Predictions, Conclusions, And Reality


So, it has been about three months now since I have initially mentioned anything about getting laid off. If you are new or need a quick review, just visit Life’s Little Curveballs for that post. I had spoke with my old boss, who also happens to be a dear family friend, this past Saturday at my daughter’s graduation, about how things were going at work. He explained that for 3 months now there has been zero activities happening so everyone op there has just looking busy. Yesterday he and his boss were permenately relieved of their management positions and laid off. The company has left one employee to pack up the warehouse, clean the warehouse, and help get the building ready to sell. Unfortunately his days are numbered and have been scaled back to only 4 hours a day in preparations for the company’s complete closure on a fate yet to be announced. Needless to say he is shitting bricks this very moment. At least they all witnessed the warning shot they dodged 3 months ago, I know 2 of the 3 already had new jobs in the hunt. The company now has 8 essential personnel to shut her down.

We had all sat down last time after my own layoff and made the prediction that this day would be coming within 6 months, but it seems the company wishes to accelerate the end closure. I will need to sit down one day and write something obout the journey this company has had because it actually is quite a story. I asked my friends to remember that every end is the start of a new beginning. I will follow up on this life changing event in the near future.

Tax Refunds For Federal Tax Cheats


While millions of Americans (myself included) continue to send back bigger portions of their hard earned wages to Washington, many federal employees are tax cheats and getting large tax refunds. During the year of sweeping budget cuts, millions of federal employees faced layoffs, furloughs, and other cutbacks as a result of Congress’ failure to replace sequestration with responsible, targeted cuts. Most of these federal employees are responsible citizens who pay their taxes. Some, however, don’t feel they have to live by the rules like other Americans.

In 2011, the IRS found nearly 312,000 federal employees and retirees were delinquent on their federal income taxes, owing a total of $3.5 billion in unpaid federal income taxes. This represented an 11.5 percent increase in the number of federal employees failing to pay their taxes, and a 2.9 percent increase in the total taxes owed the Treasury by these public servants. The 2011 figures, the most recent year for which data are available, include 107,658 civilian federal employees owing more than $1 billion in unpaid taxes; 141,980 were military and civilian retirees $2.1 billion in delinquent taxes; and 61,928 were current military with $329 million in outstanding taxes.

It is inappropriate for any individual in violation of the law, including tax law, to retain full time employment with the federal government. And yet, nearly every federal agency and office, starting with the White House, Congress, and even the Treasury Department, continue to employ individuals who are failing to pay their taxes. Congress, the Courts, and the White House have failed to lead by example, with the three entities employing a total of 1,622 individuals owing a combined $23.8 million in taxes as of 2011. Federal employees have a clear obligation, just as the rest of American citizens do, to pay their federal income taxes.


Information found for this “Your Tax Dollars @ Work” post was done by using a Google search. Information compiled from multiple public websites & media outlets.