Now I’m Just A Little Fucking Pissed


I hope the right motherfuckers are going to be reading this post because I have a message for you that you motherfuckers need to listen to and understand. I reference three physical letters of response I received yesterday after I spent hours, many of them months ago, filling out forms, questionnaire, social surveys, household income surveys, military background questionnaires, background checks, applications, and residency verification. Thanks for allowing me to waste my fucking time and your time. I look back now at the time it took y’all to process everything and see why people are frustrated with the fucking wait. Y’all fuckers want to know what is super fucked up? I qualified for the three services I applied for based on my income, employment status, and residency according to all three of the assistance organizations legal standards. I think I get the picture tho, because I really find it to be racial, because NO other reasons were given, unless “we’re sorry you were not qualified for assistance” is a reason. Is it because I’m white that assistance isn’t available? Since I’m white I shouldn’t be unemployed? Is that why we need me to list my race? Is that the first page y’all fucks look at?

Personally, now that a clear stance has been made, I’m beginning to understand what many people say these days, and that is that you need me to have a job because so many depend on my paycheck. I’ve been busting my ass working since I was 14, to include my time in the Air Force and the last fifteen years since I got out of the military. For what exactly? To be told by people who hide behind a form letter that because I’m white I don’t qualify for financial aid or any kind of anything, not even food stamps, nothing. That’s fucking great, I understand now that I am not allowed into the elite group because I’m not an alcoholic, drug dependant, I don’t have excess children with different last names, I’m legal to be in the United States, I’m white, I’m not a felon, I own my guns legally, I am a disabled veteran, and I’ve never received anything in any form of prior assistance. What exactly does it take for help for a white man when I’m in need? I could really do with less go fuck yourself letters!

But why should you give a flying fuck about me? Did I not donate to your political party? Do I not support the government your way? Is it because I speak English and don’t believe I need to push “1” for English? Why? Being white and speaking English seems to be holding me back. Oh, yea, btw, I appreciate all of my original paperwork y’all sent me to fill out being in Spanish, it was a real pleasure contacting your offices to have forms sent to me in English. I’m bet my German last name really fucking confused you fucktards. Or is it just the government standard to shotgun blast out Spanish forms in hopes of identifying potential illegal voters? Don’t worry, I’m not the only one that knows that even dead or fictional characters get to vote, receive government assistance, and are signed up for obamacare. But as long as there are politicians and government offices it is only going to get worse. But fuck, why do you care, you got a job, a paycheck, and get to fuck with people’s lives for entertainment. Yay you!

Sadly, like the voices of many legal American citizens, my voice remains muted. I’m the wrong color living in the wrong state to to quality for anything more than being on a mailing list. Let’s not forget, you overly arrogant motherfuckers, that y’all sent me the initial bullshit in the mail offering the assistance, I did not seek you out. Who would of thought sending shit to a person with a German last name would have result in that person being white? Do I think our system is fucking broke? Yes. Do I think this system is racist? Yes. Do I personally think it will ever change? Not in my fucking lifetime it won’t. So fuck you, that’s why, I will figure something out.

2 responses to “Now I’m Just A Little Fucking Pissed

  1. I like the way you told them to stick their Schadenfreude up their progressive / communism loving asses. I applied for TANF once a long time ago back when I was fresh out of the Marines making $8.50 an hour trying to support a wife and child. I was honest about everything. You want to know what the motherfuckers told me? My VA check put me over the financial limit to qualify by $28. My VA check, you know, the one YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO REPORT AT ALL. They told me to sell my car or move into a cheaper rented place (my rent was 450, btw). Meanwhile, there were folks in that office wearing Exxon Mobil uniforms who were being handed cards right there on the spot to take back down to the parking lot to get into their Cadillac Escalade’s to go to the grocery store. I lost my fucking mind and gave everyone of those mooching ass liars in that room a piece of my mind that day. From then on I knew it was a club that my Caucasian ass was not invited to be in. No worries though, we made it through with just a little bit more hard work on my end by picking up weekend work through the classifieds. I’d rather keep my pride in tact knowing that I made improvements in my life happen than beg and plead for help from a system that is designed to encourage voting influence. Fuck em’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • On the flip side, I do have something new to look forward to, hopefully tomorrow to start maybe, a paycheck I worked for would be nice.

      I have found, in the last 8 months, I must be doing something wrong. Then I figured it out, I had work history and I wasn’t lazy, strike one & two, oh, Yea, strike three, I’m white and speak English.


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