Defund Obamacare (“Affordable Care Act”)


Defund Obamacare

Don’t Fund Obamacare

Sign the petition and tell Congress: Don’t Fund Obamacare!

On 01 October 2013, millions of Americans will be required to enroll in Obamacare and could lose access to their doctors and be forced to pay higher premiums and higher taxes. But there’s still time to stop it. Republicans in Congress can stop Obamacare if they refuse to fund it.

Under normal circumstances one would never find anything to do with politics coming out of my mouth. However, since this goes way beyond the normal political rhetoric I feel almost obligated not to remain silent. I realize this decision will separate me from allies, friends, and even some family. All I ask is that you take the opportunity to review what is going to become something in all of our lives in the very near future. I don’t have a particular political alignment or agenda and I’m not asking anyone to “choose sides”. I am asking that each person I reach make the conscious decision to live with yourself and what you decided to do. This petition has nothing to do with me or my blog and all I am doing is sharing the information which can be found publically on the internet. As a father I find it is my duty to let everyone know that we do have a choice if we choose to be heard.

This will be the only time this subject will be mentioned here. I hold no opinions of those who choose to act or who choose not to act. Consider this an opportunity to review your future is it is what you choose to remain silent and let happen. That is all from me now and as far as I am concerned the subject is now closed. You have the information now which is available publically to all Americans. This isn’t about politics, it is about the future of healthcare for myself and fellow Americans.