Tempting The Past With The Future


Do you remember the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”?  This goes back to the days when people used to go out to the hen house and gather the eggs that the chickens had laid.  The idea was that if you put all your eggs in one basket and then drop the basket, or the bottom drops out, you lose all the eggs and all your work, and the work of the chickens will have been in vain.  But if you put your eggs into more than one basket, then if you drop one basket you still another basket with some eggs left in it. This cliché is used in life to remind us that that we need to have more than one plan, that we need to have contingency plans (plan B) just in case plan A fails.  Because if you have only one plan and it fails, then you are left with egg on your face and nowhere to go.

So why am I talking about an age old cliché? Earlier today I was sitting outside of a previous place of employment and while I was waiting I posted a question in my Facebook status which asked if I should be wary or skeptical about inquiring about a job which, back in February 2014, laid me off. Basically that was the question or statement. Since then, of course, I have inquired. Where did this impromptu visit stem from. Well, last night after dinner I was looking through job postings on Indeed and Monster and to my surprise I see the job posting. Now, I had been watching this company lately because I had seen other engineering positions post, but nothing related to production, that is until last night. I applied for the position through Indeed and really got to thinking, I need to make an appearance to show my face. Most of don’t remember names, but we almost always remember a face. So, I decided to hand carry a copy of my resume and show my face, hopefully to someone I knew since there have been many personnel changes over the last eighteen months. I was relieved to walk through the door and a dear friend had made all the cuts and survived all the changes. She filled me in on pretty much everything I was asking and so much more. We talked for about fifteen minutes when another familiar face came in. He looked very surprised to see me and also thankful to see me.

We talked. We had an informational talk in my opinion. I know, you want to know, was I hired? No, I was not hired. Why? Because the position doesn’t actually open until the end of the first week of August. But, I do have day to meet with the owner and his son at the end of next week. Yes, with bills stacking up the time seems like years not days or weeks. I had prepared for this answer actually with the full intent that I would carry on looking for work and not putting all my eggs into one basket in hopes that they hire me back. Only thing I have going in my favor at this time is I was the number one application and I gave face time to express my intent and interest. Maybe I was a bit eager or being naive instead of gun shy. I’m not a patient man, I’m not a person who likes to sit around answers or results. But, not working, all I have is time. Anyway, I just wanted to give a quicky update as I promised I would do. I keep my fingers crossed that something will break soon.

There’s A Monster Behind The Monster


I’m not going to badmouth Monster. Com during this short post, but my resume seems to get found by allot of trolls claiming to have seen it on Monster. Coincidence? Maybe. But, in the defense if the other search engines I have my resume posted to, nobody claims seeing it because they aren’t calling me. Still a coincidence? Makes me wonder.

After dinner tonight I get a call, she saw my resume on Monster, seeing if I’m interested in a consultant position. Me? I couldn’t consult my way out of a torn wet paper bag. She claims my military background is what caught her eye. She thinks I would be the perfect candidate to go into high schools to work with counselers to promote the military as a valuable route. She claims independence from the military, but consults schools on the importance of it as a career. OK, where does my resume say I can do that or has experience doing that? Right, it doesn’t, anywhere. I ended the call with a no thank you.

So why do these dumb fucks keep calling and referencing Monster? Good question. I don’t actually care, I just find it funny that all the bullshiters use Monster as a point if reference. Come on, give me a break will ya. My resume was yanked off Monster tonite, fifteen or so of these bogus calls is enough for me. Just stop calling unless you have a job offer, save the bullshit for my email. Now I’m tired, off to bed.

KISS “Monster” Album Review


I have never made it a secret to anyone, on-line or in real life, that I am a diehard KISS fan. Hell, I even spent a fair amount of cash a few years ago just so I could “be” Gene Simmons. I know, I sound like such a wet little girl. I can accept that. I have seen KISS live over the years at least a dozen times, I never passed it up if I could afford it. I have many things signed by all the band members. I have had the opportunity to actually meet Gene Simmons twice in my life, both times in Las Vegas Nevada at different times. Anyway, I enjoy their music and I will always be a support of the band known as KISS. But, we are not here to discuss my secret love affair with the band, I wanted to share my personal thoughts on their latest album, Monster. Everyone will probably not agree with everything I say and all I will tell you is we are all entitled to our own opinion, and this will be mine. I remind everyone I have zero musical background and zero credentials to review or judge a band’s music. Unless you take into consideration that I am a metal fan until I die, always have been and always will be. No, I do not consider KISS to be a metal band, that’s not what I’m saying, I’m just saying I have some kind of hard rock or metal in my ears most of my awake hours so I know what I like and what I think sucks the dingle berries out of a dead rhino’s ass. KISS Monster is not one of the one’s that suck, quite the opposite in my opinion. It may not be their greatest work they have ever performed, but in the top 3 KISS albums in my book. By the way, the artwork above was found on the good ‘ol world wide web and the photo below was taken by me for the specific purpose of this post and one other. The picture below is of my copy of the KISS Monster cd, yes I said cd.

In my opinion there are two kinds of music fans as far as the band KISS goes. People either love KISS or they hate KISS, there aren’t many in-between-ers out there. Sooner or later KISS will be calling it quits leaving us with waste cases like Cyrus and Biebler to carry the torch in the next generation of music. At which point, if those two are the only thing going I might take my own life because there will be nothing to look forward to each day any longer. Everybody in the music industry does one of 4 things to end the careers of band members. First, they were a “one hit wonder” and faded away as fast as they came on the scene. Second, the band breaks up and heads their separate ways. Third, everyone needs to retire at one point or another. And fourth, this one seems to be a biggy in the rock industry, which is an untimely death. My hope for KISS is that one day they just retire. Not all bands can go on forever and that’s great, they had a fantastic run. In my opinion, KISS is one of the most recognizable bands on the planet, known across the genders, known across generations, and known across the races. Not too damn many bands can say they are that “known” world-wide now can they. I can name a few, but the list is short. Anyway, if you already own this cd or downloaded the album somewhere you already know how good it is. For the rest of y’all, you now know what to do. I know, this wasn’t much of a review but it gave me a chance to write about KISS and that is always worth it to me.

00 KISS Monster CD

On This Day In 1968……….

00 its_my_birthday2

…………… there was a baby boy born to a mother who would never see him, never hold him, and never be a part of his life. It was on this day that this baby boy was giving the chance to live a life. It was on this day that a boy took in his first breath and was given the beginning of the rest of his life. I am thankful everyday for that first breath I was granted the opportunity to take. Look at it like this, she could have swallowed, he could have pulled out, or she could have aborted her pregnancy at any time. Luckily, she chose the adoption option and soon after the world was granted the opportunity to witness my presence. You see, we are all equally lucky. So, enough of the heavy shit everyone has heard before. I am here because she made the right choice back in 1968.

00 KISS Monster CD

I will be the first person to admit that I’m the person y’all hear about that is so hard to buy birthday presents for. Why? Simply because I don’t ask for anything, ever. Why? Because if I want something I save up for it and go buy it. Generally it isn’t for my self tho, it’s usually for other people. I don’t buy my self much. When I ask for something it is utilitarian, like underwear, socks, and stuff like that. After having the same cell phone for 4 years I finally upgraded and replaced it will a fancy new one. I did this a week or so ago, my own birthday present to myself and I said it just like that. I told my wife and kids that I would buy my own present this year so don’t bother. You know women tho, they rarely listen when the man is talking….. lol.

Somewhere during the course of the last year I mentioned two things “in passing”, meaning it was random and out of the blue, which were that I wanted to pick up the new KISS Monster cd, yes I wrote cd, I like cds. The other thing was a tablet because my laptop crapped out and I don’t want to spend the money to get another one, so a tablet seemed reasonable. But, like life itself, other expenses always come first because the cost of “living” is sometimes more than I bring home. So, as mentioned, they were fleeting comments not really meant to be taken as a hint or anything. But, my wife and kids took note, because like I said, I don’t generally ask for stuff, I just get it when I want it. In the end I was happily surprised and really glad they were paying attention because I had completely forgot about both of them.

00 Hisense Sero 7 Pro Tablet

Unfortunately I’m working today (right now to be exact) but I will be heading home later tonight and that will be perfect. I will be cooking my own dinner, grilling actually, since when asked what I wanted I wanted steaks. So, my mother-out-law provided me with steaks, potatoes, and some tequila for me to use tonight. The tequila will be for margaritas by the way. After we eat I plan on soaking my bones in the hot tub, rain or no rain, matters not to me, I like to relax and soak my bones. Today I work (or do this) and when I get off the party will just get kicked off. Hell, what am I saying, I live like it’s my birthday everyday. My kids tell me it is a special day to celebrate. I always reply that I celebrate the start of every day with that first recognizable breath, it’s a beautiful day each time I wake up. I won’t deny I’m lucky to be here, but aren’t we all.

00 Fuck Calm