not to see. Its great that they can pin point focus on a tiny part but 99.99% of the time it is taken way out of context which really draws one attention away from how words were being used. Right now there are people wondering what in the unholy Fuck I am talking about, which is cool because we don’t all travel in the same social circles. If you know what I am referencing that is great and if you are not with the program that is great as well. All I ask is that one must remember that there are things and people and placed that I understand all to well and the way I choose to interact is my way, its not something I need permission to do. It doesn’t make a difference to me if people come here or interact with me. Its nice that y’all do but I don’t run off and cry when people leave me. Shit happens because that’s just fucking life. I will be the first to admit we ate different, and you should cherish that fact not be offended by that fact. But who am I to say, y’all are strong willed people and should already now this. I mentioned, when I started here on WP that I was being reborn, that I was back with a purpose this time, and will not cater to the pussies in the world who think that complaining enough will finally get me shut down. Should it offend me that you are offended? Nope, fuck you. My blog and what I say is not for everyone, hell its not actually for anyone, except those who have the stomach to go ahead and be amused with life and the people here on planet dirt. We, the people of planet Earth, are all fucked up in one way or another. I have yet to meet the perfect human and I am comfortable knowing that I never will. Its probably a stretch to ask people to have their own lives perfect before deciding mine is not, I will make it simple for you, I don’t live the perfect life in your eyes, but I do live a perfectly happy life in my own eyes. Luckily I gave up, many many years ago, trying to convince people that they are very different from each other. As a bonus, this decision to give up has given me a better opportunity to watch people make complete asses out of themselves while they try to get me and others to give a shit about there opinions.

In conclusion, I know I have opened the literal flood gates of hate and poison that certain people have coursing through their veins by merely having an oppositional opinion that may differ from their own. Yes, I am an asshole. Tell me something I don’t already know. But, y’all should know that generally I don’t pull out my asshole card unless provoked to do so. Some will argue, as the do regularly, that the mete existence of this blog and its contents will always provoke an I’ll response from just the right person at that right moment in time. At the end of the day we can all agree on one simple fact, each of us must take care of ourselves and our own sanity. We can’t all be sheeple and Fucktards now can we.


Who In The Fuck Cares?


I have never claimed to be a writer. I have never claimed that I have a full grasp on everything the English language has to offer. I have never claimed that I am someone special. I have claimed, many times that I “write” here on this very blog for the pure fun of it. I am not in it for the money, fame, or any kind of publicity. I am just here for the hell of it and that is it in a big giant fucking nutshell. I like monologuing through conversations that would otherwise just bounce around in my head with no place to get out. My blog has but one purpose in its existence, to let me display my personal opinions on whatever in the hell it is that I have an opinion about. I never set out to have fans, to have a following, or even to be liked. But, shit happens doesn’t it. I also seem to have a substantial following of haters, people who don’t know me but hate everything I say and how I say it. I have learned that it literally comes with the territory when possessing a blog of this nature, a blog without purpose or gain. Shit, the only reason words are spelled correctly is because my Android employs a heavy handed autocorrect that has proven to be utterly relentless. But wait, what is my point here?

I got an email with a monologue lecture, 6149 words, where it was explained to me why I am not and never will anything remotely resembling any kind of writer. Duh……..I know this already dumbasses. It was a very interesting read and one of the top things that stood out to me was when I was told that nobody cares what I have to say because what I have to say isn’t relevant to anything. I beg to differ, its relevant to me because 99% of the time I am blogging about my personal life and surroundings. But, she is right, I mean really, who cares? That’s a two way street we travel though, people write in with their particular criticism about my writing and my skills to do so, and I don’t care about that either. Wait, does writing or blogging about it mean that I care? They do humor me, just like this last bonehead, because people spend so much time complaining and do it with such a beautiful passion that it makes me want to talk about it. Perhaps if I had an increased amount of formal education then I could be a snobby jackass as well. Or I would be able to string sentences together more eliquintly so they appealed more to our educated society. Well, fuck that, I am who I am, what you see is what you get. No, I do not care about the feelings which I hurt or the toes I stomp on. You visit by choice and I will always defend a person who is smart enough to evaluate the choices in his/her life. I may not like the choice personally, yet I appreciate the fact that people still make choices. I have been doing this blog thing for some time now and the way I do it works for me. I appreciate people taking the time out of their busy days to visit and see what’s new here. I also appreciate each and every comment everyone leaves. Mostly, I appreciate the person who makes the choice to send me lengthy emails to explain to me how worthless my blog is to them personally.

On a higher note, take a moment to read my Introduction and Disclaimer found at the top of this blog. I lay it all out for everyone, what to expect from me and what not to expect from me. You will find I am just a regular guy with a wife and family who has enough spare time to do a little blogging just for the hell of it. Other than that, just breathe and live life to the fullest. If you can’t do that then just continue taking a giant shit on people who know full well how to use soap and water. So, remember boy and girls, be sure and eat it every damn day. Have fun, lighten up, don’t be so full of aggressive energy, masturbation helps I hear. Now, go do something you made the choice to do!

Thank You For Being One Of Them!

automotivator (4)

Less than three months ago I made the move from to with almost a seamless transition and combination of six complete blogs. Amazingly enough it was the right thing to do at the right time because I really like it here because it is so much easier to use. As well, the WordPress app for Android is super cool and very easy to use, which is good for me because 50% of what I do is done on the go. Anyway, everyone found me once again and all has been going real well, I have no complaints. Well, one complaint, which is I have a hard time keeping up sometimes. There has been grand readership and participation which has been the greatest thing to witness. I watch people joining up to follow The Sting Of The Scorpion everyday and hope that doesn’t stop anytime soon. With an average of over 1000 visitors a month I have to keep up the aggressive pace that I have set. No worries, I have great things planned which I will announce in another post. I’m very happy y’all have been up to the challenge of visiting here so often. Y’all are the absolute best!

Should I Even Call This Mess A “Blog”?


I suppose by “definition” what I have here could be considered to be a blog. Do you know the definition of blog? The simple version which concludes that a blog is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Mine does that. I also do allot of Mobile blogging (moblogging), which is a method of publishing to a blog from a mobile phone. A moblog helps habitual bloggers (like myself) to post articles and pictures directly from their phones even when on the move. Mobile blogging has been made possible by technological convergence, as bloggers have been able to write, record and upload different media all from a single, mobile device. Mobile blogging is popular among people with camera phones which allow them to send photos and video that then appear as entries on their blog, or to use mobile browsers to publish content directly to any blogging platform with mobile posting compatibility. In the end, it is convenient because I can do when the moment arises or the thought crosses my mind. There are many advantages to being able to blog from anywhere and anytime. Mobile blogging is particularly helpful to travelers or people on the move when access to a computer with Internet connection may be difficult. The traveler can snap photos and with an enabled phone can easily upload such pictures with text descriptions directly to his or her blog. If the camera phone is equipped for Auto-geo-tagging, the blog may be able to show a map of the locations. With my new phone, (Motorola Droid Maxx),  which is less than a week old, has many new features which have been really exciting as far as being able to keep up with my blog and all the ones I try to visit regularly.


A majority of the blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other on the blogs, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes a blog from other static websites. In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers throughout the world. Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. I think I’m still qualifying as a blog. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs.


People have different ideas when it comes to the length of post. Many people advocate keeping it short, however some of the best posts I’ve written or read have been long, some very very long. They were the best because they did not skim the subject so they gave real value and often told their story making it engaging by making a personal connection with me the reader. I believe that the posts that make that personal connection that resonates with the reader get more likes, more comments, and get shared more. Being I post allot of pictures here as well I often have very short posts because the “message” is self-contained in the picture.


Anyone who surfs the “net” can find that the blogosphere counts several million active blogs offering a great variety of topics and content. The wonderful aspect of a blog creation is that anyone who has a particular hobby, knowledge, passion or a business to promote, can easily do it, and they generally do. I guess, looking back, the danger is starting a blog without a specific plan, target group, and more importantly knowledge of content for which the blog was created. Good content is the most important factor of your blog since not only it is the key to attract readers and turn them to loyal followers but also to increase your internet exposure via the search engines. I don’t look for search engine exposure, meaning I don’t do anything on purpose which gives me a ranking or page position. People just find me one way or another. I follow some basic rules of engagement in order to produce what I consider to be successful content and, at the end of the day, achieve my blog’s goal which is to get read and encourage readers to return back to my blog. Let’s explore my general rules of engagement and guidelines.


The 10 Rules I blog by.

01. Define your blog and who you wish to target to read your blog. The 1st thing to do is to organize your ideas and define the main topic which will define your blog’s identity.

  • What do I want to write about today? The next day? 6 months from now?
  • What is my target group of readers, follower, and visitors?
  • What type of language should I use to communicate with my readers?

02. Make time to make posts.

  • A blog needs time and efforts to stay permanently active and help you interact on a regular basis with your readers.
  • Don’t risk losing your audience because of a lack of communication.

03. Take time to talk to your audience. Make them feel as though they can interact with you and make sure they get the interaction they are looking for.

  • Having defined your target group of readers, you will need to write in the appropriate tone and style to attract their interest and understanding; imagine having a conversation with your audience and write clearly and simply as if you were talking to them.
  • When I write, I write as if I am talking, whether just out-loud or physically to others.

04. Give your blog and posts a friendly and inviting format.

  • Even if you believe your post is original and really interesting, if it comes in a big block of text, no one will take the time to read it; you need to provide the reader with a friendly post format by separating it into distinct and concise paragraphs, preceded by sub-headings when needed, use bullet points lists where needed (like here with what I’m doing), illustrate it with images, use bold or italics to point out your key elements and you’ll get your reader’s attention.

05. When starting a new post use eye catching and attractive titles.

  • Once your post is written, take your time to come up with a fantastically eye catching title. Your title is how you’ll attract the readers repeatedly. It should directly inform the reader regarding what your post is about, a sort of “summary” of what he/she will read.

06. Be sure to use “tags” which will be effective in relation to your post.

  • Ask yourself which terms are more likely to be used by users when they search for the particular topic.
  • Then make sure you use the main keywords and come up with different variations that are likely to be searched when formulating your tags.
  • Finally try to incorporate the “tag” words in the keywords of your post in order to increase the possibility to be found in the search engines.

07. Update your blog frequently to keep the content fresh and inviting.

  • As mentioned earlier, you need to determine a time plan in order to frequently update your blog, ideally on a daily-basis.
  • This will not only keep the attention of your readers but also it will help you attract more readers and loyal followers to your blog.
  • The more content you produce the more traffic you are likely to get from your readers.

08. Use “social media” buttons to encourage your readers to share.

  • There are many out there, I personally use Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter.
  • By setting up an RSS Feed and by encouraging your users to subscribe, you will increase your readers and you are more likely to get more returning visitors.
  • Note that most Blogging engines automatically support RSS feeds, so all you need to do is to place their button in a strategic position in order to help readers subscribe.
  • It doesn’t hurt to belong to a great blogging community either. My personal favorite is Blogcatalog!
  • Additionally social media can drive you lots of traffic and they can help you build steady communication with your readers.
  • Make sure you add sharing buttons in your blog and try to place them too in strategic positions to increase the number of shares.

09. Try to incorporate “how-to” and “top-10” posts on occasion to mix things up and keep the reader wondering what’s next.

  • The how-to guides and the top-10 articles usually become very popular on social media networks.
  • People love these articles and they are more likely to read them, like them, comment on them, and share them.
  • Additionally by creating such content you are more likely to increase your search engine traffic since many surfers search for such content regularly.

10. I have found that proof reading and spell checking are valuable tools.

  • This might be common sense but sometimes we can be so enthusiastic about a new post that we forget to take the time to proof read it.
  • Remember that you may be listed and archived in the Internet along with your grammar, syntax or even informative mistakes.
  • Don’t forget to be honest about what you share.
  • If you have the patience to keep being an active blogger and creating good content, you will be surprised to see your audience growing and your blog getting the success it deserves.


I have learned over the years that my blog(s) tend to develop multiple personalities and sometimes I need to reel them back in. When I started here at WordPress I wanted to have one blog that expressed ALL of my ideas. I wanted one stop shopping. I combined 6 blogs to create The Sting Of The Scorpion which I feel know encompasses the message(s) I’m trying to express. My blog is very much a reflection of what mood I am in at any particular moment. In the end, it works for me and that results in more mileage for my blog. I am very dedicated to the upkeep and appearance of my blog. This keeps me active here which results in more posts for others to read.

All the pictures and some of this information was borrowed from the World Wide Web to be placed on The Sting Of The Scorpion, because everything else just bites. Remember boys and girls, eat it everyday, and twice if you are up to it.

Is The Comment Spam Really Needed?

Information Technology Concept

I’ve been blogging here on WordPress now for just about a complete month and it has been a wonderful transition which has led to it being a wonderful experience. I’m still learning though and I’m still in that curve where I have many questions. Which is why I’m writing today because I’m trying to figure out what the “normal” is around here on average. As a comparison, I had six successful blogs at Blogger and I rarely, if ever, had a spam comment on a published post. I know, freaky, right? In fact, the quantity of spam comments that ended up being blocked were only (4) four. I always thought that this was an honorable record. Now, my e-mail on the otherhand was a complete different story, there were easily 250 spam e-mails a month. After the change, after I moved here, I noticed the e-mail spam drop off a tad and then spiked way out of control here in the last week. But, the spam comments that Akismet actually catches here on the blog is what amazes me, it claims to have an accuracy of 96.04%, and yes the rest make it through. In under 30 days 151 spam comments have been blocked. Which makes me wonder and then ask, why all the spam comments here at WordPress? I won’t get all longwinded and drawn out here when I say that I find it quite disturbing that people are either that lazy or they have way to much time on their hands.

Just to let all of y’all spammers out there know that there are no hard feelings here. Y’all actually humor me allot, especially the Asian or Russian dating sites that peddle their prostitution and of course the knock-off brand bargains. Hell, y’all should just pay me because if it is as cheap as y’all claim then there should be a check in every pair of shoes ordered. Look, I suppose my point here is that I understand that y’all don’t understand that this is NOT a commercial blog and I do NOT sell and I do NOT advertise anything. But, if y’all actually looked around then y’all would notice that. But where are my manners, I often forget that spammers really don’t care about anything but what they are peddling. Too bad the only things y’all try to peddle to me is pure bullshit. Y’all should try harder!


I’m Back……………

What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger is a very old saying my dad would tell me when times were troubled. It is also fitting for me today, well, not me personally, but dead and gone are my prior blogs. If you are reading this post then you are aware of what I am referring to. I will fail to mention them just to avoid some cosmic cross check where my new blog might just get mis-identified. We can’t have that now can we. Just know this is the real me and I will continue to blog in the fashion I am accustomed to. One thing I will mention is that I had a good run with my main blog, it served the purpose of me talking to myself for a good 6 years. That is what blogs are for, right, talking to ourselves in hopes that others will stumble across us somehow and read our ideas? Well, if not for you it definitely is that way for me. I am sorry that I lost just over 600 followers/members with the death of that blog. I do hope everyone returns once they find me at my new home. The name may change, but you will always get the real me, no punches pulled here as well as in life. For all my old friends, welcome back! For all my new friends, welcome aboard, be sure to hold on tight because it can get a bit bumpy at times.
Where do we go from here? Forward, of course. The will be no looking backwards from this post on and I am looking forward to the forward momentum. With help from friends I was able to locate the archived versions of my now dead blogs which I will be extracting a handful of posts to breathe new life into them. Nothing is really going to change except I plan on going at it all much harder. There will, however, be a small delay in the complete an actual birth of this blog since I do have an impending surgical procedure to deal with on my left shoulder in the very near future. I don’t know how much I will feel like blogging or carrying on afterwards either until a good deal of recovery happens.
Y’all have been good friends thru the good, the bad, and the ugly and I would never be able to ask for anything more. Thanks for stopping by and I hope there will always be something new each time each of y’all return.