World Wide Photo Challenge # 2

automotivator (5)

Welcome to the second World Wide Photo Challenge. For this challenge you need to take a picture of yourself “Enjoying Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage”. If you have multiple favorite alcoholic beverage then you will need to take multiple pictures. After you send in your pictures they will be inserted into this post and added the Pinterest board World Wide Photo Contest. Of course, the post and it’s contents will be repeated shared, as it is updated, on Blogcatalog, Facebook, and Google+. For those of y’all that contribute, I will provide you with the link to share wherever it is you share things. Also, with every contribution to the post I will put up a link to your blog (unless you don’t want me to) to drive a little traffic your way.

I only have three rules for this challenge.

  • #1 Photos of you  “Enjoying Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage” is the subject of this challenge.
  • #2 Photos must be at least NC-17 if you want me to share them with the world. If you are unsure, just send them in and I will sort them out.
  • #3 Each photo needs to have a short description, your name, and the place taken. Include more information if you want.

Please, no minors with alcohol pictures, they will not be used. Understand that mostly adults will be playing along here who might be inclined to send in pictures of an adult nature, in which case photos would go straight to my Pintrest board and referenced here, otherwise the photos will just be held, enjoyed, but not posted. Keep in mind that The Sting Of The Scorpion is considered “an open to all ages, races, religions, and so forth and so on blog” and I would like to keep that in tact.

At the end of this challenge the your pictures will be judged and a over-all winner will be chosen. I have not secured any prizes as of yet, but I’m working on it, and will announce it at a later date if it is going to happen. What you get for sure is your name up in lights on my blog and all the above places mentioned and the knowledge that all the effort you personally put into your photo(s) was well worth the effort. So, e-mail all your great photos into .