My Inbox Is Alway Open For Sharing

But y’all already know that my inbox and fb messenger is always open. One of my favorite things about this blog is all of the emails and messages I get from readers who want to share one thing or another with me and most of the time so it can get posted on the blog. There is a long history here with quite a few if my readers, especially the transplants who followed over from blogspot. Everyone knows that if you send me pictures that I will most likely post them up so everyone can see. The latest group of pictures were to say hello, show me tattoos, show me the Halloween costume that was picked, and yes, let’s not forget showing the boobs, boobs are always welcome and always appreciated. With that being said, here are the censored versions of what I pleasantly found waiting in my email this morning. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to more in the future.


Please take time to let The Sting Of The Scorpion know what you are thinking.