Never Knowing What To Expect

So, I haven’t been “busy” lately with the exception of just doing the things that I deem need to get done. I think I will use this posting as a collective post since last we talked. It will be easier that way since I am still operating on this 7″ tablet for now. Tell y’all what tho, it sure beats trying to do it on my phone… The days have come and gone since I was laid off so is done as I put before, but a bitter memory now. Moving forward, it has given me plenty of time to take care of things in my personal life, around the house and property, vehicle maintenance, liquidating some things for the ready cash value they held, and of course, dealing with the the VA (medically speaking) since I lost my personal employer provided healthcare. Actually I am all set with VA medical coverage, it was a challenge, allot of hurry up and wait, but I lack my new ID card still. Their machine keeps being “down” so I call ahead before I make the 35 minute drive into Houston to go to the medical center. I have been turned away 3 times so far, yesterday being the latest attempt. No worries, I contacted the office in Rapid City (where we are going for vacation) and they said I can just do it there and they will mail it to me. So, problem solved hopefully.Newbartender1001.jpg

Luckily, as a disabled vet (with a 100% rating) losing my job does not impact us as much financially. Trust me, my savings account will suffer from now on, but daily life is still okay financially. Too bad I am not old enough to retire because this would have been the answer I was looking for. But, I never turn down the opportunity to flip a quick buck or three. So, earlier this week I was happy to take a call from Club X because I knew my old boss was calling for me to do a little bartending on the side. Last night I worked for 6 hours and made just as much as I would have made in an 80 hour work period at my old job. Plus, the work is very easy to do. I worked alongside another veteran bartender so it made it twice as nice. Additionally the scenery is always nice. So, no big deal, just easy money for me.

In fact I write this post today while waiting to have my oil changed and getting my Pathfinder detailed for the trip. I feel so ashamed because I never pay somebody to do what I can do myself, but, today I am feeling particularly lazy. Does this mean I need to hand over my “man card”? I wonder if it is being busy today or being lazy, probably both. Don’t worry, I will get back into the “man jobs” after we get back. Hey, at least I am still mowing my own grass and doing all my own chores still. Tell y’all what, I have been on the phone more in the last 3 weeks than I have in about 5 years. Spent allot of time on hold listening to someone else’s choice of what they believe is common for everyone to listen to. I beg to differ to say the least. Hopefully that crap is behind me. I am not a talker on the phone, I hate being on the phone, detest it to be more specific.

So, anyway, all seems to be going well here for us. Not the best conditions but very survivable. I really appreciate everyone checking in with me via email, Facebook, Google+, my blog, and blog catalog. It will all work out. Coming soon will be some quick posts from our travels to South Dakota, I will show some pictures and so forth as well as getting larger posts together once we get back into town. Just remember, one does not never known what the day ahead of them will hand them. Y’all are right, I have a good attitude because I seen no point in “bitching” about those things I cannot change. Hopefully the attitude stays up there over the next week of vacation. Luckily I am easy going, whatever happens will happen,non well. Until we meet again, be safe and be well my friends.