Finally, ZZ Top with Jeff Beck


Finally, ZZ Top with Jeff Beck will be back here in Houston. Oddly enough, I had bought tickets for my son and I to attend the scheduled concert on 12 September 2014, but do to an injury the concert was delayed, indefinitely I was thinking. These tickets were bought for my sons 13th birthday in August 2014. The rest of us go to concerts on a pretty regular basis, normally leaving my son in the wind either because of his lack of interest or his age. But, he is allot like me, really likes the classic rock versus all the garbage one hears these days. Luckily for me we have that musical interest in common, luckily he is a giant ZZ Top fan as well. So, I surprised him for his 13th birthday when I got wind this little ‘ol band from Texas was coming home to the very town of there origins and roots, Houston. Well, as I mentioned, the original date was killed off, but the new day is literally just a few days away. So, this Saturday evening, on 02 May 2015, my son and I will be going to what is his very first live concert, which is ironic, ZZ Top was my very first concert as well back in the late 70s, I think I was like 11 or 12 at the time.

Is he excited? What do you think, of course he is excited. As well, I’m very excited, I will continue the tradition that started with my oldest daughter, who is turning 25 this year, I took her to her first concert when she was 7 in Sante Fe New Mexico. Then, of course last year, she and my 3 year old grand daughter joined the rest of us here in Houston to see Kiss and Def Leopard. My, now 18 year old daughter had her first taste of a concert with me when we went and saw Metallica in Vegas many years ago, and then Iron Maiden a few years ago. The only one of my children who really shares the full spectrum of hard rock, heavy metal, death metal, and classic rock is my oldest daughter, my other two just tolerate me and “my music”, that includes my dedicated to country music wife. I thought I lost my son to country music a few years ago, but I seemed to got him back on the right track now.

So, now it is my son’s turn will dear ‘ol dad to witness another rock & roll icon and legend, ZZ Top. He’s even found an old pair of dark black big framed sun glasses he plans wearing, in tribute to their classic look and one of his favorite songs. For me, this will my third time seeing ZZ top, but my first ever for Jeff Beck. Does that make me a bad person? You’re right, it does not! We will even be arriving to the concert at The Cynthia Woods Pavilion in definite style, my wife has offered to deliver us in her new Mustang. Well, y’all haven’t heard about that story yet, but I promise I will write a short post about it following this one, it’s a pretty funny story since it began as one thing and ended another way. Anyway, we’ll have front door drop off and pick up service, kinda like one sees when mom or dad is dropping off the teens for a concert. I promise to write a post about concert night, it will be his “first time”, so I’m sure there will be plenty to write about. Until then, hasta la vista mofos!


2 responses to “Finally, ZZ Top with Jeff Beck

  1. First off, welcome back friend. I hope you are recharged and refreshed! I was just at CWM Pavilion for Buzzfest two weekends ago. That kicked some serious ass. I’m going to see 5FDP this Saturday night at the Bayou Music Center. Been waiting two years for this shit. There will be blood. Take it easy brother and enjoy your time with the offspring. Parenting : You’re doing it right!

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  2. Indeed …. welcome back dear friend. You’ve sorely missed. And like a song says: “you’ve been on my mind”!!! Have a wonderful fun …. here ‘s hoping all is well!! ❤

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