The Scorpio: Explaining The Secrets



“What everyone should know about a Scorpio”

Symbol: Scorpion

Element: Water

Ruler in the body: Throat

Planetary ruler: Pluto

Day of the week: Tuesday

Colors: Red/Black

Gem: Garnet

Key words: “I desire”

Scorpio Season; Oct 23 – Nov 21


~The Scorpio Profile~

Scorpio is the most powerful sign in the zodiac, and it is no wonder Scorpios have a reputation for being mysterious, complex and intense. They are ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs sex, death, transformation, and atomic power. Consider the force that results from splitting an atom, and you will understand the power, will, and intense emotions Scorpios possess. Scorpio seeks to harness desire through will. Consequently, a Scorpio is not fond of weakness in himself, nor in others.

Because the Scorpio feels things so intensely, they appear to be extremely private, and almost secretive. Their reputation for secrecy, however, is born more out of the difficulty the have articulating their emotions than a wish to keep them to themselves. However, when a Scorpio does speak, others should watch out, for they speak the absolute truth, whether it be good or bad. A Scorpio will remain silent rather than water down their opinions with feelings. Had a Scorpio ever revealed a secret to another, he or she had better not reveal him, such a betrayal will never be forgotten. Scorpios rarely get mad, but we do get even.

Scorpio’s key words, “I desire”, reflect the passion that drives this sign, for if Scorpios draw from their considerable arsenal of power, they can, will, and do accomplish great things. Because they have such an incredible drive, they usually invest themselves fully in whatever project, carrer, cause, or person they persue. Because they possess such an incredible endurance, they always stay with whatever or whoever they have committed themselves to until the end, no matter how hopeless the circumstances. Because of this, it is vital that thr Scorpio consider any serious course of action or relationship before getting involved. Managerial and executive positions often answer the scorpio’s inate desire for power and control, it also suits their uncanny ability to understand the motivations of others. Because Scorpios are perfectionists and extremely diligent workers who strive for excellence, they are adept to many proffessions. With their inquisitive minds and their ability to get straight to the heart of any matter, they make fine therapists, researchers, consultants, and detectives.

Although they tend to be loners, Scorpios need to work in a nurturing enviroment. Critical, restrictive surroundings strike the very heart of their greatest fears, rejection. The Scorpio reponds best when given the opportunity to focus on a specific area of responsibility, left alone to do their work, and always shown appreciation. And as you may well know, a pat on the back goes a long way with a Scorpio, who will return the praise ten fold in stellar performance.

As for love and romance, Scorpio has long been typecast as the sexual sign of the zodiacs. Certainly those of us born under the sign are usually very magnetic, have a strong physical presence and penetrating eyes, and are very skilled lovers, paying attention to detail. However, sex alone will never be enough to satify an evolved Scorpio. The Scopio desires unconditional love and will ardently pursue his heart’s desires. Scorpio’s deeply emotional nature causes him to become extremely attatched to loved ones, and this attatchment often manifests itself as jealousy and possessiveness.

Scorpios are capable of profound love and are very committed to a relationship once they choose a partner, but this usually doesn’t occur until later in their lives. Not only are Scorpios capable of tremendous love, they make great workers for a cause, for their passion motivates others to contribute their efforts also. As a Scorpio, we have the capacity to transform not only ourselves and those we love, but society in general when we put our considerable drive to work for the good of others. Charity is another expression of our ability to love on a more spiritual level. Make no mistake about it, the complex Scorpio takes others to the heights and depths of their souls.

Like every astrological sign, Scorpio has positive and negative attributes and the ability to chosse which qualities to express. The typical Scorpio must remember that if he doesn’t act according to his better qualities, others will view him as manipulative, self-serving, and power-hungry. If, however, we must learn to harness our tremendous feelings and healing power in order to better ourselves and in order to be greatly fulfilled. Anyone who knows a Scorpio, knows that he goes through periods of personal upheaval.

The Scorpios compatibility with the other signs is shown easiest by looking at nature for examples. In nature, some elements are more compatible and blend more easily than others, like fire and air, and earth and water, the same holds true in astrology. Therefore, some signs naturally interact more hamoniously than others. The following information describes how Scorpio tends to relate to the other signs. It shows the potential stregths and weaknesses of a relationship between two signs. These are only examples and a broad guideline, in the final analisis, the choices you make are yours.

As a water sign, Scorpio is most compatible with other water signs, Cancer and Pices. The natural rapport of the water signs is due to their many intelectual and emotional simularities. The earth signs Virgo and Cappricorn make very suitable partners for the Scorpio also. Although Taurus is also a earth sign, it is Scorpio’s polar opposite in the zodiac, so the relationship would be a bit more chalenging than one with one of the other earth signs. In nature, “water nourishes earth, and earth gives water form”, and the same holds true in astrology. This is the reason earth and water signs are basically compatible. The fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagitarious, represent less suitable candidates for scorpio because of their elemental differences. The fire and water signs are both feeling-oriented, but they express themselves quite differently. Water can dampen fire’s enthusiasm, while fire can prove to be to much for water. Fire and water can form a steamy, combustible combination, but odds are that the relationship will be stormy than serene. The air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarious, are perhaps the least suitable sign for Scorpio because air and water signs are so functionally different. Social, changeable, and prone to flights of fancy, the air signs may be too outgoing and inconsistant for intense and private Scorpio. Scorpio needs a partner who can ultimately smoothe and/or provide a stabilizing influance.

Scorpio has the reputation of being the most intense of all the zodiac signs. An all-or-none quality is accociated with Scorpio and people born under this sign are generally noted for their stregnth of will, perseverence, and powerful emotions. Represented by the scorpion, Scorpio symbolizes hidden dangers, fierce feelings, and life-or-death issues. The scorpion symbolizes the deadly stinger that is latent within the Scorpio and the indomitable spirit that conquers all obstacles and admits no barriers. Traditionally, there is nor loyal friend, nor more deadly an enemy, than a Scorpio.

Scorpios are known as determined and tenatious (or relentless), as powerful (or control freaks), as circumspect (or secretive), as fascinated by the hidden, the taboo, and the forbidden in life. Not content with surface appearance or superficial answers, Scorpios have a deep need to probe, to uncover the underlying motivations, and to research fundamental principles. Scorpios love to learn your inner most secrets, and it may often feel as though they can learn just by glancing at you. Don’t expect the sharing of your secrets to be reciprocated, however, Scorpios will closely guard their own. While you may dissatisfied with the one sidedness of this deal, you can rest assured that the secrets you confide to a Scorpio will be kept just that, secrets. There are other types of secrets in the universe beside the aforementioned personal and professional kinds, and the Scorpio strives to learn those, also. The after-life, the sub-consious, and the true purpose of life are far more elusive secrets that Scorpios often spend their lives seeking to gain even the slightest bit of knowledge about. The idea of finding out something no other human being is supposed to know in this life is quite inticing to the spiritual Scorpio mind.

A guiding drive for the Scorpio is self mastery, to learn about and control one’s own psyche. This is done partly through relationships; people form a mirror for our own own issues and processes. It is also done partly through exposing one’s self to temptation and then rising above it. Mastering addictions and achieving self-control is a very common Scorpio quest. The skill of a really good psycho-therapist is the capacity to transform negatives into positives and liabilities into assets, and the Scorpio can do that in many differnt frameworks. They have the psychological courage to face what would terify many people and to find a way to transmute that horror into something constructive or a learning experience.

Scorpio reaches his highest potential as an individual who is constantly examining himself, striving to become more aware and to transform negative habits into possitive characteristics. Such people view all blockages as challenges and the Scorpio is the ultimate survivor. They will survive, no matter what it takes. Their loyalty is un-shakable and their depth of feeling is sometime frightening to others. Scorpios are people who will have a profound impact upon you, upon the world, and upon their own psyches. They are catalysts and transformers. The highest form of Scorpio is the Avatar, the evolved soul who is an exemplar to all of us for the best that humanity can become.

Posted From Scorpion Sting’s Motorola Droid Maxx!

Stop Asking Me What Color It Is!


For those of y’all who weren’t aware, I’m color blind, I suffer from deuteranopia (deu-ter-an-opia) (dü-tə-rə-ˈnō-pē-ə) to be more specific. Before I get into this post I want to give y’all some information that may help you in the future when you encounter person who suffers from color blind/ color deficient vision. Deuteranopia:(also called green-blind). In this case the medium wavelength sensitive cones (green) are missing at all. A deuteranope can only distinguish 2 to 3 different hues, whereas somebody with normal vision sees 7 different hues. Don’t forget that y’all also know how to Google things, but this time I helped y’all out. I don’t get angry easy, I don’t hate too many things (the list is real short), but I draw the line seeing the humor asking anyone who is color blind “what color something is” because it isn’t a game for us, period. We live our lives seeing this beautiful world the way we see this beautiful world and that is the end of that.

Now, I was not born color blind that I know of, or at least not completely according to my mother, but when it actually started I couldn’t tell you. I do know I failed my first driver’s license test because I failed to be able to distinguish the colored number hidden within the colored dots. After a trip to the optometrist it was declared that I was “suffering” from deuteranopia. The optometrist mentioned to my mother that it was probably accelerated a great deal due to some head trauma I had a little less than a year before. So, from age 16 on I have learned to trick my mind into seeing things that are not there. Memorization of certain things helps as well. I make do, as we all do, we do it everyday, not because it is a choice, but it is what it is and that is how we are forced to live.


The times I hate most about being color blind is when someone new finds out. Why? It’s simple, because they immediately, and I mean absolutely immediately, begin asking me to tell them what color this thing is or what color do I see for that thing. Enough is enough. Here is the plain and simple truth, I don’t know what colors y’all are seeing in the first place so any comparison I make is pointless. I vowed, after today, to punch the next person in the face with a chair who asks me what color something is because, unlike for that person, it is not a joke to me. Therefore, my gift will be a chair to the face. Lights out bitches! I consider it rude and very insensitive to not take into consideration that it is a condition and not a choice, and it definitely is not a freaking game of red light green light or simon says.

I do get asked how this affects my daily life overall, in a nutshell, and how do I “cope” with it. Well, first, I don’t look at it as a handicap of any sorts, it’s just how my life is. There are challenges I assure you, but when one gets good enough at interpreting the world around himself it becomes much more easy. As an example, take driving into consideration, all signs, signals, and warnings are in color. It blows my wife’s mind still to this day because I can “tell” what “color” the traffic signal is and she doesn’t get out. All traffic lights are either vertical or horizontal, with the colors either top to bottom or left to right, red always being on top or on the left. So, when one is lit up I can tell which one it is and what I need to do, stop, caution, or go. My problem is single flashing signals because who in the hell knows what color they are flashing.

A few other challenges I have are when I cook, things turn a different color when heat is applied. For example, beef and other red meats I need help discerning when they get “browned” 50% of the time. How to overcome this set back? Everything has a time at a temperature when it begins to transition, so I cook by time and smell mostly. Which is why smoking foods is easy for me. Picking out my own clothes can be challenging. My solution? 98% of the clothes that are in my closet are black in some variation. All of my underwear are black. All of my socks are black. All of my boots and shoes are black. Both of my hats, cowboy and baseball, are black. My watch, wallet, belt, and even my wedding ring are black as well. However, I take my wife’s word for it if she tells me a color looks good on me if we are shopping. Colored or white shirts stand out in my closet trust me. So, y’all might ask if I like the color black and my answer is that the color black is easy. One cannot not mis-coordinate the color black, at least not in my world. I do have my fair share of camouflage as well, but that just goes where I live and what my hobbies are.

So, my advice to any one of y’all who feel your curiosity is warranted, justified, or just cute, just remember how a chair to the face will feel because that is how you make me feel. I’m not here on planet dirt to be someone’s parlor game or freak-show. If y’all want shit like that then go visit your local Walmart for fun. Does it suck being color blind? Not for me because I don’t have anything to compare it to. Last reminder. Chair. Face. Last bit before I close. It has been brought to my attention that the colors on my blog are all jacked up and sometimes it is hard to see. I know this, but that isn’t how I see it.


Beware Of Background Image Changes


I have been scouring the internet looking for a background image for The Sting Of The Scorpion that is dark and gritty allowing the text in posts to remain white. This change actually started a few months ago when I changed the color theme here from blue to red. I would let it be for a while until I had enough random comments mentioning the dislike of the current background. I realize I can’t make everyone happy but in my attempt to do so I will open this all up for submissions. I ask that two guidelines are used in your own search, it must be able to be seamlessly tiled and I need it to be dark and red. The above picture is my latest attempt to get a good contrast between the background and the white text. It’s not the fault of the reader that I’m color blind but it is something y’all must suffer through with me. Thanks for the understanding and help in advance.

Please send any submission ideas (full size) to

A Girl And Her New Truck

 I have mentioned a time or two how my 17 y/o daughter is driving now and how she has a fascination with driving my trucks. Most of her driving education was completed in one of my trucks. In fact her driver’s education was provided by me thru the PTDE program (Parent Taught Drivers Education) offered here in Texas. Now, she has a car (currently for sale) that was given to her by her biological father over a year ago for her sixteenth birthday. He had bought a new vehicle and figured he would give her his old car. Well, it isn’t that old, it’s a 2008 Nissan Sentra SE-R which had only 17K miles on it. He thought it was perfect for her since she’s only 5′ tall. Since day one she has not really cared for it a great deal and said she felt very “small” in it when she was driving. But, we kept the car because it was a gift. That don’t mean it was driven a great deal. There has been under one thousand miles put on it in 14 months. Secretly, her and her grandmother had been searching for a truck. However, her and her grandmother didn’t exactly know what they were looking for or what they were looking at altogether. This is where I was called in. They needed help locating a truck. Now, if my daughter had her way, she would be driving my H1 Alpha because she thinks I need to give it to her. Way wrong answer. What’s the next best thing? Well, actually, there isn’t a next best thing because nothing else on the planet even compares to a H1 Alpha. I hunted for many months across the continental United States to find the one I want, I have no intention of parting with it just yet. They know I will search until I find exactly what I want and I won’t settle.

First of all I sat down with her and she explained what she was looking for in a truck. Her list wasn’t real hard to fathom and I figured I would be able to fulfill what she wanted to have. Now we had to talk budget. She has scrimped and saved 2 thousand dollars, her grandmother gave me five thousand dollars, and as I found out, the rest was going to be up to me. Hey, it’s better than having to foot the entire cost myself, so I graciously took all donations. She explained she was looking for solid red, solid black, or solid white. She wanted four doors. She wanted it to be 4×4 with a small lift. She wanted it to be an older model Ford. She wanted it to be a standard because she has found that to be her preference. She didn’t want a fixer upper, she wanted something to drive right away. That was about it for what she was actually looking for. Seemed like it would be easy enough because what she was looking for was pretty broad in the overall scale of things. Plus, living here in Texas, finding a 4×4 Ford isn’t all that hard, it’s the finding the right one for sale that showed to be a challenge. I have some standard places I start when looking to buy anything vehicular, and because they usually have a great local selection. If those two fail me I grab an actual paper and go from there. I searched on and off for a couple weeks and really didn’t see anything I wanted to give money for because I really didn’t care for them. My wife said I should have been taking my daughter out looking because it should be her choice. True. But beyond how it looks she would be no help. Although, I have been teaching her about the importance of everything under the hood and under the vehicle. I don’t know if it all makes total sense to her or not. She has “gear head” tendencies for sure, but I don’t want to force any of it on her, I just want her to know more than where to put the fuel.

All of the looking and disappointment soon came to end. My daughter, son, and I were driving to the lumber yard, yes an actual outdoor lumber yard, when we saw this red 4×4 Ford F350 with a 4-sale sign in the back window. She wrote down the phone number so we could call the owner later and maybe look at it. After spending about an hour at the lumber yard we finally found what we were looking for, got loaded up, and headed home. I got so involved in what we were doing that I had forgot we had a phone number to call. After a few hours I was reminded by my daughter to call. I was pretty disappointed because I had to leave a message as my inquiry. So, back to work. Later in the day just before dinner the gentleman gave me a call back. We discussed the truck in some detail and I decided it was worth a look. I didn’t tell my daughter he called because I wanted us looking at the truck to be a real surprise. The following morning, Sunday, we all loaded up in the H1 to go for a “ride”. Only my wife and I knew where we were going. We figured we would have fun and make a game out of it all. Since the man lived about 40 miles away from my house we just enjoyed the drive thru the countryside. It was quite nice just milling about way out in the boondocks. Finally we arrived at our final destination. As we drove up the dirt driveway I mentioned that I had to make a detour to talk to a man about some parts I was looking for that I needed to repair a trailer. I said we would only be a few minutes and then we could be on our way again. We pulled up by the house and the man was walking out the front door to meet us. I jumped out to go talk to him in advance of everyone else. Everyone else got out and came to where I was to meet up with me. The man said they could go look around all the old junk while we talked. My kids wandered off back behind the garage and disappeared out of sight. All of a sudden I’m getting a text message from my daughter to tell me that this man had a truck similar to the one we had saw driving the day before. She wanted me to come look at it and if I liked it to talk him into selling it. Really? This is an amazing development! We all made it back around the garage and my daughter was smiles from ear to ear. It was funny to watch. The only thing she said to me was “ask him”.

He started out telling us a story about the truck and how he ended up with it. His youngest son was the owner of the truck. His youngest son is a Marine who was killed in Afghanistan 18 months ago at age 23. He said he was holding onto the truck because he believed it would have sentimental value. He would drive it once a month or so to keep everything in good condition, he would keep the oil changed, he always kept it clean. But, now he wanted to sell it because he was done with his mourning and felt selling it would help him and his wife to move on with their own lives. Now, I didn’t know all of this about his son in advance, but I’m glad that he shared. He quickly changed gears and wanted to show off everything this truck had to offer. This was, however, his son’s first love. He spent every last nickel he had making this the truck that stood before us and spared no expense doing so over the years. The simple version of what was offered with this truck is as follows. It’s a 1997 F350 Crewcab Powerstoke 7.3L diesel with a 6″ suspension lift, 36″ tires, a 4″ dual exhaust, K & N treatment, and a Banks Power System. Also, it had electric trailer brake hook ups as well as a hide-away gooseneck ball. It also boasted a very clean and very well maintained interior. It is a 5 speed manual transmission as well as being what my daughter says is the perfect shade of red. To top it all off it has only 98,000 miles on it. Pretty much this truck has hit every mark on my daughter’s wish list. I was thinking quietly to myself that the truck was perfect to add to our family because it could be used to work as well as looking pretty. Let’s give it a test drive to see how it runs. It ran impressively, I would have no concerns with her driving this truck at all. I was also thinking he was about to drop the price bomb on me and it wasn’t going to be pretty. So, we started talking about price and he started talking about all the add-ons and special treatments it had. Then, after a long sigh he said a price that almost put me on my ass. Now, I was expecting something between $19K and $22K as it sits. So, I was very surprised, as well as happy when he said $11K will drive it home today. There is only one hiccup in the whole deal, he has no idea where the title is located. No big deal, I will pay the additional $25.00 for the title search. We shook hands and the deal was said and done. My daughter was so excited she ran up to him and gave him a very big hug and a very heart felt thank you. I gave him $9,000.00 in cash and wrote a check for the remaining $2,000.00 and then he handed the keys to my daughter.

After everything was settled I called USAA (my insurance provider) and had the truck added so we could drive it home. Everything was set with only one exception, the only two people who can drive a standard are my daughter and I. And she has very little experience doing it. So, she wants me to ride with her to ensure she has no problems. What does this mean? It means my wife will need to drive my H1 home. No big deal right? Wrong, in the almost 2 years I have had the H1 she has never driven it. Why? Because she thinks it is way to big, so she has never wanted to drive it. Well, today is the day I tell her. I just told her to follow us and try to keep up. We took off like a band of outlaws and hit the road to head home. My daughter did wonderful driving her new truck and had no problems. My wife had the same success and when we got home she handed me the keys and told me she has no desire to ever drive it again. My daughter said it is a big difference between driving her new truck and driving her Sentra. She loves it. We did good. My wife thinks it’s a bit too big for my daughter because she is so small. My daughter says those are fightin’ words. Once we got home she wanted me to take a few pictures for her………so she could update her Facebook status. So, I did my best and she posted pictures of her new truck. In the end the reason I’m writing this post is because I had a few pictures and the journey to finding the truck has been an interesting one. It made me think about how every vehicle tells a story about the previous owner and now the story continues with this truck and my daughter. I know what you are thinking, and yes, my daughter is a redneck just like her dear old dad. I have to hand it to her, she knew what she wanted, and now she is happy. Sadly, she said jokingly, her boyfriend can’t drive the truck because he can’t drive a standard and she’s not going to teach him. Kinda mean if you ask me.