The Magic Weekend Still Lives On!

One of the themes I have here is The Magic Weekend and it is stories about y’all emailed to me by y’all for all of the readers here to read and enjoy. For information on how to participate, see the link for it at the top of the blog. Since I have been sort of busy I have held off posting this one but now I seem to have a bit of spare time. So here we go, off to never never land……….


The Breakup

It was a dark and stormy night when I found out that my fiance was a two bit cheating whore. Up until this night we had been dating for just at a year and engaged for the past three months, we were going to be married at the end of this coming November. So let me go back about a year and a half ago to how we met. Shortly after graduating from UT, a friend of mine set me up with an interview with an architectural contracting firm in Houston. On the day of my interview I was first introduced to Rey, who was the secretarial associate who was in the room when you walk in. In there all by herself, sitting behind an open desk, wearing a very short skirt, and decided this day to go commando. I know this only because of where I was sitting waiting for my appointment, since she would cleverly cross and uncross her legs every few minutes, it was very distracting. She knew I was looking but would never make any eye contact with me. In the end, I had my interview and was told I would be contacted with a decision by the end of the week, this was on a Monday morning.

Late the following Friday afternoon, I get a call from Rey, it’s bad news, I was not selected for the position. However, it was pointed out that it was good news as well, because she tells me now I can ask her out for drinks and it not be in violation of the company no fraternization policy. We decided to meet up at The Aquarium, a very nice restaurant, to have dinner and drinks. We waited at the bar until our table was ready until she began to excuse herself to use the ladies room. She returned almost immediately claiming she had something very interesting I was going to want to see. As we approach the rest rooms she grabs my hand and makes a straight shot for the family rest room where we both go in. She locks the door, unzips my pants, grabbing my member as she bends over spreading herself open. I’m a commanding voice she tells me, not ask, tells me to just fuck her hard and then we can enjoy the rest of the evening. I was past the point of saying no, so I did as I was commanded to do, I fucked her hard.

When we got back to the bar we were informed are table was ready and we were immediately seated. Once we left the rest room not a word was spoken about what had just happened. We ate, had a few drinks, talked about life, and, in general, just had a great date together. After the date, I dropped her off at her place when she told me the dreaded phrase, “I’ll call you soon”. I know what that means, I’ve been around enough to know this was going to be the first and last date. It was sad really, but then, it had been a while since I had been laid, so it was a positive date for me also. The following morning she called me asking for my address, she wanted to bring me doughnuts after she was done at the gym. OK, sure, why not. This phone call was at 5:10 am, she showed up just after 9 am, packing a dozen doughnuts to boot. We sat around, talked, ate the doughnuts, and after that she said it was time for her to go. After she left I called a friend of mine so he could help me figure things out here, according to him, at this point we are dating.

Life went on, with the good came a little bad, but mostly it was a great relationship. Now, here in the present time I wished I saw all of the signs which would have stopped me from making a mistake, sure, I can see them now, but only now, which is torturous beyond belief. What started the breakup argument? See the picture? It is a picture of Rey. See the guy sitting there? It’s not me. How did I get ahold of the picture? We were at dinner at my parents house, she was in the bathroom with my little sister doing hair. Her phone rings and she tells me to answer it. It was her sister confirming their shopping plans the next day. I noticed she had a text message waiting so she said to see what it is, so I did, and the message with that picture just said “thanks for stopping by last night, it was fun”. In a matter of seconds, after looking through her phone a bit, this picture was one of maybe one hundred I saw and I was getting pissed. Pictures of her, pictures of her with guys, pictures of her with girls, pictures of her male friends naked, and so on. Now, now I’m beyond pissed. She walked out just as I set her phone on the kitchen counter with that message on display. Then all hell literally broke loose. She wasn’t apologizing, she was making a thousand excuses, all which were bullshit.

It was definitely over that night, we were officially done, relationship terminated, and the wedding called way off. Yes, I was that blind I guess, but I look back and see times where everything she was doing fit right in. We haven’t spoken since, she sees my mom at the grocery store every once in a while but my mom won’t give her the time of day. Never once has she tried to talk to me, tried to make it right, explain, or nothing. I guess we can say I know I have moved on, I don’t know about Rey.

2 responses to “The Magic Weekend Still Lives On!

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