Some Things Cannot Be Explained Easily


While watching the latest of the Star Trek movies, “Star Trek: Into Darkness” with my family over the weekend I got into an unusual conversation with my 13 y/o son about Captain James T. Kirk. Actually, it all started when I giggled outloud a bit during the scene which shows Kirk in bed with two females, both of which have tails. My son asked what was so funny. What’s so funny? Where do u start? How do I start? I told him it could wait until the movie was over, meanwhile my wife is on the other couch in tears because she is laughing so hard. Luckily for dear ol’ dad here the fragile mind of my son had drifted off to sleep before the movie ended.


I’m sure the conversation will come up again, soon, and I am worried about my answer. There is only one answer and there isn’t any way if sugar coating it, Captain Kirk, as a character, had a reputation for fucking anything that would let him. He gives new meaning to intergalactic ladies man if you ask me. So, suggestions?


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