Seems There Is A New Way To Do Church


Friends, family, and some people reading this blog already know that I do not promote things or associate with people, things, or places I do not agree with, more specifically in regards to this post, religion in general or churches in general. Anyway, a certain someone decided to spam a post of mine this morning, just to let me know she was checking out my site which must be devil’s work because of the immoral content I post, even on Sundays. Why did I decide to click the link?  Quite simply, it intrigued me just enough to spark interest. To tell y’all the truth, I appreciate the style and how the website’s information was written, especially about the hate mail. While reading, however, I quickly became frustrated because they left out a very important reason people not unlike myself don’t attend church. We don’t attend church because we don’t agree with the message, the brain washing, or the intentions. It really doesn’t matter how hip or fun the church is, the brain washing will always be the same. For some examples, I borrowed the following information from the Eagle Pointe Church website and I even provide you with the link so you can see. I’m sure this is a nice place, but it isn’t a place I will be visiting, consider me one of those unreachable people discussed below.


Eagle Pointe Church

Who we are: about us.

Our goal to bring together and develop a family (a tribe; a group of people) that are willing to do anything short of sin to reach people for Jesus (As long as idea is not unbiblical, unethical, immoral or illegal then it is on the table.) This means that we will do things other churches won’t do in order to reach people other churches are not reaching.

Church for People Who Don’t ‘Do’ Church!“: We strive to be the church that non-church people love to attend. What does this look like:

Traditional in our Theology but very Modern and Untraditional in our Methodology (how we do it). We understand God’s word never changes, but the way we communicate and present His word to the world must constantly be changing. At Eagle Pointe we use every creative resource available (video, creative illustrations, humor, drama, “secular” music, and relevant messages) to communicate Biblical truths in a way that helps long-time Christians, non-Christians, and everyone in between take their lives to the next level and be able to understand the Bible and apply it to their everyday lives.

“This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Church”:

A church that establishes a tradition of being untraditional – where change is expected and embraced. A church that lives out the concept that it is not “Religion” it is a “Relationship.” A church that is more into following Jesus than church-ianity. We strive to create a culture more focused on helping non-church people who did not grow up in the church feel welcome than creating a place where church people feel comfortable. (Jesus came to invite the outsider, not coddle the insiderBTW: Before sending hate email, please know that we have grandma’s who come and love our church, and who love us using that tag line.

A church that brings people in, builds them up, equips them, and then sends them out on a mission.

We are actively involved in our communities reaching out to “people who don’t ‘do’ church”! We mobilize, equip, & send people out to serve locally at children’s homes, homeless shelters, doing mini-home improvement makeovers for single moms & senior citizens, & much more.

We support schools & feeding programs in the Philippines. We have built a church, run medical clinics, work with orphanges, & regularly send med/const mission teams to Haiti.

Many people in the “church world” joke that Eagle Pointe is more of a “missions organization”, than we are a church in the traditional American sense. We take that as a compliment! We believe that when you look at the 1st century church, which is supposed to be the model for every church that followed, that they were much more of a missions organization.

We invite you to come & join us as we lead people to “Love God – Love Others – & Serve the World!

Who we are: what to expect

Basically, you can “Expect the Unexpected”.

Expect the Unexpected when you walk in:

If you have never been to church, or come from a very traditional church back ground, you might be surprised by our laid back approach on Sunday mornings. When you come to one of our services we want you to come as you are… the real you. If you like suits and ties that’s fine, but the pastor will most likely be wearing jeans, and a whatever style shirt he has on we can guarantee it will almost never be tucked in. Some argue that you should dress up for church to give “God your best”. We know that God looks past what you are wearing and sees straight into your heart. He cares more about what is on the inside than how you cover the outside. So come as you are, God loves you and so will Eagle Pointe Church.

Expect the Unexpected in our services:

At Eagle Pointe we believe that boring church is a sin, and that is why at Eagle Pointe we use every creative resource available – video, creative illustrations, humor, drama/skits, modern “secular” music, and relevant messages that help people on Monday through Saturday, not just on Sundays. You never know exactly what is coming from one service to the next. The one thing you can always expect is that God’s word will be presented in a relevant way and help you see how you can apply it to your everyday life.

Expect the Unexpected in our community:

This is where we tend to upset a lot of more traditional churches and christians (but that’s okay, we’re used to people being ticked off at us). Again, Jesus came to invite the outsider, not coddle the insider! In addition to a tremendous amount of local mission work, we also do big events in our community like our “I Am That Hero 5K” – a 5K & family festival where everyone dresses up like superheroes and honors our community’s local heroes. We do motorcycle poker runs and benefit concerts at local bars, and more. There are many reasons why we do these things: to honor local heroes, help causes in our community, raise money for mission work in Haiti and the Philipinnes, etc. However, a big part of the reason is that why are trying to reach out to and connect with people no other churches are reaching (those who don’t ‘do’ church). We believe it is our responsibility to go to where the people are, not sit around hoping they come to us (we’re pretty sure that’s what Jesus did).

Please take time to let The Sting Of The Scorpion know what you are thinking.