Do I Just Talk The Talk Or …….


………… do I dance the dance as well? This was the subject of a recent question in regards to the idea that it is all things “scorpion” around here. Unfortunately I have attempted to contact Tammy back via the email she left in the contact form but it keeps getting retuned as undeliverable. Oh well, I will just do it this way. I remind others that when using the contact form to be careful to enter your information correctly or I can’t reply by email, this happens note often than not.

I think the answer is yes, I do dance. I took this photo tonigh, to show off the twins. Not something I ever do with strangers, but hey, we’re all family here, right? The twins have no name, at first they were #1 and #2, but I can never tell them apart, so now they just get called the twins. Anyways, I hope this answers any questions that linger. They are not my pets, I merely care for them while observing there peaceful existence. More caregiver than owner, one can only care for mother nature’s creatures, but never own them.

3 responses to “Do I Just Talk The Talk Or …….

Please take time to let The Sting Of The Scorpion know what you are thinking.