A Cautious Word About Sexting Selfies


Over the past weekend my wife was getting texts sent to her one right after another about 1 in the morning Sunday, thirteen to be exact. The above picture is one of them. My wife, thinking something is wrong or something important is going on jumps out of bed to check her phone and has 13 texts from a number she is not familiar with. Once she wakes me up to show me what was sent, there were quite a few that got progressively explicit, and some that both of us looked at twice because we wanted to figure out what she was doing. All I will say is it involved a rather large handle of a brush being used as an instrument of “pleasure”. Me and my wife were impressed with the depths she achieved.

After a short discussion with me, my wife calls this girl to find out who she is and inform her she had been texting her very intimate pictures to a wrong number this whole time. The girl, very apologetic, explained that she was wondering why the recipient was not replying because that was odd behavior on her part, yes I said her. Apparently, when she was typing in the number to text to for the first time her hands were a little slippery and she mistyped one digit, making my wife the new recipient. Hell, had she went a digit the other direction it would have gone to my number instead. Luckily for all parties involved, they went to my wife.

Sexting happens, this we all know, all I’m saying is to be careful so y’all don’t surprise a total stranger by mistake. On a plus side, some of the pictures got me to thinking, but that is another place and another time altogether for discussion. So, be safe when sexting, make sure your hands are dry, because cell phones get slippery. Anyone else had a similar situation happen? Want to share?

Thanks For ALL The Great Emails!


When I began checking my email this morning I realized how much email accumulates in 24 hours and have noticed the daily increase over the past several months. On a daily basis I sit down to over 250 unique emails and twice that in spam that is actually filtered, caught, and segregated. It typically boils down to 100 or so legitimate blog related messages which I read and respond to as needed. Why is this all important? It shows me that people are not only visiting my blog but they ate reading as well. In fact, a fair amount of what is posted (refers to “pictures” or graphics) comes from visitors wanting to share. I can never say thank you enough for those. Let’s just say I get many stories, pictures, ideas, and comments that are ALL greatly appreciated.

Which leads me to want to answer some common questions I get to help everyone out. Yes, I refer visitors to explore the links/tabs at the very top of the blog and the links to the right for a shotgun blast of information about me and this blog. Yes, I am a retired disabled United States Air Force veteran who has seen some bizarre shit all over the world and I like to talk about most of it here. Yes, for many years I have been a real life bartender and much of that time was spent working in a full nude strip club. Yes, the bartender stories I write were told to me in person at one given time or another. Yes, I will put your Magic Weekend story here on my blog, that’s why I have that particular feature. Yes, I am aware I use colorful graphic language, it is often a direct reflection of how I speak in real life. No, I am not a professional writer and I choose not to use a spell checker. Yes, Bearknuckle is a real Atlanta based band and yes, I do consider them to be quite badass and fantastically talented. Yes, I will put just about anything up here on my blog if I personally like it or personally find it interesting. Yes, everyone’s email is always welcome.

I think I will break it off there. I just wanted to take the time to publcally thank everyone who has been taking the time to email me for a multitude of reasons because I really do appreciate each and every one of them. Well, except the spam, I could actually live without spam emails. Again, thank y’all so much for the continued support.