My Special Message To The Haters


Here @ The Sting Of The Scorpion Blog there is only one person who makes the choice on what to or not to approve to post, that person is me and only me. At the very least this blog and my other two blogs are here only for the enjoyment of the person who created, posts to, and maintains them, me. I can appreciate the concerns of a handful of people who have expressed to me, on more than one occasion, that I’m heading straight to hell if I don’t change my very misguided ways. Misguided I ask? How so I ask? The answer is always the distinct sound of crickets on a humid summer’s night. I’ve said it once, I’ve said it hundreds of times, I simply don’t give two flying fucks. Now I’m done with the haters, y’all can suck it, choke on it, and spit up chunks, I will continue to post as I fucking please.

Now, for everyone else, I appreciate y’all visiting, browsing, and commenting. Many of y’all have joined the call to arms by becoming a part of and supporting The Scorpion Army throughout the years and y’all pack my email with loads of fantastic information and pictures, something I will always be in debt to y’all for. There have been changes here and there are more on the horizon as I write this post today.

This blog isn’t for fucking everybody, especially is the word fuck bothers you, especially if you don’t like knowing the other things people do in their lives, and especially if you find this blog beneath your standards of quality. Hopefully, at the very least, y’all get a little entertainment each time you visit. Just sit back, loosen the top button, relax, and start clicking, there is much to see at The Sting Of The Scorpion Blog.

9 responses to “My Special Message To The Haters

  1. I fucking love you the way you are …. ❤ …. keep on trucking!! No need to change your ways!! " The Scorpion Army" still active? The fan club? I'm still the "prez"?!!
    Hugs, dear friend!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Fuck has always been one of my fav words 😉 And if for some reason I didn’t like something you wrote or a pic you post, I can leave and check out your next post! These are OUR blogs damn it 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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