Having My Very Own Magic Weekend

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To begin with, my wife and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day in a traditional (commercial) way. For the most part is it just another day on the calendar that comes and goes with little to no notice. We tend to avoid all the typical things like flowers, candy, and fighting crowds to go out to eat. We both see it as a waste. We will exchange a card (sometimes) but if nothing is said, done, or acknowledged it isn’t dwelled upon by either of us. To be honest, we don’t need a “holiday” for us to get together in any regard. I had plans of making my special version of chicken cordon bleu and I was looking forward to our dinner plans since it was supposed to be just my wife and me. When I got home I was getting prepared to assemble the chicken, the wine was being chilled, and the oven was warming up. Soon after, my wife strolls through the door and tells me we have plans, so stop what I’m doing so we can get dressed. Plans? We don’t do “plans” on Valentine’s day, ever, not even when we were just dating. It’s hard to wear my pissy face when my wife is all excited. Well, let me put everything up so it doesn’t go to waste and turn off the oven for sure.

I follow her to the bedroom which was a pleasant trip because all the way to the bedroom she was shedding clothes. It was like a mobile strip tease. She puts on her robe, if you can call it a robe, sits down to redo her hair and make-up. I decided to jump in the shower to knock the day off and freshen up a bit. My wife isn’t worried because she knows I’m an in and out of the shower kind of guy so she knows I wont take long. Unless, she was to join me, the I’m still the in and out guy but the shower takes a little longer. But, not this time, this was a solo sudsing to say the very least. Five minutes later I emerged, squeaky clean and ready to rock & roll. She took the opportunity to lay my clothes out for me. When I saw what it was I was struck with a little disappointment because I knew what it meant. Laid out on the bed were my black Wrangler jeans, which I hate because they are too tight in the ass and crotch, leaving very little room to breathe normally. Next to the jeans was my red long-sleeved “western” shirt, a very nice shirt which I only wear when we are going out dancing at the redneck clubs. This night is taking a bad turn, I think I might be feeling ill. On the floor were my nice western boots, which I hadn’t worn since my foot surgery a few months ago. I really like these boots, I have had them for 20 plus years and cannot wear them out for nothing, but then it is hard to wear out alligator skin, these are black too, of course. She was wanting me to go all out I see as my black Stetson and nice black leather belt with the headstone belt buckle were also laying on the bed next to everything.

She goes into the closet and emerges with a handful of clothes which I didn’t get to see and she heads off to the bathroom. I proceeded to get dressed, getting all redneck pimped out for who knows what reason. It will be good though, we don’t go out, just her and I, much any more. Fifteen minutes later she slinks out of the bathroom looking like a stunning redneck angel, looking allot like the day we met so many years ago. Then she asked for my help, she needed me to lace up her leather corset for her and well as pull up the zipper on her pants. Strange, I like it the other way, unlacing and unzipping, but not tonight, she is on a mission I can tell. I’m surprised she is wearing these jeans, they are so tight that is she wasn’t shaven then we could count the short and curlys. Lucky for us she took care of business. These are my favorite jeans, they fit her like a latex glove that is 3 sizes too small. I remember buying these jeans a few years ago, she is a tricky one to buy jeans for as not all jeans conform to a woman’s body the same way for each woman. I never mind going jeans shopping because it is always a show that I don’t want to miss. For those of you new here, my wife is 5’1″, 108 lbs, natural blonde, and she is still very proud of her boobs because after 2 children and being forty years old now, she still has yet to start “drooping”. She told me once I will never have to be one of those husbands who spends tens of thousands of dollars on boob jobs for his wife.

So, due to the nature of her clothing she will be going commando all the way around, as the leather corset does not leave room for a bra. So, now the hard part, I get to put on her socks and her boots for her. I tried to teach her years ago to put the pants on half on way and then put her boots on before she pulls them all the way up. But, she likes it this way it would seem. Now that she is all buttoned, laced, and zipped, she moves back to the mirror to finish up with her hair. I’m a lucky man in many senses of the word, but I feel lucky personally because my wife wears very little make up, mostly eye make up and a little something to throw off the blend of color in her face. She decided to wear her hair down with is nice for me because I always see it up in a ponytail or up in some fashion. I tend to forget her hair is almost down to her ass because I rarely see it down. She’s up to something, she is trying to distract me from something, so I better watch closely so I don’t miss what it is. After a little bit more primping I brushed my teeth and wetted my hair down to stand it back up, a high and tight flat top is such a hard hair style to maintain said no man ever. Final look at both of us, grab my Stetson, and away we go. There she goes down the hall, what a sway she has after all these years, she has never lost it, I do enjoy watching her walk away from me.

As we are walking out the door she mentions she wants to go big and asks if we can take the H1. Sure why not, nothing like trying to squeeze this bitch into a compact car parking spot. I joked with her and told her to grab the butter because it might be a tight fit here in a bit. As we are leaving the neighborhood she is quiet about where we are headed which I hate when I’m driving because I like to know in advance where we are going. We head into town, she tells me where to turn and where to go and soon enough I knew what she was up to. We were fixing to head into a place I know real well as I used to bartend here many years ago, many years ago. Lucky for me they were providing valet parking so I wasn’t going to drive around the giant lot looking for a spot. I got out, went around to the passenger side to help my wife out, and turned to give my keys to this 12 y/o kid, well, he looked 12 at least. I’m thinking that I hope he is tall enough to reach the pedals as I chuckled out loud as we walked. We were greeted at the door by friends my wife works with, I knew this was a damn trap, and we all went in together. Bonus, ladies have no cover charge, bummer, men have a $25.00 cover, ouch. Bonus again, the attendant remembers me and she gives me a break for the promise that my wife will let me give her a dance later. My wife actually agrees to it. What she doesn’t know is she don’t want to dance with me, she wants to grind up and down my leg and if she hasn’t changed she wont be wearing a stitch under that super short mini skirt.

We get in and the freaking place is packed, like 1,000 people over the building capacity packed. I decided to go to the bar and see what I could scare up, we order our drinks and the bartender asks my wife for her I.D., so I had it in my shirt pocket show she showed it and put it back. The group of us made our way to the outside edge of the club and actually found a booth which held the six of us. It’s the perfect place to sit, close to the bar, close to the restroom, and close to the mechanical bull bar. I told my wife already that I would support her if she wanted to give it a spin but I refuse, those days are over for me, way over, years ago, way over. She gave me the “uh huh wink” so I knew we would be arguing later. The ladies all left to go take a powder or whatever the fuck they all do as a gang going to the restroom. Still, to this day, at 45, I don’t understand why it takes one woman at least two other women to pee. Maybe I’m missing something, maybe I need to start spying. Will I ever know the answer? Nope. I decided to go get in line to throw some darts, nothing mixes well better than alcohol and pointy object you get to throw. Man, don’t people move on with their lives, it was like seeing the same people from years ago, except they got a little fatter and gained a few more wrinkles. I lit a cigarette and laid my money on the table. How boring, playing 501 in and out. My wife located me and said she will be out dancing when I’m done, and don’t make her wait or she will grab some young buck and make him wet himself. Awww, she’s such a damn tease.

My turn at the dart board, luckily I went to the H1 and grabbed my darts. Time flies when you can’t lose. It wasn’t because I’m that good, it is because they sucked that much ass. Made me look good and put a little money in my pocket. The last game a cocky sucker wanted a rematch because he felt he had been cheated because he “runs” these dart boards and he “owns” every bitch who steps up. Well, shit, nobody told me I had to ask permission to beat someone’s ass here. Fine, it’s my last match because I had a wanting women giving me the evil eye every dart I threw. Step up, put down some money. After some really big talk, by both of us, the bet was settled, $1000.00 winner takes all, best of three games. I showed my wad, coincidently that wad belonged to the others I beat here since I walked in with only a hundred to throw down for darts. Bam, Bam, I owned and dominated the first two games, no questions and no problems. I picked up my money and walked off to get another shot of tequila on my way to the dance floor. Lets hope I can remember how to dance now, maybe another shot of liquid courage, or three, yeah, four was the magic number. Dance we will, look out ladies, fresh meat coming through. A crowded dance floor full of horny drunk women is a place I would rarely walk alone, but I had to muster though the groping, grinding, and package checks to get to my wife, who always likes the center of the dance floor.

By the time I got to her I was already sweating, what is it in her 666 degrees! Then the world went into slow motion the moment I was in front of my wife, she had sweat rolling down the sides of her face, she was glistening, he hair was all tossed about, and she was just going to town, she had that just fucked put away wet look, this is going to be a good night to be me I can feel it already. We danced, we danced allot, finally after an hour or so, all those shots were talking to my bladder, it was time to make a break for the head before they had to clean a mess up on the dance floor and wet saw dust is so hard to sweep. I seemed like an hour to get off the dance floor, I could see the giant sign that said “<—- Cowboys Cowgirls —>” in bright neon lights, I was really close. Finally, I made it in just enough time to stand in line. The line moved fast enough, if molasses in the winter in North Dakota is fast, and finally I get in to go. Saying what a relief it actually was would be the understatement of the century, I haven’t had to hold it in like that since I was about 6 and never what to have to do it again. Okay, let me the hell out of this zoo before I get anymore wayward drunk piss on my boots, I hate it when a man can’t even have the common courtesy to piss on his own boots, he has to piss on mine. Now that I’m out I am trying to see which direction I need to head, got it, time to start pushing through. About 15 feet from the rest room I feel a hellacious crash to the back of my head, I fall forward to catch myself, turn around, and see the jackass that lost all of his money because he sucked playing darts.

I was told it was one great fight. I was told I held my own quite well against this 20 something punk. Luckily for me, as I was told, I won’t need any medical attention, and I won’t be going to jail if the police can locate my wife in the club. The dumbass, however, gets a trip in the ambulance and then will be headed to jail. Apparently, all of his boys ratted him out when they were talking to witnesses where he had said he was going to kill me if I didn’t give his money back. I love redneck clubs! Within 30 minutes my wife was walking up to the police cruiser where I was sitting. How nice, she has my Stetson. No words were spoken. No looks were given. Just a soft hand held out to help me out of the back seat of the car. The valet asked if we were ready to go and I said of course. He returned with my H1 and I put my wife in and I got in. Hungry, we went across the street to IHOP to get a snack or something. We sat there, staring at each other for a few minutes when she finally asked if it was worth it. Worth it? Was what worth it? I dug the two grand out of my pocket and put it in her hand and told her the guy was a sore loser and wanted his wad back. Her head sunk for a moment and when she looked back up she told me that this would have been a piss poor reason to get killed in the redneck club, she said this with a slick little smirk on her face because she thought the little fight was over something else stupid, like me running my mouth. Me, never.

We wrapped it up, paid the tab, and headed home. It was about 3 in the morning, I was tired, really sore, and I just wanted to be free of the meat locker jeans. After undressing, I jumped in the shower to soak a bit. A little while passed and I open my eyes to my wife standing in front of me as the shower rained down. She reached out, put her arms around me, pulled me tight, told me she is glad I’m not dead, and we stood there and soaked for a good while. Afterwords we both toweled off and headed for the bedroom. I told her I would be back in a few minutes since I was headed outside to smoke. She agreed, declined my invitation to join me, and off I went. I smoked two, locked up, got a drink of water, killed the lights, and ended up in front of our bed. It was a vision of an angel, the lights were on, the television was on, and my naked wife was sprawled out across the bed sideways. As tempting as this might all look, it was probably best, she looked tired, amazing, but tired, I was sore from my ass whoopin’, so I just fixed her in the bed and was out within a matter of minutes. When I woke up the next morning I realized I just had my very own Magic Weekend and figured I would have a go at telling my story. I remember now, that moments like these don’t happen on purpose, nor does everyone get to be as lucky as I am having the wife I have. She might not always agree with me but she will always be at my side, even if she is passed out cold bare assed naked.

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Just Put It Down And Drive

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Yes, you heard me, I’m sure I’m talking to you, just drive and watch the road around you. These are words I not only preach but I also practice them as well. Those who know me will tell you I will take a phone away from a person if they are behind the drivers wheel of a vehicle when I’m a passenger. Those people who know me would tell you that I say there is no need to be on your phone talking, texting, or surfing because whatever it is can wait. Let’s use these two pictures as an example of what happens when someone takes their eyes off the road to check a text. Unfortunately, now she will pay more to have it fixed than she paid for the car in the first place. Well, the insurance will be paying because she has a zero deductible. I actually need to back all of this up a bit and provide a little history so every bit of this makes sense. But, before we begin, a message to Allison, who I told I was going to write about her and her accident. I hope you understand, Allison, that I’m a bit pissed with you. You were lucky …………….. this time.

To begin with I met Allison some years ago. She was 24 when she decided to get out of the Navy since she said 5 1/2 years of the 6 years was to long. She began as a waitress at Club X and eventually decided she wanted more money and began stripping. She was also going to school full-time at the University of Houston getting her degree in radiology of some sorts. Makes me a bad friend I guess because I can’t recall the specifics, oh well. She knew I would go to state auctions that featured vehicles seized for one reason or another. One weekend she invited herself along with me, my son, and my dad. This older Mercedes caught her eye, she liked it allot because it was a convertible. She got it at a good price in my opinion, $5,700.00, since the original sticker on it was somewhere close to $80,000.00. Of course, at auction, you buy the vehicle “as is” with no warranty or guarantee, so the risk falls fully on the shoulders of the buyer. She obviously thought the risk was worth it at the price she paid. She was real lucky with her great buy, she needed to have the leather replaced on the driver’s seat, had to have the trunk liner replaced, and she had to replace all 4 tires. She put that additional $3,000.00 into the car and she was on her way.

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When she graduated form UH she actively pursued a job that would become her career and soon enough she walked out of the doors of Club X to strip no more for the very last time. Life was pretty good for Allison, her career was going great and she has recently gotten engaged, setting the date for the fall of 2014. She had everything going for her and she couldn’t ask for life to be any better. This past weekend she was on her way to pick up her fiancé to go to the Christmas party being hosted by the hospital she works for when she decided to text him to let him know she was running late. Before she hit “send” all hell broke loose as she came to a very abrupt stop in the middle of the road. She had struck a deer that was standing in the road while she was looking down to send her text. She watched the deer limp off the road and into the tree line then she lost sight of it since it was dark. She called me to ask me what she should do. I informed her that she needed to contact TPWD (Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.) for the phone number of the game warden in the area because the game warden will come out to the scene to locate the animal. If he finds it he will dispatch it and remove it. Other than being very shook up she was un-injured. She told me that she needed to make some calls and make some arrangements, so thanks for my help.

The following day she sent the pictures to me asking me what I think. What do I think? She really didn’t want to hear what I had to say so I kept it to myself. I will say it here tho, I know she will read it here, and I hope it makes sense to her as I did tell her I was going to write about it and use her accident as an example. She neither agreed or disagreed so I’m just running with it. Here are my thoughts on her accident. One could make the argument that she would have hit the deer regardless of her phone activity. That is both true and false. Had she not taken her eyes off the road she might have had the time to react. So, in reality, that argument is invalid and therefore I deem the subject closed from this point forward. Luckily she was not traveling at a higher speed, she was going around 40mph she says. This could have been much worse than just a trashed Mercedes, a crimpled deer, and her getting her nerves shook up a little. She could have died. She could have killed someone else. For what? A text? In my opinion there is zero excuse for being on your phone while you are driving. If it is so damn important then pull over and handle it. I hope you understand, Allison, that I’m a bit pissed with you. You were lucky …………….. this time.

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What You Never Knew About These Drugs


The nature of the human beast is to explore and experiment. So, growing up most of us are taught that drugs can and will do many scary things to the human brain and body. We have all seen that these effects can be blown out of proportion, making it seem like a few tokes at a party can send you spiralling into addiction,  and then leading to a life of crime. The drugs listed below are worse than anything you were ever warned about. These drugs can and will fuck your life up beyond repair. Anybody that has been around me a bit knows that I don’t judge what a person does in their life. Well, that is not exactly true, if you are fucktard I will judge you. So let’s look at ten (10) really fucked up drugs and explore why you may not want to have them enter your body by any means.


  • A drug with potential side effects like sleep-walking, sleep-driving and occasionally sleep-spewing.
  • Zolpidem, more commonly known as “Ambien” is a sleeping pill that was developed as an alternative to Valium. And most of the time, it works pretty well. You can take one, fall asleep, and then wake up in the morning without further incident.
  • For some people though, Zolpidem can cause people to do all kinds of crazy shit while asleep. There are many cases of people on Zolpidem crashing cars and claiming to be asleep, and that’s just the warm up.
  • Do a little research about all the side effects which are being hidden from the public but are public record.


  • The drug criminals blow into your face.
  • Scopolamines ability to cause amnesia suggestibility has been exploited by Colombian criminals.
  • Criminals in Colombia have been blowing powder into the faces of victims, who then happily empty their bank accounts or assist in the robbing of their own house. The morning after, the victim has no idea what has happened.
  • Scopolamine is a drug that causes amnesia and suggestibility. The really scary thing about this drug is how easy it is to administer.
  • There have been rumors of people being drugged in the United States through touching business cards soaked in scopolamine.


  • Despite a wholesome reputation, is in fact a hallucinogenic.
  • The same stuff that’s probably sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now is one hell of a crazy drug.
  • High doses of nutmeg can induce hallucinations; which has led many people strapped for cash or wanting a legal alternative to the more famous hallucinogens to throw back massive doses of a kitchen spice.
  • These trips are normally unpleasant and more closely resemble psychotic detachment from reality as opposed to the psychedelic sixties.
  • Accompanying the hallucinations is severe anxiety, and a sense of impending doom.
  • The physical effects are also pretty harsh with rapid heart rate and palpitations, dry mouth, nausea and urinary retention all being reported.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

  • Human growth hormone or HGH is, as you would expect, a hormone found in humans that is necessary for growth.
  • Athletes have been known to inject HGH because they believe it will help with recovery after training.
  • There can be some very nasty side effects. The most intense one is a condition called acromegaly.
  • Acromegaly causes skin to get thicker, the hands and feet to swell and the jaw line to become more pronounced causing gaps between the teeth.
  • The early days of HGH use were even scarier, as it was sourced from dead bodies.
  • This practice led to many cases of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, a brain disorder similar to mad cow disease.


  • Acts like a super-charged version of LSD, with trips lasting up to 3 days.
  • Bromo-dragonfly is a drug that is named because its molecular structure looks like a dragonfly.
  • Bromo-dragonfly is sometimes sold as LSD, because it’s active at low enough doses to be put on a tab.
  • While an LSD trip usually lasts a few hours, Bromo-dragonfly can be active for up to 3 days, and can have a range of nasty side effects.
  • These include seizures, spasms in your veins and blood vessel constriction. Amputation of limbs is required in severe cases.
  • The trips have been described as being “dragged to hell and back again”.


  • Rimonadant, the anti-pot, can cure munchies but cause depression.
  • Getting the munchies is one of the most well known symptoms of marijuana smoking. Scientists figured that if they made a drug that had the opposite effect on the body, they could make people less hungry.
  • Rimonabant was born, a drug that works in the same places in the brain as cannabis but has exactly the opposite effect.
  • This strategy worked and the drug was approved for weight loss. Rimonabant was also found to have opposite effects to weed in other areas too. It increases sperm motility, and improves short-term memory in animals.
  • Rimonabant has the opposite effect of pot and was withdrawn from the market pretty quickly after it was revealed it was making people depressed and suicidal.


  • This “Super-Heroin” is 5000 times stronger than heroin, and can overdose a human simply through skin contact.
  • Heroin has caused untold levels of despair, suffering and bad PSAs. So you might be surprised to learn that scientists sat down and developed a drug 5000 times as strong.
  • Etorphine is a drug that works in the same way as heroin and morphine, but never really took off on the streets because it’s too potent to do anything besides instantly kill humans.
  • Its only use is to sedate large animals, and 1/100th of a gram can knock out a 6614 lb. elephant.
  • Contact with skin can be enough to cause an overdose in humans, so whenever the drug is used an assistant with an antidote has to be ready to Pulp Fiction you in case of an accident.

2,4-Dinitrophenol or DNP

  • DNP burns fat in humans so well, it raised body temperatures and cooks the user from the inside.
  • 2,4-Dinitrophenol or DNP is a drug that screws up the way your body uses energy.
  • Normally the food you eat is turned into energy to keep your heart beating and let your muscles move and if you eat too much energy, the excess is stored as fat.
  • DNP is a drug that was used for weight loss in the 1930s, because it totally screwed with the way your body used energy so that energy is used up without any effort on your part.
  • While this may sound like the best invention ever, there’s a drawback. The drug was discontinued in 1938 because people were literally cooking from the inside, with massively raised body temperature, heart rate and sweating that was often fatal.
  • Amazingly, the drug is available through online pharmacies and people are still taking it, and it’s still killing them.

Dimethylheptylpyran “DMHP”

  • Dimethylheptylpyran, the super powerful synthetic marijuana.
  • Dimethylheptylpyran is a US military designed marijuana so potent that a 1mg dose can leave soldiers unable to perform their duties for up to 3 days.
  • From the 1950s to the 1970s the US military had a fun little side project at the Edgewood Arsenal. They would give soldiers various drugs and chemical agents to see what happened. One of these was a super potent version of marijuana called ‘dimethylheptylpyran’ or DMHP.
  • However, rather than a couple of joints, 0.0002 g is all the DMHP the person needed.
  • At 1mg doses soldiers were completely unable to perform their duties for up to 3 days.
  • The fucktards over at Edgewood thought they had stumbled across the ideal non-lethal incapacitating agent. One could just spray the enemy base with DMHP and walk in an hour later with no resistance.
  • By the late 1970s more effective chemical warfare agents had been weaponized, and the research was stopped.


  • Krokodil is a cheaply produced drug that has similar effects to heroin, but with side effects that include literally eating away at the flesh of the user.
  • A series of reactions with over the counter painkillers and easily available chemicals can create a drug called desomorphine that has similar effects to heroin.
  • Cooking up painkillers, lighter fluid, and cleaning oils in a kitchen doesn’t result in a pure product. A brown gunk called Krokodil is produced.
  • The mixture was named for its tendency to turn the skin of users scaly and reptilian as the toxic by-products eat away at the flesh. Heavy use leaves flesh grey and dead, sometimes rotting away to the bone.

Okay boys, girls, and the usual fucktard, this information was not provided so y’all could increase your stash it was done to increase your repertoire of knowledge. I know, since I am not stupid (all the time), that there are those of you who are thinking it is pretty cool that all of these fabulous drugs can still be found on the market today. This should not be the time that y’all take an opportunity to call your hook up to see if they can get you things off of your new shopping list. In my twisted way this is to serve as an educational tool and provide a little humor on behalf of all the dumb bastards that had to show society that they are indeed not super-human. As much as I enjoyed reading all about these drugs and as much as I enjoyed writing about them, there comes a time when a post has to come to an end. This is that time. Now, go find something useful to do with yourselves, just keep your hands on top of the table where everyone can see them because I know where some of your minds go sometimes.

Is the United States still “viewed” as a world superpower?


I really find it interesting listening to the people around me, different media outlets, and on different forums because everybody seems to have an opinion about not having an opinion. Here’s mine. Eventhough we have the most feared military ever known to mankind we have a government which operates like a freaking barrel of monkeys. We rely on jackasses to make decisions for our country that are heard and seen worldwide. Yet, we the people only worry about what the new flavor of coffee will be at Starbucks. We trust the elitist group of Fucktards with the operations of our country when they should be the last damn people on the planet to be given the keys to the country. As citizens of the United States of America why do we sit back everyday and just watch as we get our asses handed to us? Personally, when it comes to politics and politicians, I could really give a flying fuck simply because most of them were elected to do a job yet choose not to do it everyday as their personal way of not doing business as usual. We have stood for this for way too many years. People are finally pulling their collective heads out of their asses and realizing that there is nothing left, there is no hope, and if we recover what will be left standing will not be what was promised. I have been accused of disliking our President on more than one occasion because I think that everyone in that office should be held accountable for their actions, their words, and the ability to make the best decisions for this country. Am I wrong for wanting our President to be responsible? When the politicians can play well together it is the American people who get punished. Why? We didn’t fuck things up. We didn’t write checks that can’t be cashed. Do the politicians listen to the masses, listen to the people who put them in power, or give a shit how their stupidity reflects on us as a country? The answer is a big fat fucking NO. But they sure worry about their fucking legacy though. Here’s my legacy. I get up every morning to go to work to provide an income for my family, to provide healthcare for my family, to put a roof over our heads, and to put food on our table. I pay my bills with the money I earned and I stay well within a very balanced budget. My children will remember me for being a good father who looked out for their best interests first. I don’t want to die and my wife and kids be stuck with a big fat bill. On the other side of the court we get to constantly see and hear how our government is broken, how we as a country are broke, and how the politicians have their heads so far up in the clouds that they really don’t care about any of us. Why do I need to pay for what another jackhole politician fucks up? Why does one single American need to bear the responsibilities of politicians because those politicians can’t and won’t do their damn jobs? Why? I will tell you why. Too many Americans have just thrown up their hands in disgust, they waive the white flag signaling their surrender, and accept that they will be a slave to the very government which was democratically elected to protect them. Do you feel protected? Do you feel secure? Me either. I wake up every morning amazed that the Stars and Stripes still wave and our fucking country wasn’t given away overnight in some dark backroom deal. I can’t even watch television any longer because the only thing that is ever on is the stupidity of the day provided by our fantastic politicians. But they are elite, they don’t have the same rules as us, they don’t have the same laws as us, and they know it. I think that any law or bill that is passed for the American people should affect the all American people straight across the board. The elite should not be able to opt out or waivered out or able to buy their way out. What is good for me should be good enough for politicians, Congress, the Senate, and even Mr. President. If it is good enough to be a part of my life than it should be good enough to be a part of their lives as well. But, we know better. We know that they get choices we as the American people don’t have. It has zero to do with party affiliation because they have the blank checks written out by force from the American people. Well, piss off, I would like to close my checkbook from this point forward. I just want them to do their fucking jobs, worry about the American people first, and start being responsible for their actions. Is that too much to ask? I still say that one day I will wake up and there won’t be an America any longer. It won’t be my fault. But I will get blamed and you will get blamed for any and all of their fractured failures. Why can’t we point our finger and tell them to their face that we think they are doing an absolutely fucking lousy job running our country? I think we know that they don’t care. I think we know that they are beyond taking what the American people want into consideration. I didn’t fuck this country up! I think when the government wants to cut back it should start with their paychecks. Perhaps if we talk to their wallets they would better understand the rest of us. If these politicians, the President and Congress included, were working in the factories of America they would be fired. When you don’t do your job in the real world you get fired. You are punished for fucking up. You are held responsible for your actions. Unfortunately over the years the elite politicians have a protocol which allows them to do their absolute worst work in the best interests of the American people and still have a job the next day. Must be nice not to have to give a fuck about anything and still get a fat paycheck every week. Personally, I have to give a fuck, I have to care, because if I don’t then I can’t pay my bills, can’t feed my family, and would have to find us a nice box to cozy up into out in the vacant lot somewhere. Not the politicians, they don’t have our rules, they don’t have our resolve for doing the right thing whether anyone is looking or not. Here’s to you, the fucking politicians, you are fired. And, because you fucked over our country for so many years you have been stripped of your fucking titles and status, you have been stripped of your retirement packages and your lifetime elitist healthcare. Now you are fucked so just move on, better yet, go ahead and get the hell out of the country which you so desperately have tried to destroy. I’ll hold the door for you, just get to walking. Don’t look back because we don’t want you back, we want you gone. Does anyone actually think that any of them care that there is at least one person, me, pissed because they choose not to do their fucking jobs? Yes, I know, they could care less. Fuck them all. I extend that same sentiment which they extend to me. Just shut the fuck up, suck up your whining pride, wipe your noses, and fix everything that you have fucked up. Everyone says they agree that shit is broken, stop trying to swing deals and just fix it, period.

When She Changed Her Mind


It’s been a while since I’ve extracted an interview from my little black notebook. I find myself getting backlogged in my own crap at times with the things I do here at the blog. I suppose I was trying to make a seamless transition when combining everything together. But, as it works out, I think it is pretty much all straight or at least as straight as it can be. With that being said and other business being squared away I have dipped into the pages of my notebook. I was looking for something very specific after getting an e-mail from a pissed off teacher. It reminded me that I had been wanting to tell the story of a small town teacher who gives up everything, moves to Houston, and finds herself working at Club X. For those of y’all new to my blog(s) I will give a quick rundown. I was a bartender at a full nude strip bar here in Houston Texas. I’ve never been comfortable giving out the name of the club and when I write about it or my time there I will always refer to it as Club X. So, if you are new here just look to the right for the link that reads “Scorpion Sting’s Bartender Stories” and you will see a small selection of surviving stories. So many stories were lost when my Google account was killed off, I think there were a little over 300, I found and saved like 12 of them. If you are easily offended by adult language, adult situations, human anatomy, or talking about nude women, this might be the time for you to just like my post and leave unwounded and intact. Starting with the next paragraph I will begin with the story. Some of y’all might consider it to be a little graphic so closing of the eyes will be accepted. Y’all ready? Let’s GO!

Once upon a time in a small town in west Texas named Fabens there was a young lady who was a teacher. This teacher was born and grew up in Fabens. When she graduated high school Stacy left to attend Texas A & M University to study to get her teaching degree. She had hopes of teaching in the local elementary school back in Fabens. 4 1/2 years later she remembers walking into her 4th grade class for the first time. She recalls in order to explain that she grew up a very sheltered girl. She had scholastic interests which got in the way of dating in high school and had all of two failed relationships. When I asked her why she considered them failures she was real blunt with me. My first clue that she wasn’t going to be holding back. She said the first guy was nice enough. After a year or so he began pressing her for sexual relations and when she declined he walked away never saying another word to her. The second guy, she says with a giggle, is still in prison. Prison, why? On their 4th date he took her out to a deserted road, threatened her with a knife and told her the only way she will survive the night is if she fucks him until she passes out from exhaustion. Scared, she began to comply by slowly getting undressed. The whole time she was trying to figure out how to get away. She was sure she was about to have her virginity raped away from her. After she removed all of her clothes she pulled her legs back. She says that she was hoping to just distract him for one second. She aged him on a bit since he wasn’t moving very fast by telling him “here is what you are after so get to fucking”. Upset, he slapped her, cutting her lip open, and then he went to thrust into her for the first time. Somehow, she said, she ended up with the knife in her hand, and before his dick touched her she shoved a 7″ blade to the hilt straight up thru his balls into his abdomen. There was blood everywhere. She grabbed her clothes and took off running. She stopped when she got home. After explaining to her dad what happened he went looking for him. Fortunately he made it to the hospital emergency room so he was easy to find. He was sentenced 15 years for attempted rape and the battery of a minor with a deadly weapon, this all happened in 2007. Next thing she knew she was in college and then graduating. She has survived college and now wants to return to her hometown to teach. Which is where it all began.

One of her friends decided to not go to college and moved to Houston to see what life in the big city had to offer. Her friend found out real fast that money doesn’t grow on trees in the big city and she had better find a job fast or she would be living with the bums down on the bayou. She was able to avoid the typical fast food jobs and found herself working as the receptionist at Porsche dealership. She figured the only reason she got the job was because she had a nice smile and boobs. This job paid pretty good, started her out at $13.00 an hour which was decent for what she had to do, answer the phones, take messages, and direct the people traffic. She worked there around 3 years until one day she came into work and there was a new receptionist at her desk, she was blonder, had a nicer smile, and better boobs. When her friend asked questions she was told she had been laid off due to her position no longer being available. Was she pissed? Not really because she was pretty bored of the job anyway. On her way home she decided to go the back way because it was mid morning and the traffic would not be too bad. As she drove by Club X she saw a giant banner advertising a mud wrestling contest with a $10,000.00 grand prize for first place. She stopped in to get some details. She won the mud wresting matches and ended up being number one which meant she just got paid for doing something she was good at. She was offered a job and she took it. Not long after-words she invited Stacy to come visit her so they could catch up. It just so happened that it was spring break so Stacy decided what the hell. When she arrived in Houston to meet her friend, Sonia, she was amazed at how well things were working out for her. They had a grand day sight-seeing and going out to eat. Later in the evening they found themselves at a few different clubs to go dancing and drinking. They went back to Sonia’s house where they slept it all off. That night Sonia was getting ready to go to work and left an address for Stacy to come to later. She said it will be fun. Stacy was told to flirt with the bartender a bit and he will give her free drinks. When Stacy arrived at the address via taxi she called Sonia to verify she was at the right place, which was confirmed. Not knowing exactly what to think she went ahead and went in. She mentioned she was a friend of Sonia and she was escorted straight to the bar because Sonia let them know to expect her. From my point of view, Stacy looked very lost and very out-of-place, yet she fit in nicely. Stacy had asked me to point out Sonia’s location. At just the time I spotted her she was walking to the bar. They sat there and talked for a while and then it was time for Sonia to go to work. It was Sonia’s turn to dance on the stage which was also my bar. She put on one hell of a show, almost made me blush watching her.

Throughout the night Stacy stayed at the bar where she drank whatever I would put out in front of her. She recalls that I got her really drunk and wondered to herself what I wanted from her in return. When the night came to an end they both disappeared into the shadows to head home. Stacy says that Sonia convinced her to try out for a position on the team and test the waters a bit and see if she could make any money. But, she had a job she kept thinking. She figured what the hell because she was on vacation and quite simply nobody knew who she was anyway because she was so far from home. Stacy came in early and did an audition for the trainer and did an impressive job from what I understood. She was offered a provisional position for 2 weeks to see if she worked out or not. I explained what the “provisional position” stood for and meant in plain English. I had to tell her, I felt obligated to tell her that for the first couple of weeks she may think she is making allot of cash but what she takes home will be around 60% less since she will have to cash out every night. She remembers her first night as if it were last night. There was a heavy scent of alcohol, cigarettes, and sex in the club. The lights were bright and the music was so loud she felt every thump inside her body. The music began to speak to her, it began to inspire her, and she found the music released her inner stripping beast. She felt as if she was on fire and couldn’t wait to take off her clothes and had to remind herself that her job was to strip which meant slow the fuck down and enjoy herself. She explains that when she was on stage that as she looked out into the crowd that the lights created halos around everyone and it all became like a dream. She could not believe how excited she had become and she wanted to just continue dancing, never stopping. She danced on the stages only that first night and tells me that it was absolutely fucking amazing. The first night was an experience that she will not soon forget and she thinks about it when she is feeling down. When we were closing on her first night she was called to bar to settle up with her cash out. She had made $3,458.00 and after cashing out she was taking home $1,383.00 as her cut. She left a very happy camper, thinking that she made that amount of money in 5 hours of being at the club. She estimated that in 2 weeks she could take home close to $20,000.00 just for dancing and stripping her clothes to put on a fantasy show. Then reality set in, she had a job, she had a job teaching, a career which she spent allot of money to go to school for. Then she got to thinking, her teaching career will only yield $34,000.00 her first year there and this job would be estimated to make her well over $200,000.00 if she only worked part-time. She decided to finish out the week that she was off from school. On the day that she was to return she counted her earnings, she had made just shy of $11,000.00 and it made her think real hard about going home. Should she just say fuck it and stay? Should she say fuck the money and go back to teaching? Her friend chose to stay out of the thought process and keep quiet. Stacy had made her decision, she grabbed her bag and walked out the door.

The following Monday she arranged a meeting with the principal because she wanted to talk things over with her. After the formalities of the start of the meeting, Stacy presented the principal with her resignation, her keys, and her identification badge. When she was asked what she was going to do now, Stacy replied with a smile and said she is moving to Houston to make a better life for herself financially. She was asked if she will be needing a letter of reference and of course she declined putting them to any trouble since it wasn’t needed. She went home, her parents home where she had been living in her old bedroom to say money, and explained to her parents that she was moving to Houston and please don’t ask any questions. Then, just like that, she got in her car and made the trip back to Houston. When she arrived it was real late and Sonia wasn’t at home so Stacy figured she would pay her a surprise over at the club. She came in and walked up to my bar and asked for a shot of tequila. When I turned with the shot I realized who I was handing it to and to tell the truth, I was very surprised to see her sitting there. She had missed two nights of work and I wasn’t even sure if she still had a job. She planned ahead, she told the trainer she had an emergency back home in Fabens and would return in two days time. She headed off to the dressing rooms to get ready to get to work. She figured nobody was going to pay her to hang out at the bar and shoot the shit with me. I noticed during her first dance of the night that she was a changed person, no longer lost, no longer confused, and was ready to take like by the horns and ride it like she stole it. She said that she hadn’t felt so enthusiastic about anything else so far in her life, she was ready for the career change, the lifestyle change, and her personal change. Getting close to the end of our talk I had to ask her what it was like for a small town girl who considered herself sheltered to be here dancing, to be here stripping, to be here with the purpose of being naked. Her answer surprised the shit out me to be honest. She said for the first time in her life she was in control, she controlled what people thought of her, she controlled what people thought they wanted for her, and she enjoyed the absolute rush of taking a guy to the extremes and back leaving his head spinning wondering what in the fuck just happened. Plus, she wanted a piece of the money that was being offered here. She loves the game of mind-fucking the men to the point where they don’t care how much money they are putting on the table. When I personally quit the club and quit bartending, Stacy had been there about six months or so. She never really changed from having that small town charm. When she danced she owned your mind and she knew it, that is what made her so good at it.