Bitches don’t like to be stood up!

Now everyone knows that I like guest posts, y’all also know I don’t get many, but when I do I post them to share with all that will read them. It’s true, Holley @ Chasing Destino approached me about posting an interview that she believed would be appreciated by myself and all of the readers here. However, even in her disappointment and despair, we were provided her take on being stood up for an interview. Please enjoy! Then check her blog out.


“The Suspense Is Killing Me!”

Can you believe I was stood up for a phone interview? I’ve been stood up twice this week by the same group – Twiztid. So you mean to tell me that of all the people on Twiztid’s tour bus that not one single person has a phone? I don’t buy it. Almost everyone on the planet has a phone.  Homeless people have phones. Six year old kids have phones.  But not Twiztid? No way.

I realize that I just have a small blog. I also realize that they have a busy schedule. But you know who else has a busy schedule? Me.  Three kids, work and a blog = busy. Not to mention that I could have been doing more interesting things with my boyfriend. He made some guacamole for me so I could keep up my strength while waiting. He also hasn’t stood me up yet, which is why he is still around. That and the guacamole.

For this interview, I rearranged my schedule so that I could be ready. Instead, I feel like I have been stood up for the prom or something.  I was totally ready to be shocked and scared. It seemed like a good time to start conquering my fear of men in masks.

And then my phone didn’t ring. And still hasn’t rung. No emails. No tweets.

Scorp Sting and I also made arrangements to post the interview on his blog as a guest post. So since that seems to have fallen through, I’m going to do this bit of ranting instead.

It just seems like a bad way to do business.

P.S. Bitches don’t like to be stood up. Just sayin’.

If y’all click the link y’all will see other great interviews.