Winner Of Provide The Caption #5

01 Apocalypse Cow 01

Caption Winner: janeybgood @ “Cupid Or Cats

Of course there is a bit of a back story to why the caption “Apocalypse Cow” was chosen unanimously (3-0 vote) by my children. They explained to me that out of 161 possible captions that were provided by many readers of The Sting Of The Scorpion that “Apocalypse Cow” was the hands down winner. Why? There were a few reasons, as it was pointed out to me, number one reason was because Apocalypse Now is my all time favorite movie and the fact that I can watch the entire movie on mute and can quote the entire movie. So, my children believed that because of the scenery in the picture that it reminded them of the movie so the choice was easy. They then modified the lower quote because over the years, when I’m grilling or smoking I said that very thing, “I love the smell of steak in the morning, it smells like ……………….. victory”. What can I say, my kids know me and what I like. So we celebrated last night after dinner by doing none other than watching Apocalypse Now with full on blasting volume. It was a beautiful moment, my wife by my side and two of my three children on the other couch, no phones, no tablets, no computers, just a hand in the popcorn as we all enjoyed daddy’s favorite movie.

Caption Winner: janeybgood @ “Cupid Or Cats

When You Choose To Be Offended


When someone enters The Sting Of The Scorpion they are doing this at their own free will. Y’all don’t come here because I’m selling products or services. Y’all come here to see what I’m posting and to see why I’m posting it. Regular visitors know by now that I don’t care if the material, subject matter, or stories actually are going to offend you. If you are easily offended by things in our world then you are definitely in the wrong place. I decided that I was going to stop giving the offended a voice here at The Sting Of The Scorpion because those pussies don’t appreciate it anyway. I have been holding my tongue because I wasn’t clear if I wanted to open this can of bullshit or not. But, after a fantastic spam comment this morning I realized that maybe I need to explore why so many people have an uncontrolled bleeding snatch about a camouflage cow picture being posted here asking visitors to provide the caption. That original post entry, “Provide The Caption #5“, has drawn allot of controversy because the fucking cow is not something that should be used in something as degrading as a stupid contest. Really, you don’t say. Tell me more how this offends people Scorp.

Oh damn, where do I begin. Let’s start with the religious aspect which has been shared with me. Not all religions of course, but specifically The Sting Of The Scorpion was bombarded with the fact that the way the cow is depicted in the picture I provided is sacrilegious in Hinduism. I was informed that Hindus (in general I would suppose) see the cow as holy and not to be harmed. Whereas the picture I provided shows this bull in imminent danger because the helicopter gunships are on the prowl. I think it would do no good to remind people this picture was done in humor and no animals were harmed. Why bother? Why bother trying to reason with people who will not be reasoned with. I live in the Texas where the cow has a different purpose, for me specifically, I like to eat them.


We can get into that aspect as well. According to some people who follow the cult of PETA, that we shouldn’t be eating cows or treating them in a fashion which will make them sad or bring them harm. What in the fuck is a matter with PETA? I see trying to make your own choices for your own reasons but I really don’t care what or why you think the way you do. Have any of y’all ever read the mandate or mission of PETA? Every time I read it I want to get my damn crayons out so I can help them draw rainbows coming out of everyone’s ass. Here at The Sting Of The Scorpion we talk about eating meat all the time, we talk about hunting this meat all the time, and of course we talk about smoking/grilling/cooking this meat all the time. Do I need to remind you dumb fucks that this picture was provided in humor? Do y’all (PETA) have a sense of humor? Since 09 January 2014, the day I posted this picture to get participation for a caption, I received 59 emails and 46 spam comments about how what I’m doing is wrong and offensive in so many ways.

I suppose this was in an attempt to get me to take the picture down. Perhaps it was even an attempt to get me to apologize to cows, religions, and fascist groups. I was going to let this one go, continue on, business as usual, but y’all have rubbed my fur the wrong way this time. I owe nobody nothing. I wish I could give people with their heads up in their asses a sense of humor because they take things way too serious. And here we are, here we have once again, people who think just because they are offended that this makes them right. It doesn’t make you right, it just makes you offended. I would have never expected that a camouflage cow would make so many people angry with me personally. There is still time though, do not despair, I will not be closing this contest until tomorrow morning and this is when the winner of the caption contest will be announced.

As a footnote. My intentions here at The Sting Of The Scorpion are not to intentionally offend anyone. However, there are those of y’all who believe differently than I do and live differently than I do as well. That’s okay, I understand that y’all will sometimes have a differing opinion or be offended by what you see here, and that is okay as well. Just remember, you clicked the link to get to The Sting Of The Scorpion, nobody can click it for you, nobody is forcing you to be here, and I truly find that when someone comes here they are doing it as a freewill choice. Just remember that I’m not your mother so I don’t have to like you and vice versa.
